
Python: Real-Time Streaming Data [closed]

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-01-22 12:45:31
问题 Closed . This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago . I am trying to capture real-time streaming financial time data via Python. I want to initially store the information in a database and then at a later date further develop a program to analyze and make trading decisions based on this data. It would be nice to also be able to


谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-01-14 20:16:21
比特币是一种类型的电子货币。点对点(P2P)网络跟踪和验证交易。比特币系统不涉及金融机构,因此它不需要中央监控单元以控制该货币。它可以利用网络作为现金。 比特币系统 比特币是在处理称为区块(block)的数据后产生或开採出来。Bitcoin的生成,俗称挖矿。须要极大的运算能力。没有足够资源的使用者能够直接从比特币交易站点来购买或出售比特币。或是透过临柜交易单位以及私底下进行交易。 整个比特币网络依赖一个共享的公共总账,称为区块链。 所进行交易的有效性会透过用户比特币地址的电子签章来加以验证。 使用比特币 比特币交易每一笔都须要比特币地址和比特币钱包。用户用这些地址来发送和接收比特币,用户能够拥有多个交易地址。比特币使用者利用比特币钱包来帮助管理他们的交易。 每一个钱包都具备一小段被称为私钥的数据。用来证明该交易来自电子货币包全部者。这把密钥或签章可防止交易被窜改。 有多种类型的比特币钱包 – 软件钱包(安装在计算机)、行动钱包(安装在行动设备)和网络钱包(托管在云端服务的钱包)。 比特币能够用来购买各种网络服务,它也能够用来购买产品。除了网络交易,有些现实世界内的机构也接受用比特币来购买商品。同一时候也能在一些站点上兑换成多种国际传统货币。 数位货币 除了比特币,Litecoin是第二种P2P货币,不同的是Litecoin提供更高速的交易确认。 Namecoin是还有一种数字货币

Do blockchains contain a websocket server?

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2020-01-14 10:44:47
问题 I was recently reading about blockchains and am very intrigued by this technology. I had a few questions regarding blockchains: Do Blockchains use web-sockets to transmit information between users? If yes then is the information(blocks) sent always a JSON object? Do all users have the entire copy of the blockchain, do they each just see a partial copy of the blockchain? if yes then how big can the file get? Also, what determines transactions/second? I read bitcoin does about 7transactions

Getting a list of keys from block 0

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2020-01-06 05:23:32
问题 Using a local blockchain, is it is possible to use the bitcoin-core rpc commands to query a block (such as the genesis block) and get a list of all the public keys used in that block? If it is possible, which commands do I need to use? 回答1: Not entirely. This is because modern outputs contain addresses (technically scriptPubkeys) which are encoded hashes of a public key, see Types of Transactions. Hashes cannot be reversed (or Bitcoin wouldn't work at all), so in order to reveal the public

How do you fork a repo whose upstream you've already forked?

假如想象 提交于 2020-01-03 08:17:08
问题 I want to fork namecoin/namecoin, but I've already forked bitcoin/bitcoin. The latter is the upstream parent of the former. The forkchain is: bitcoin/bitcoin -> vinced/namecoin -> namecoin/namecoin When I fork namecoin/namecoin, Github just redirects me to my myuserid/bitcoin fork, instead of creating a new myuserid/namecoin fork. It appears to Github that they are the same project, but they are not. Anyone know how to do this? 回答1: You can't do this "officially", but you can always add

How does the bitcoin client determine the first IP address to connect?

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-01-02 05:23:06
问题 In my knowledge, bitcoin is a p2p protocol and a p2p protocol must have a dedicated central server. But it is said that bitcoin is decentralized . 回答1: Back in 2009 we relied on IRC to bootstrap the network, so every node would connect to Freenode (later LFnet) and would join a channel. Their nicknames were their encoded public IP address. Nowadays the Bitcoin Core client, and many other implementations, rely on DNS seeds. DNS seeds are special DNS servers that are configured to return a


亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-25 03:43:13
PPS和PPLNS挖矿模式介绍 比特币每10分钟产生一个区块,会有千万人竞争。而这个区块终于仅仅归1个人全部。其他人都颗粒无收。 你或许要挖5年才干获得一个区块。 组队挖矿就是。一旦队伍里不论什么人获得了一个区块,就将区块中的货币按大家的性能分给大家,这样大家就能非常快地获得比特币。 PPLNS矿池(最纯正的组队挖矿)PPLNS,全称Pay Per Last N Shares,意思是说“依据过去的N个股份来支付收益”。这意味着,全部的矿工一旦发现了一个区块,大家将依据每一个人自己贡献的股份数量占比来分配区块中的货币。举个样例:假设,张三、李四、王五。这三个人在同一个PPLNS矿池中挖矿,在过去的一段时间里,张三贡献了10个股份。李四贡献3个,王五贡献12个。加起来是25个股份,这时矿池发现了一个区块,区块中含有25个比特币。那么。张三就会分到10/25个区块的奖励,也就是10个比特币,而李四获得3个,王五获得12个。在PPLNS模式下,运气成份非常重要,假设矿池一天可以发现非常多个区块。那么大家的分红也会非常多,假设矿池一天下来都没有可以发现区块。那么大家也就没有不论什么收益。同一时候,由于PPLNS下,具有一定的滞后惯性,你的挖矿收益会有一定的延迟。比方说,你增加到一个新的PPLNS矿池,这个时候你会发现前面几个小时的收益比較低

Using importXML results in “Imported Content is Empty” error on Google Spreadsheets

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-24 20:40:33
问题 What I'm trying to do: Dynamically import the bitcoin/BTC price, from, OR So I've read everything there is to read (on this site anyway) about importXML , and cannot find what I'm doing wrong. My method works on other websites, where I get a list of expected results, however, using importXML is not working. See below code I'm using (I've used other variants, but this is the one suggested using SelectorGadget : =IMPORTXML("https


China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-24 17:58:04
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 上一篇C++开发EOS的文章是 C++开发EOS基础指南:函数参数传递 ,C++是一种面向对象的编程语言。它有一个强大的继承系统,私有和公共成员变量,以及通过成员初始化列表在构造函数中初始化它们的好方法。析构函数是构造函数的附件,允许你在对象被销毁或超出范围时运行代码。今天让我们创建一个简单的 CryptoCurrency 类,另外看看继承。 // @url: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdlib.h> //自动解析std命名空间,所以我们可以写字符串而不是std::string using namespace std; //声明一个类。 //类通常在头文件(.h或.hpp)中声明。 class Currency { //默认情况下,成员变量和函数是私有的。 string name; double priceInUSD; //此后的所有成员都是公共的 //直到找到“private:”或“protected:”。 public: //默认构造函数 Currency(); //另一个带两个参数的构造函数 Currency(const string &

RestSharp BitStamp Authentication fails

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-24 05:39:18
问题 I'm not able to receive any data from the BitStamp API. What am I doing wrong here? My content form the response results in an error: {"error": "Missing key, signature and nonce parameters"} public ActionResult Index() { const string BaseUrl = ""; var client = new RestClient(); var request = new RestRequest(); client.BaseUrl = BaseUrl; AddApiAuthentication(request); var response = client.Execute(request); var foo = response.Content; //{"error": "Missing