
chef cookbook delivery - chef server vs. artifactory + berkshelf

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-12-14 02:46:14
问题 My company has been making a significant investment in Chef. We've built up a respectable library of cookbooks to automate our infrastructure. We've purposefully ignored Chef Server and the problem of cookbook sharing because we wanted to get some critical mass in our cookbooks first in order to drive how we solve that. Now we are there and we're exploring options. We already have a large investment in Artifactory and we're happily using it to store pretty much everything that comes out of

Chef solo can't find cookbook during kitchen test run

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-13 07:56:21
问题 I'm trying to add a Test Kitchen for a bunch of cookbooks that we use to provision a Jenkins CI instance. We use Berkshelf to manage dependencies. The file structure is as follows: | .gitignore | .kitchen.yml | Berksfile | Berksfile.lock | | chefignore | metadata.rb | | | solo.json | solo.rb | tree.txt | VERSION | | | default-ubuntu-1404.yml | | | +---kitchen-vagrant | | \---kitchen-chef-jenkins-default-ubuntu-1404 | | | Vagrantfile | | | | | \

What do Berkshelf-api and Chef Supermarket do differently than traditional artifact repositories?

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-13 04:48:18
问题 I am familiar with artifact repositories such as Artifactory, Maven & Nexus. What do Berkshelf-API / Chef Supermarket do differently than the above Artifact Repositories? On first glance it appears they are duplicating features in already existing artifact repositories (immutability, transitive dependency resolution, etc). Clarification: This is not an opinion-based question, I am seeking the technical reasons why Berkshelf-API / Chef Supermarket are used for Chef Cookbooks instead of other

Cannot install vagrant-berkshelf plugin

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-13 01:34:43
问题 I've updated to Vagrant 1.4.3 and am attempting to install the vagrant-berkshelf plugin. I'm getting the following error: $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf Installing the 'vagrant-berkshelf' plugin. This can take a few minutes... /opt/vagrant/embedded/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/installer.rb:184:in `check_executable_overwrite': "minitar" from minitar conflicts with installed executable from archive-tar-minitar (Gem::InstallError) from /opt/vagrant/embedded/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems

How do I configure a berks API server?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-12 16:16:04
问题 I want to implement the Berks API in my infrastructure, comprise of Jenkins, a Git server, and a Chef 12 Enterprise server. Each cookbook is in it's own repo in the Git server, per the Berkshelf way. Basically, I just want my top level Berksfile to contain ONLY role cookbooks, and then "let" Berkshelf pull the transitive dependencies from my Git server. I've read the Berks API README for the server installation, but "where" do I install the cookbook? Do I install it on my Git server? I've

Vagrant: Unknown configuration section 'omnibus' but vagrant-omnibus plugin is installed

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-10 16:58:30
问题 I've followed the instructions at: after installing the latest ChefDK (from here: When I do "vagrant up", I get the error: Vagrant: * Unknown configuration section 'omnibus'. Various posts (e.g. Vagrant Install chef-client on top of base image) have suggested this means that the vagrant-omnibus plugin is not installed. In my case, I have installed it. "vagrant plugin list" displays: vagrant-berkshelf (2.0.1) - Version

Is there a way to use private git repository with Berkshelf

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-08 19:49:46
问题 I created a cookbook named foo , and want to use with Berkshelf . I wrote like this in Berksfile : cookbook 'foo', git: '' Then vendor the cookbook to cookbooks directory, but it failed with error like this: berks vendor cookbooks Resolving cookbook dependencies... Fetching 'foo' from (at master) Username for '': How can I tell ssh username and key to Berkshelf ? Of course my

Overriding Cookbook Attribute in Vagrantfile Custom JSON Data

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-07 13:51:20
问题 How do you access node.override using chef.json in a Vagrant file? For example, using vagrant-berkshelf , I'm trying to install a particular Maven version based on Custom JSON Data in the Vagrantfile : chef.json = { 'maven' => { 'version' => '3.0.5' } } cookbooks\maven_custom\attributes\default.rb default['maven']['version'] = "3.2.1" cookbooks\maven_custom\recipes\default.rb['maven']['version']) When I run vagrant provision , the following gets printed out: 3.2.1

Upgrade from Vagrant 1.3.5 to 1.4.3. Fails on `vagrant-berkshelf` plugin

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-06 11:03:00
Note - this question is also posted in!topic/vagrant-up/aZOs1YXmvhI Setup C:\Users\Kevin>vagrant -v Vagrant 1.4.3 C:\Users\Kevin>VBoxManage -version # VirtualBox version 4.3.10r93012 C:\Users\Kevin>vagrant plugin list vagrant-berkshelf (2.0.0) vagrant-omnibus (1.3.1) vagrant-vbguest (0.10.0) C:\Users\Kevin>ruby -v ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22) [i386-mingw32] EDIT I just installed & updated my %PATH% to use ruby 2.0, but still having the same issue. On a Windows 7 PC, I was using Vagrant 1.3.5 with VirtualBox 4.3.8 , but upgraded to the above versions in order to

Overriding Cookbook Attribute in Vagrantfile Custom JSON Data

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-05 22:10:38
How do you access node.override using chef.json in a Vagrant file? For example, using vagrant-berkshelf , I'm trying to install a particular Maven version based on Custom JSON Data in the Vagrantfile : chef.json = { 'maven' => { 'version' => '3.0.5' } } cookbooks\maven_custom\attributes\default.rb default['maven']['version'] = "3.2.1" cookbooks\maven_custom\recipes\default.rb['maven']['version']) When I run vagrant provision , the following gets printed out: 3.2.1 Additionally, I tried vagrant reload --provision , yet still saw "3.2.1" print out. I would've expected 3.0.5