
Why is my blur event handler not firing?

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-12 05:27:10
问题 I've got this jQuery to update the total when amounts are entered into any of the five "amount" boxes: /* boxAmount1...boxAmount5 - when any of them change, update boxGrandTotal */ $(document).on("blur", '[id^="boxAmount"]', function (e) { alert('in the boxamount blur handler'); var amount1 = $('[id$=boxAmount1]').val() != '' ? parseInt($('[id$=boxAmount1]').val()) : 0; // jakecigar's idea: add this just in case a user enters something other than a number: if ($.isNaN(amount1) amount1=0; var

ExtJS floating window focus lose detection

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-12 04:45:38
问题 I am wondering whether there is an efficient way to detect whether a floating window loses focus or not. I have a floating window for user's temporary inputs, what I want to do is automatically hiding this window if user forgot to hide it after input operation (e.g., clicks at elsewhere). I tried to use blur event on window's element, but nothing happened. a working demo: demo thanks for any idea! 回答1: This can be achieved adding blur event to ext window element, below is the sample code Ext

can't blur input in ios

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-12 04:37:39
问题 I'm building an iPad app using Xcode, Cordova and HTML files. In testing the HTML on an iPad, I'm not able to blur my input fields by clicking outside them. Do I need to code the background to blur the input? I want the blur so I can hide the keyboard. Unless there's a better solution to hiding it that does not need a blur(). 回答1: I found two code snippets that combine to trigger blur on inputs when clicking anywhere outside the input, or when pressing the Return key. function isTextInput

Pixastic Blur not working - variable issue?

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-12 04:33:27
问题 So I want to try the Pixastic blur fast method to blur an image. The code they supply in the documentation is the following: var img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { Pixastic.process(img, "blurfast", {amount:0.5}); } document.body.appendChild(img); img.src = "myimage.jpg"; But when I try it on my page like this: $(document).ready(function() { var myImg = new Image(); myImg.onload = function() { Pixastic.process(myImg, "blurfast", {amount:0.5}); } document.body.appendChild(myImg);

How to Display blurred bitmap of screenshot using opengl es 2.0 on android?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-12 03:41:01
问题 I am trying to create an app, in android using opengl es 2.0, that has a button on pressing which it would take the screenshot and would blurr it using any blur algo (here Fast blur) and would display the blurred screenshot. The sole aim of developing such an app is to try and implement blurring. Using various internet resources i was able to take the screenshot and implement blurring but i dont know how to display the blurred bitmap on the screen in opengl. Can anyone please help me with

CSS filter video but not the controls

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-12 03:15:42
问题 As is displayed here: you can apply a filter to videos using css filters. You define the filter and then you refer to it later when applying it to the video element. var blur_name='the_blur';'url(#'+blur_name+')';'url(#'+blur_name+')';'url(#'+blur_name+')'; var blur_name='';'';'';

Java OpenCV - detecting ROI, creating submat and copy to original mat

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-12 03:13:32
问题 I'm trying to blur the faces of all people detected by the webcam. The problem is that when the webcam detect a face the program shows the crop mat with the blur face. I tried to put the blur face into the original mat but it doesn't work. for(Rect rect : faces.toArray()){ Imgproc.rectangle(frame,,, new Scalar(0,0,255),3); Rect rectCrop = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y , rect.width, rect.height); Mat imageROI = grayFrame.submat(rectCrop); //frame is the original mat with the

BlurView below a button with fading edges

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-12 03:06:57
问题 I created a button on top of my mapView. In order to make that Button more visible I added a blur view below that button. I don't like the sharp edges of my blur view. How do I make the blur fade out slowly transitioning into the mapView? EDIT: To be more specific. I mean a fading blurred gradient with round corners. 回答1: I think this can help you, first you need subclass your button and add this code in drawRect and replace UIColor.blueColor().CGColor by yourColor.CGColor class

Blur effect in a view of iOS

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-12 02:48:40
问题 I want to use an UIImagePicker to have a camera preview being displayed. Over this preview I want to place an overlay view with controls. Is it possible to apply any effects to the preview which will be displayed from camera? I particularly need to apply a blur effect to the camera preview. So I want to have a blurred preview from camera and overlay view with controls. If I decide to capture the still image from the camera, I need to have it original without blur effect. So blur effect must

How to blur caret in CKEditor?

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-12 02:48:11
问题 I am using CKEditor in inline mode. I am focusing and immediately blurring (for testing) using the following: var editor = CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( e.currentTarget.getDOMNode()); editor.getEditor().focus(); editor.getEditor().focusManager.blur(true); I want to blur the editor and focusManger.blur(true) results in the toolbar being hidden. However, the caret is still focused. For some reason, I cannot find a way to defocus and remove the caret. I have tried calling focus() on another DOM