
UOS qt5 misp

筅森魡賤 提交于 2020-08-05 16:47:38
sudo apt install build- sudo apt install qt5-default sudo apt install gcc-multilib dpkg -l openssl* ##install depend 需要xcb的支持 sudo apt-get install '^libxcb.*-dev' libx11-xcb-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libxrender-dev libxi-dev libxkbcommon-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libxcursor-dev libxcomposite-dev libxdamage-dev libxrandr-dev libdbus-1-dev libfontconfig1-dev libcap-dev libxtst-dev libpulse-dev libudev-dev libpci-dev libnss3-dev libasound2-dev libxss-dev libegl1-mesa-dev gperf bison shadow build mkdir qt5-build cd qt5-build ../qt-everywhere-src-5.12.9/configure -release

How can I debug my flex/bison grammar?

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-05-29 07:29:48
问题 This is a very silly problem. There are no errors in the grammar rules afaik but its not giving the right output. I have been staring at it but the mistake is not visible to me. What tools are available to me to help me see what is going on in a parse? My attempts to insert tracing code are a lot of work and don't seem to be helping me much. parser.y %{ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include "SymbolTable.h" #include "SymbolInfo.h" #include "ScopeTable.h" int yyparse

Bison : Line number included in the error messages

北慕城南 提交于 2020-05-22 07:11:44
问题 OK, so I suppose my question is quite self-explanatory. I'm currently building a parser in Bison, and I want to make error reporting somewhat better. Currently, I've set %define parse.error verbose (which actually gives messages like syntax error, unexpected ***********************, expecting ******************** . All I want is to add some more information in the error messages, e.g. line number (in input/file/etc) My current yyerror (well nothing... unusual... lol) : void yyerror(const char

CMSC 216 Project #6 Spring

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2020-05-03 21:11:42
CMSC 216 Project #6 Spring 2019 A Simple Shell Fri May 3, 11:30PM, Tue May 7, 11:30PM 1 Overview In this project, you will write the guts of a shell that will support boolean operations, pipes, and file redirection. The project has two deadlines: Fri May 3, 11:30PM - Your code must pass the following public tests: public00/01/02/06/07/11. That is the only requirement for this deadline. We will not grade the code for style. This first part is worth .5% of your course grade (NOT .5% of this project grade). Notice you can still submit late for this part. Tue May 7, 11:30PM - Final deadline for


蓝咒 提交于 2020-04-30 11:24:49
PHP作为一种解释型语言,不同于编译型语言编译结果即为当前CPU体系的指令,PHP源代码只有编译成opcode才能够被zend虚拟机直接执行。 下面就简单描述PHP7语言执行原理: 1. 源代码首先利用Re2c实现的词法分析器进行词法分析,将源代码切割为多个字符串单元,分割后的字符串称为Token; 2. 基于Bison实现的语法分析器将Token和符合BNF文法规则的代码生成抽象语法树; 3. 抽象语法树(AST)编译生成opcode; 我们常常讨论的解释型语言执行效率较低,原因在于PHP执行过程中要多了翻译为opcode的过程。 不仅如此,与常驻内存的Java等语言不同,PHP代码在执行过后,内存会马上释放,基本上所有数据都会在此时销毁(仅有极少数数据会缓存)。 这种执行机制的优点在于有效避免内存泄漏,内存回收机制更简单,缺点就是每个PHP请求都得重复执行请求-翻译-执行的过程。 备注:内存泄漏(Memory Leak)是指程序中己动态分配的堆内存由于某种原因程序未释放或无法释放,造成系统内存的浪费,导致程序运行速度减慢甚至系统崩溃等严重后果。 为了弥补不是常驻内存的缺憾,引入opcode缓存,zend虚拟机会将第一次执行的PHP代码编译结果缓存到内存或者硬盘中,当下次执行该部分代码时直接读取缓存,一定程度上可以提高PHP运行速度。 参考资料 1. 陈雷


女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2020-04-18 04:36:07
一名linux爱好者,记录构建Linux From Scratch的过程 经 博客园-骏马金龙 前辈介绍,开始接触学习lfs,用博客记录学习笔记,如有写的不恰当的地方,望多多指正。 笔记中只是记录一些问题和书中表述不清晰的内容的处理办法以及我的解决思路,仅做参考。 要实际构建lfs请结合lfs官方的书籍操作 一.lfs系列概述 1.lfs:Linux From Scratch(LFS)是一个项目,为您提供完全从源代码构建自己的自定义Linux系统的分步说明 2.blfs:Beyond Linux From Scratch(BLFS)是一个继续LFS书籍完成的项目。它通过提供在基本LFS系统之上安装和配置各种软件包的广泛说明,帮助用户根据需要开发系统。 3.alfs:Automated Linux From Scratch (ALFS)是一个为可扩展系统构建器和程序包安装程序创建通用框架的项目。(自动化创建LFS系统的过程) 4.clfs:Cross Linux From Scratch(CLFS)是一个使用其他架构从源代码构建自己的定制Linux系统的分步说明 5.hlfs:Hardened Linux From Scratch (HLFS)是一个为您提供从源完全构建您自己的定制和强化Linux系统的分步说明。基于LFS,该项目还将包含BLFS的部分内容

Removing shift/reduce conflict on optional else block

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-02-08 07:22:16
问题 I'm in the process of defining a grammar with Bison and I stumbled upon a shift/reduce conflict I'd like to eliminate. The conflict is caused by a rule that aims to match if/else statements: state 17 13 Stmt: IfBlock . OptionalElseBlock ELSE shift, and go to state 42 ELSE [reduce using rule 16 (OptionalElseBlock)] $default reduce using rule 16 (OptionalElseBlock) OptionalElseBlock go to state 43 The OptionalElseBlock was defined as follows: 16 OptionalElseBlock: /* empty */ 17 | ELSE Stmt

Removing shift/reduce conflict on optional else block

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-02-08 07:22:05
问题 I'm in the process of defining a grammar with Bison and I stumbled upon a shift/reduce conflict I'd like to eliminate. The conflict is caused by a rule that aims to match if/else statements: state 17 13 Stmt: IfBlock . OptionalElseBlock ELSE shift, and go to state 42 ELSE [reduce using rule 16 (OptionalElseBlock)] $default reduce using rule 16 (OptionalElseBlock) OptionalElseBlock go to state 43 The OptionalElseBlock was defined as follows: 16 OptionalElseBlock: /* empty */ 17 | ELSE Stmt

Removing shift/reduce conflict on optional else block

佐手、 提交于 2020-02-08 07:21:36
问题 I'm in the process of defining a grammar with Bison and I stumbled upon a shift/reduce conflict I'd like to eliminate. The conflict is caused by a rule that aims to match if/else statements: state 17 13 Stmt: IfBlock . OptionalElseBlock ELSE shift, and go to state 42 ELSE [reduce using rule 16 (OptionalElseBlock)] $default reduce using rule 16 (OptionalElseBlock) OptionalElseBlock go to state 43 The OptionalElseBlock was defined as follows: 16 OptionalElseBlock: /* empty */ 17 | ELSE Stmt

Using yacc precedence for rules with no terminals, only non-terminals

你。 提交于 2020-01-26 04:06:48
问题 could some one help me on this i have this rule : e : T_NUM { $$ = mk_int($1);} | T_POP e[l] { $$ = mk_app(mk_op(POP),$l);} | T_NEXT e[l] { $$ = mk_app(mk_op(NEXT),$l);} | "{" e[x] "," e[y] "}" { $$ = mk_point($x,$y);} | e T_PLUS e { $$ = mk_app(mk_app(mk_op(PLUS),$1),$3);} | e T_MINUS e { $$ = mk_app(mk_app(mk_op(MINUS),$1),$3);} | e T_DIV e { $$ = mk_app(mk_app(mk_op(DIV),$1),$3);} | e T_MULT e { $$ = mk_app(mk_app(mk_op(MULT),$1),$3);} | e T_LEQ e { $$ = mk_app(mk_app(mk_op(LEQ),$1),$3) ;}