
Act for other devices on Azure IoT Hub

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-05 15:45:58
In our scenario, we have a bunch of devices that communicate locally with a gateway. The gateway is responsible to aggregate events from the devices and send it to the cloud. It should also receive device configuration changes from the the cloud and transport it to the specific device. Based on my reading I would think that this is actually a typical IoT Hub scenario. And we would very much like to use the device management, messaging and maybe even twins that IoT Hub provides. However, the way the devices communicate is already implemented and shall not be changed. That means the devices

Azure IoT Hub - Save telemetry best practice

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-05 03:27:09
I am working on a IoT solution that will save weather data. I have googled for some days now on how to set up the backend. I am going to use Azure IoT Hub for handling communication, but the next step is the problem. I want to store the telemetry to a database. This is where I get confused. Some examples says that I should use Azure BLOB storage or Azure Table storage or Azure SQL. After some years of data collection I want to start creating reports of the data. So the storage needs to be good at working with big data. Next problem I am stuck on is the worker that will receive the D2C and

Azure Iot Hub FeedbackReceiver ReceiveAsync is very slow (15 seconds) high latency

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-04 14:09:59
if I send a message (Cloud 2 Device) via the IoT-Hub: var serviceMessage= new Message(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello Device")); serviceMessage.Ack = DeliveryAcknowledgement.Full; commandMessage.MessageId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); await serviceClient.SendAsync("myDeviceID", serviceMessage); //Send message here And try to receive the acknoledgement from the client: bool feedbackReceived = false; while(!feedbackReceived){ FeedbackReceiver<FeedbackBatch> feedbackReceiver = serviceClient.GetFeedbackReceiver(); var feedbackBatch = await feedbackReceiver.ReceiveAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); if

Connect to IoT Hub without using the Azure Client SDK

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-04 01:42:50
问题 I want to connect to the Azure Iot Hub not using the Client SDK. On there are documentation on how to do this by 1) get the SAS URI for storage 2) to notify the IoT hub of a completed upload But before this can be done you need to connect to the IoT Hub using the DeviceConnectionString. Does anyone have an example / hints of how this and uploading a file can be done? 回答1: If you want to go without the SDKs

Process Azure IoT hub events from a single device only

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-02 18:32:37
问题 I'm trying to solve for having thousands of IoT devices deployed, all logging events to Azure IoT hub, then being able to read events created by a single deviceid only. I have been playing with EventProcessorHost to get something like this working, but so far I can only see a way to read all messages from all devices. Its not a feasible solution to read all the messages and filter client side as there may be millions of messages. 回答1: The major purpose of the Azure IoT Hub is an ingestion of

Sending Cloud-To-Device message for devices provisoned through IoT-central

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-02 09:53:03
问题 I have been reading the documentation of this new SaaS offering, but I do not see any mention about being able to send a message to the device, eg: to switch ON/OFF an equipment . I do see there is a provision to change the settings of the device, by being able to alter device-twin. Also, I read there is a way to send an "echo" to the device. But, these don't serve my exact purpose. So, is there a way I can send a C2D

Process Azure IoT hub events from a single device only

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-02 08:48:51
I'm trying to solve for having thousands of IoT devices deployed, all logging events to Azure IoT hub, then being able to read events created by a single deviceid only. I have been playing with EventProcessorHost to get something like this working, but so far I can only see a way to read all messages from all devices. Its not a feasible solution to read all the messages and filter client side as there may be millions of messages. The major purpose of the Azure IoT Hub is an ingestion of mass events from the devices to the cloud stream pipeline for their analyzing in the real-time manner. The

Azure IoT Hub - “Subscribe” code not working: “connection was refused”

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-02 07:23:44
问题 I am trying to receive "notifications" from IoT Hub when some data is published to the MQTT topic devices/device_id/messages/events/ . To receive data, I am using the following topic: devices/device_id/messages/devicebound/ . My subscribe code is below (Python): import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt import ssl, random from time import sleep root_ca = "./certs/digicertbaltimoreroot.pem" public_crt = './certs/rsa_cert.pem' private_key = './certs/rsa_private.pem' iothub_name = "myhub" device_id =

Sending Cloud-To-Device message for devices provisoned through IoT-central

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-02 06:33:56
I have been reading the documentation of this new SaaS offering, but I do not see any mention about being able to send a message to the device, eg: to switch ON/OFF an equipment . I do see there is a provision to change the settings of the device, by being able to alter device-twin. Also, I read there is a way to send an "echo" to the device. But, these don't serve my exact purpose. So, is there a way I can send a C2D message, using the connection-string, which can be built using the routine-?

Output an IotHub endpoint with Azure Resource Manager template

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-01 17:13:48
问题 I am about to script the deployment of our Azure solution. For that reason I create an Azure IoTHub with a Resource Manager Template. This works very well. But the problem is, I need the Event Hub-compatible endpoint string for further deployments. See: I think, the solution would be, to output it in the template, but I cant get it to work. The output-section of my template.json actually looks like this: "outputs": { "clusterProperties": {