
IP Blacklist in PHP+MySQL

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-02 07:35:23
I have been trying to implement a sort of IP blacklisting in PHP, where I store failed login attempts to a MySQL table with the following schema: CREATE TABLE blacklist( `ip_address` VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL, `failures` INTEGER DEFAULT 0, `release_time` BIGINT DEFAULT -1, PRIMARY KEY(`ip_address`) ); On my login check, I first delete any blacklist entries that have a release time before the current time (if the release time has already passed) with the following query: /* I pass in time() */ DELETE FROM failures WHERE release_time < ?; I then execute the following: /* I pass in $_SERVER['REMOTE

How to block a specific App from accessing my website

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-02 03:45:27
Someone has an app (Android) that accesses my website and displays some pages. I would've been ok with it except that the app has some errors and people using it are unable to use certain functionalities of the site. How can I block this specific app? P.S. I have root access to my web server and it's dedicated. I run CentOs 7 and using Joomla for my website. Check your Apache logs for the user agent of that app, and then block that user agent. Hopefully the user agent will be unique so no other apps will be affected. 来源:


爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-11-30 14:29:38
Driver spark.driver.cores driver端分配的核数,默认为1,thriftserver是启动thriftserver服务的机器,资源充足的话可以尽量给多。 spark.driver.memory driver端分配的内存数,默认为1g,同上。 spark.driver.maxResultSize driver端接收的最大结果大小,默认1GB,最小1MB,设置0为无限。 这个参数不建议设置的太大,如果要做数据可视化,更应该控制在20-30MB以内。过大会导致OOM。 spark.extraListeners 默认none,随着SparkContext被创建而创建,用于监听单参数、无参数构造函数的创建,并抛出异常。 Executor spark.executor.memory 每个executor分配的内存数,默认1g,会受到yarn CDH的限制,和memoryOverhead相加 不能超过总内存限制。 spark.executor.cores 每个executor的核数,默认yarn下1核,standalone下为所有可用的核。 spark.default.parallelism 默认RDD的分区数、并行数。 像reduceByKey和join等这种需要分布式shuffle的操作中,最大父RDD的分区数;像parallelize之类没有父RDD的操作

Blacklist IP database

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-11-29 23:15:13
Is there an open database of blacklisted IP for the Web? With a lot of public web proxy you know... such the blacklist used by the Global blocking of Wikipedia. The Project Honeypot provides as service called Http:BL . As an active member of Project Honeypot you can query their database of IPs that are known as email address harvesters or comment spammers. You can use Blacklist IP Addresses Live Database from - They have latest Blacklist IPs collected during the last 10 days for use in .htaccess

blacklisting vs whitelisting in form's input filtering and validation

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-11-29 14:48:01
which is the preferred approach in sanitizing inputs coming from the user? thank you! I think whitelisting is the desired approach, however I never met a real whitelist HTML form validation. For example here is a symfony 1.x form with validation from the documentation : class ContactForm extends sfForm { protected static $subjects = array('Subject A', 'Subject B', 'Subject C'); public function configure() { $this->setWidgets(array( 'name' => new sfWidgetFormInput(), 'email' => new sfWidgetFormInput(), 'subject' => new sfWidgetFormSelect(array('choices' => self::$subjects)), 'message' => new

加载ubuntu的时候卡在‘SMBus Host Controller not enabled'错误

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-11-29 12:35:58
实验系统:ubuntu-16.04.6-server-amd64 我在VMware安装完这个系统后进入发现卡在了’SMBus Host Controller not enabled‘里,后来查过网络发现,需要禁止i2c_piix4驱动的加载,禁止需要编辑blacklist.conf: 方法如下: 1、在ubuntu开机时进入grub启动选项 2、选择Advanced options for Ubuntu 3、进入Ubuntu的恢复模式(recovery mode) 4、在Recovery Menu中选择root进入root shell 5、输入:mount -o remount,rw / (注:“,”号两边不加空格) 6、编辑blacklist.conf (路径:/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf)(命令:vi /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf) (!注意:在编辑文本前,请确定自己是否会使用vi,ubuntu的vi与centos、Redhat的vi有很多不同,若之前没用过ubuntu的vi,请在网上查询ubuntu的vi的使用方法) 7、在blacklist.conf的最后一行加上:blacklist intel_powerclamp 8、保存后重启即可 来源:

How to conduct legitimate email campaigns

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-11-28 19:39:29
We are working on a project that requires us to allow users to register to receive email notifications of certain events. There will potentially be tens or hundreds of thousands of email messages based on any one event. I know that this is done every day all over the web, but what I don't know is how email campaigns are managed such that the sender is not blacklisted as a spammer when a single mail provider recognizes large numbers of messages from a single source -- I'm especially concerned with high profile mail providers like Yahoo, MSN, AOL, etc. who will likely receive the bulk of the

Blacklist of words on content to filter message [closed]

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-11-28 11:48:52
For a website that takes input from kids we need to filter any naughty / bad words that they use when they enter their comments in the website (running PHP). The comments are a free field and users can enter whatever comments they want. The solution I can think of is to have a words list like BLACKLIST: bad,bad,word,woord,craap,craaaap, (We can fill this with all the blacklisted words). Then when the form is saved we can look at the list and if any of the words are present then we will not allow the comment to be saved. BUT the prolem with this method is that they can get around by adding

谈谈surging 微服务引擎 2.0的链路跟踪和其它新增功能

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-11-27 19:05:38
一、前言 surging是基于.NET CORE 服务引擎。初始版本诞生于2017年6月份,经过NCC社区二年的孵化,2.0版本将在2019年08月28日进行发布,经历二年的发展,已经全部攘括了微服务架构的技术栈,覆盖了从服务注册、服务发现、中间件、协议主机再到链路跟踪,并且制定了一套微服务的规则,形成了一套统一的规范。以下是surging的服务引擎架构图 上图Diagnostic能够实现把整个服务链路的各种信息采集到。 比如来源地址、远程地址、报错、执行时间、调用链路、协议类型以及参数全部采集到,采集完之后通过Skywaking Middleware 中间件的Grpc 推给Skywaking,再通过Skywaking WebUI进行展示。 前面的协议是针对于移动端、Web端和物联网的解决方案。 后面是服务引擎提供的功能。 二、服务调用链路跟踪 链路跟踪集成了 Skywalking, 参考了 SkyAPM-dotnet 而扩展的Surging.Apm.Skywalking引擎组件,而2.0版本只实现rpc 和rest 调用进行链路跟踪,具体配置如下 1.首先创建文件skyapm.json,放在引擎根目录下或者是指定的rootpathg根目录下,配置代码如下 { "SkyWalking": { "ServiceName": "Surging.Services.Server",

How to conduct legitimate email campaigns

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-11-27 12:26:09
问题 We are working on a project that requires us to allow users to register to receive email notifications of certain events. There will potentially be tens or hundreds of thousands of email messages based on any one event. I know that this is done every day all over the web, but what I don't know is how email campaigns are managed such that the sender is not blacklisted as a spammer when a single mail provider recognizes large numbers of messages from a single source -- I'm especially concerned