
why is drag drop not working as per expectation in

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-08-08 05:17:07
问题 I am trying to automate a simple drag and drop scenario on a website . I am going as per the method provided in cypress doc my sample testcases is : cy.visit("") cy.get('#paletteZone .draggable').first().trigger('mousedown', { which: 1 }) .trigger('mousemove',

Lynx with javascript

安稳与你 提交于 2020-06-10 02:11:46
问题 So I wrote a script in PHP that requires javascript to run with it. I've had a hard time finding the solution on how to run the javascript with php at the same time using some linux tool to make it automatic (since running it in my browser isn't a choice, I need it to be a crontab). Using the "php" command isn't a choice either since it does not run javascript. So I found a solution, it was lynx. So here is my problem: for some reason, the javascript runs in my browser just fine, but not in

Selenium Webdriver switchTo() method fails in Chrome 75

若如初见. 提交于 2020-04-16 05:06:03
问题 Switching to an open tab with Selenium works fine in Chrome 74. However, in 75 I get this message: org.openqa.selenium.InvalidArgumentException: invalid argument: 'handle' must be a string Does anyone else encounter this and how can this be solved except for pinning the Chrome version to 74? 回答1: I was able to resolve the error by adding the below browserstack specific capability in my tests- 'browserstack.use_w3c' : 'true' 来源:

How to Select Current Date and/or Use System Variables or System Calls to Forward Information with Selenium in Python Like Dates and Name Formats

无人久伴 提交于 2020-03-04 18:03:19
问题 So I am trying to select the current date, or use a system call from Powershell or Linux/Mac to a system variable with the OS Module. I need help in understanding the best way about how to go about accomplishing this. Option 1. How can I select the Highlighted date within the Calendar Option 2. How can I use a System Variable that will format the date to what I desire Preferably I like option 2 because the system variable will always be set by that of the computer. So I know that the date is

TestCafe: User Role logs out the user in the first test

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-01-24 20:38:06
问题 I'm trying to implement User Role in my existing tests as I don't want to login in every tests. Here is what my tests look like: const accountUser = Role('https://localhost:9000', async (t) => { await t.wait(1000); await loginPage.login(inputData.emailId, inputData.password); }, { preserveUrl: true }); fixture`login-test` .meta('testingType', 'regression') .requestHooks(mock) test('Add a person', async (t) => { await t.useRole(accountUser); await loginPage.goToPeopleList(inputData

Use all of the requests to answer available at once on a question on Quora from the Google Chrome browser console

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-01-23 03:18:45
问题 I often have to click 25 times on the blue button with a plus next to the suggested profiles that might answer the question I'm interested in on Quora. It's boring. What should I put in the google chrome console to automate this process? 回答1: After you open the modal where you can request answers from other Quora users enter this in the browser console: document.querySelectorAll(`a[aria-label='Request']`).forEach(el =>{}) you don't even need to open the console if you add this as

Breaking out of a Protractor .filter() or .map() loop

北慕城南 提交于 2020-01-20 08:43:56
问题 I'm using Protractor and cucumber framework; how do I break out of a .filter or .map loop? I do not want to continue to iterate further if I found a match! Page.prototype.getElementByKey = function (key) { var foundElement = null; return someElement.all(by.css('.someClass')).map(function (rawItem, index) { var itemObject = new ItemObjectClass(rawItem); return itemObject.getItemKey().then(function (foundItemKey) { var matched = String(foundItemKey).trim() === String(key).trim(); console.log('

Breaking out of a Protractor .filter() or .map() loop

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-01-20 08:43:11
问题 I'm using Protractor and cucumber framework; how do I break out of a .filter or .map loop? I do not want to continue to iterate further if I found a match! Page.prototype.getElementByKey = function (key) { var foundElement = null; return someElement.all(by.css('.someClass')).map(function (rawItem, index) { var itemObject = new ItemObjectClass(rawItem); return itemObject.getItemKey().then(function (foundItemKey) { var matched = String(foundItemKey).trim() === String(key).trim(); console.log('

Breaking out of a Protractor .filter() or .map() loop

心已入冬 提交于 2020-01-20 08:42:07
问题 I'm using Protractor and cucumber framework; how do I break out of a .filter or .map loop? I do not want to continue to iterate further if I found a match! Page.prototype.getElementByKey = function (key) { var foundElement = null; return someElement.all(by.css('.someClass')).map(function (rawItem, index) { var itemObject = new ItemObjectClass(rawItem); return itemObject.getItemKey().then(function (foundItemKey) { var matched = String(foundItemKey).trim() === String(key).trim(); console.log('

Native Events error trying to double-click element using watir-webdriver

a 夏天 提交于 2020-01-16 19:08:07
问题 I am writting automatic test for GWT application. And I try to double click on table element. I am using this code fo click: browser.element(:xpath, '/html/body/div[5]/div[2]/div/div/div/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div/div/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/div/table/tbody[2]/tr[1]/td[1]/div').double_click When this command is executed I get error like: test_search(TC_article_example):Selenium::WebDriver::Error::InvalidElementStateError: Cannot perform native interaction: Could not load native events