
ebXml OpenSource java implementation [closed]

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-10 23:47:21
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 4 years ago . In our project we are looking for an OpenSource java implementation of the OASIS ebXml Registry 3.0 Specification (spec). It seems there is not a lot of OpenSource initiative for this standard, actually we only found freebXml Registry which is self-named Reference implementation of the specification. The last

Mydomain error in Magento module

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-08 17:39:52
问题 I am installing a B2B extension on a local machine for Magento without trouble. But while doing the same for the client server I am getting following error: 404 Not Found The server can not find the requested page: mydomain.com/errors/report.php?id=264218583315&skin=default (port 80) Please forward this error screen to mydomain.com's WebMaster. Where do I need to do the changes? I replaced the following line 33 in Observer.php file. Mage::app()->getResponse()->setRedirect(Mage::helper(

How to send messages between Companies

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-06 03:55:37
I often see myself in the need of setting up automated transfer of messages/data/files between companies. Besides the monstrous EDIFACT, Odette and a few other "big" electronic data exchange standards every industry has a few dozen or even e few hundred relatively sane relatively light weight, relatively well documented file formats for orders and the like. What I'm missing is the right protocol to move files in this formats from machine to machine. The protocol should support authentication be usable with standard tools on MS Windows and unix support something transaction like: a file is

How do you add Apple ID's for a Custom B2B app?

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-05 01:00:40
问题 I am trying to add a custom B2B App to iTunes connect, from Apples documentation it appears there should be a text box to enter the clients Apple ID, but I don't seem to have anything like that. Here is what the Apple Documentation looks like Apple Doc And here is what I see in iTunes Connect Link How do I add the Apple ID's for the custom B2B Apps distribution ? 回答1: You are not crazy and are adding the Apple ID correctly. Currently there is an issue with Apple's site and it is preventing

How do you add Apple ID's for a Custom B2B app?

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-03 17:24:20
I am trying to add a custom B2B App to iTunes connect, from Apples documentation it appears there should be a text box to enter the clients Apple ID, but I don't seem to have anything like that. Here is what the Apple Documentation looks like Apple Doc And here is what I see in iTunes Connect Link How do I add the Apple ID's for the custom B2B Apps distribution ? You are not crazy and are adding the Apple ID correctly. Currently there is an issue with Apple's site and it is preventing the adding of apple ID's. The page will just refresh after hitting the "add Apple ID" button. I have tested


孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-02 23:04:42
一、区块链是什么 区块链是一种按照时间顺序将数据块以特定的顺序相连的方式组合成的链式数据结构,其上存储了系统诞生以来所有交易的记录。区块链上的数据由全网节点共同维护并共同存储,同时以密码学方式保证区块数据不可篡改和不可伪造。所以区块链本质是一个分布式共享数据库。 区块链让参与系统中的任意多个节点,通过密码学方法产生相关联数据块(即区块,block),每个数据块中都包含了一定时间内的系统全部信息交流的数据,并按照时间顺序将数据区块组合成一种链式数据结构。 区块链是分布式数据存储、点对点传输、共识机制、加密算法等计算机技术在互联网时代的创新应用模式,是一种解决信任问题、降低信任成本的信息技术方案。区块链技术的应用,可以取缔传统的信任中介,颠覆传统上存在了几千年的中心化旧模式,在不需要中心化信任中介的情况下,解决陌生人之间的信任问题,大幅降低信任成本。 二、名词解释 分布式 :相对于集中式而言,分布式是区块链的典型特征之一,对应的英文是Decentralized,完整的表达形式是不依赖与中心服务器(集群)、利用分布式的计算机资源进行计算的模式。 共识机制 :区块链系统中实现不同节点间建立信任、获取权益的数学算法。 分布式数据库 :一个可以在多个站点、不同地理位置或者多个机构组成的网络中分享的数据库。 2.1 区块+链=历史+验证 区块结构有两个非常重要的特点:


爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-02 08:57:12
大家经常听说B2B、B2C、C2C等,那么到底B2B、B2C、C2C市场是什么意思啊?可能很多朋友并不是很了解,下面我们就分别介绍一下。 1、B2B(也有写成 BTB,是Business-to-Business的缩写)是指企业与企业之间通过专用网络或Internet,进行数据信息的交换、传递,开展交易活动的商业模式。它将企业内部网和企业的产品及服务,通过 B2B 网站或移动客户端与客户紧密结合起来,通过网络的快速反应,为客户提供更好的服务,从而促进企业的业务发展。 2、B2C是Business-to-Customer的缩写,而其中文简称为“商对客”。“商对客”是电子商务的一种模式,也就是通常说的直接面向消费者销售产品和服务商业零售模式。 3、C2C实际是电子商务的专业用语,是个人与个人之间的电子商务。其中C指的是消费者,因为消费者的英文单词是Customer(Consumer),所以简写为c,又因为英文中的2的发音同to,所以C to C简写为C2C。C2C即 Customer(Consume) to Customer(Consumer)。C2C的意思就是消费者个人间的电子商务行为。比如一个消费者有一台电脑,通过网络进行交易,把它出售给另外一个消费者,此种交易类型就称为C2C电子商务。龙象网络科技您身边的电商专家:longxiangshop.cn 来源: https://blog


给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-11-30 23:48:36
C2C 是consumer to consumer 就是个人对个人的,比如淘宝的小店铺, B2C 是business to consumer 是商家对个人, 这个就很多了卓越当当京东等等都是。 B2C C2C 很重要的一点是都运用了物流。 O2O 是 online to offline 就是你在线上消费,在线下享受服务,比如团购。o2o是不需要物流的, 你购买的东西必须要在线下去获得。所以像聚美这种虽然是团购但不是o2o。 B2B 是business to business 是企业间的, 比如阿里巴巴。 C2C,就是你 找了一个 站街女,价格便宜,偶尔有好货,不过也可能被仙人跳 B2C,就是你去天上人间或者什么星级酒店的桑拿部,统一管理统一服务,不满意还可以投诉 O2O,你QQ上聊楼凤,谈好了自己过去享受服务 B2B,为上面B2C的那些企业提供小姐培训服务 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/855847/blog/196427


倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-11-29 18:50:36
一.O2O、C2C、B2B、B2C的区别在哪里? o2o 是 online to offline 分为四种运营模式 1.online to offline 是线上交易到线下消费体验 2.offline to online 是线下营销到线上交易 3.offline to online to offline 是线下营销到线上交易再到线下消费体验 4.online to offline to online 是线上交易或营销到线下消费体验再到线上消费体验 比如:保险直购O2O,苏宁易购O2O,大众点评O2O等 c2c是 consumer to consumer 就是个人对个人的,比如淘宝的小店铺。 b2c是 business to consumer 是商家对个人,这个就很多了卓越、当当、京东等等都是。 b2c c2c 很重要的一点是都运用了物流。 b2b 是business to business 是企业间的,比如阿里巴巴。 举例通俗说明一下就是: C2C 就是我卖东西你来买 B2C 就是我成立个公司卖东西,你来买 O2O 就是我成立个公司卖东西,你来买,但是要你自己来拿 B2B 就是你也成立了公司,买我公司的东西 二.电子商务知识口诀 B2B有三宝:企业、中介、沟通好 B2C有三宝:品牌、渠道、销售好 C2C有三宝:你开、我买、支付宝 O2O有三宝:线上、线下、一起搞 LBS有三宝:签到

how to transfer a file through SFTP in java? [duplicate]

你。 提交于 2019-11-28 03:43:21
This question already has an answer here: How to retrieve a file from a server via SFTP? 16 answers How to transfer a file through SFTP in java? I want sample code for SFTP client. I want to embed the SFTP server in my application and the client should able to send a file to my application. PS: This was asked for SFTP client. And This question is not a duplicate of other two questions. Find the below link to implement SFTP. https://codetransient.wordpress.com/2019/06/22/sftp-secured-file-transfer-protocol/ Dhinakar Try this code. public void send (String fileName) { String SFTPHOST = "host:IP"