
Skip columns in BIML SSIS Script

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-04 16:42:18
I use the following BIML script to create a list of columns per table based on the source database. I also add the column dwh_timestamp. I use this script to create the target tables, adding a metadata column. <Columns> <# foreach (var column in table.Columns) { #> <#=column.GetBiml()#> <# } #> <Column Name="dwh_timestamp" DataType="DateTime" IsNullable="true"/> </Columns> I use the following code to create the SSIS packages that will import data from the source. <DirectInput>SELECT <#=table.GetColumnList()#> FROM <#=table.GetTag("SourceSchemaQualifiedName")#></DirectInput> This however

Automatically generate SSIS package from BIML script

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-04 04:19:56
问题 Once you have finished your BIML script (using BIDS SQL Server 2008) to create the SSIS package you simply right click the BIML file and click Generate SSIS packages. How do i generate the SSIS packges via code e.g. C# or SQL? I can imagine some kinda of shell script to the BimlEngine.dll e.g. BimlEngine.dll -"myFileServer\myBimlScript", "generate SSIS packages" I have found this c# code project and in particular this file

SSIS BIML generates SQL code with brackets

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-04 04:17:51
问题 Im using BIML to dynamically create load packages for SSIS to load data from Informix to SQL Server. The problem is that this BIML code produces the SQL below <DirectInput>SELECT <#=table.GetColumnList()#> FROM <#=table.GetTag("SourceSchemaQualifiedName")#></DirectInput> SELECT [column1], [column2], [column3], FROM [mySchema].[mySrcTable] But that doesnt work in my source database because of the brackets. Any way i can get the columnlist & tablename without the brackets dynamically? 回答1: You

Create table before the dataflow in BIML

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-02 04:49:33
问题 I am using BIML and BIDSHelper to create SSIS package. I am trying to import data from csv to sql server. I want to create table in the destination database before the dataflow happens. Here is my code: <Biml xmlns=""> <Connections> <OleDbConnection Name="CM_OLE" ConnectionString="Data Source=(localdb)\projects;Initial Catalog=test;Integrated Security=SSPI;Provider=SQLNCLI11"> </OleDbConnection> <FlatFileConnection Name="FF Source" FileFormat="FFF Source"

Automatically generate SSIS package from BIML script

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-01 23:05:40
Once you have finished your BIML script (using BIDS SQL Server 2008) to create the SSIS package you simply right click the BIML file and click Generate SSIS packages. How do i generate the SSIS packges via code e.g. C# or SQL? I can imagine some kinda of shell script to the BimlEngine.dll e.g. BimlEngine.dll -"myFileServer\myBimlScript", "generate SSIS packages" I have found this c# code project and in particular this file i'm just not sure how to use it. Thanks for your help. The code you linked