
AWS CodePipeline doesn't work anymore - GitHub's token insufficient permissions

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-05 18:24:04
I've created AWS Code Pipeline with GitHub as a source. It was working fine and I was able to fetch repository from GitHub without difficulties. I've deployed my app million times through this pipeline. Until last Sunday (15-11-2015) when I tried to release changes to my pipeline. Since then I'm getting Either the GitHub repository "epub" does not exist, or the GitHub access token provided has insufficient permissions to access the repository. Verify that the repository exists and edit the pipeline to reconnect the action to GitHub. error message. I've deleted the pipeline, revoked access to

AWS Pass in variable into buildspec.yml from CodePipeline

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-04 09:52:19
问题 I have an AWS CodePipeline that invokes CodeBuild in the Build Stage. The question is how do I pass in an environment variable from CodePipeline that can be read in the CodeBuild's buildspec.yml? I know I can set environment variables in CodeBuild, but I want to use the same CodeBuild project for dev, qa, and prod environments. I don't see how I can pass an environment variable from CodePipeline that makes it all the way to the buildspec.yml Example buildspec.yml version: 0.1 phases: build:

aws CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND console web codepipeline with cloudformation

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-04 06:52:40
I am trying to complete a codepipeline with the cloudformation service and this error is generated. It must be said that the separate cloudformation service works well. The complete error is: JobFailed Requires capabilities: [CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND] (Service: AmazonCloudFormation; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InsufficientCapabilitiesException; Request ID: 1a977102-f829-11e8-b5c6-f7cc8454c4d0) The solutions I have is to add the CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND --capabilities parameter but that only applies to CLI and my case is by web console. Ran into the same problem, I could not find a way to do it

AWS CodePipeline Doesn't upload artifacts to AWS S3

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-04 05:16:18
As an effort to automate the (Android) build and test process, I configured an AWS code pipeline that will 1st get the code from GitHub and trigger a build (via aws codebuild ) Build is shown as completed successfully but the artifacts (apk file) generated as a result of the build process isn't uploaded to the s3 bucket (public bucket). The logs clearly say the upload is successful as seen in the screenshots attached The codepipeline as well shows everything is successful as attached However, if I run aws codebuild project directly from the aws codebuild screen , it does upload the artifact

Execute Terraform apply with AWS assume role

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-03 16:05:43
I need to execute a Terraform template to provision infrastructure for an AWS account which I can access by assuming a role. The problem I have now is I do not have an IAM user in that AWS account so I do not have an aws_access_key_id or an aws_secret_access_key to set up another named profile in my ~/.aws/credentials . When I run command terraform apply , the template creates the infrastructure for my account, not the other account. How to run Terraform template using your account which has a role to access services of another AWS account? Here's my Terraform file: # Input variables variable

CodePipeline: How to reference nested CloudFormation Stacks from GitHub as Source

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-03 15:47:20
Our CloudFormation templates are stored in GitHub. Inside CodePipeline we're using GitHub as our Source, but we can't reference nested CloudFormation Stacks when they're not stored on S3. How can we reference CloudFormation nested Stacks when using GitHub as our source in CodePipeline? If this is not possible, how can we upload the CloudFormation Templates from GitHub to S3 between the Source Stage (from GitHub) and the Deploy Stage in CodePipeline? There are two approaches I can think of to reference nested CloudFormation Stacks from a GitHub source for a CodePipeline deployment: 1. pre

Conditionally create CodePipeline actions based on CloudFormation conditions

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-03 08:13:42
Enable / disable sections of a CloudFormation for CodePipeline using Conditionals: This creates a manual notification action once staging has been built and passed Runscope tests: - InputArtifacts: [] Name: !Join ["",[!Ref GitHubRepository, "-prd-approval"]] ActionTypeId: Category: Approval Owner: AWS Version: '1' Provider: Manual OutputArtifacts: [] Configuration: NotificationArn: !GetAtt ["SNSApprovalNotification", "Outputs.SNSTopicArn"] ExternalEntityLink: OutputTestUrl RunOrder: 3 How to enable/disable this like other CloudFormation resources with a Condition: . Action steps don't

AWS Pass in variable into buildspec.yml from CodePipeline

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-03 04:15:20
I have an AWS CodePipeline that invokes CodeBuild in the Build Stage. The question is how do I pass in an environment variable from CodePipeline that can be read in the CodeBuild's buildspec.yml? I know I can set environment variables in CodeBuild, but I want to use the same CodeBuild project for dev, qa, and prod environments. I don't see how I can pass an environment variable from CodePipeline that makes it all the way to the buildspec.yml Example buildspec.yml version: 0.1 phases: build: commands: - npm install - npm build -- --env ${CURRENT_ENVIRONMENT} Where CURRENT_ENVIRONMENT would be

Lambda function never succeeds in codepipeline

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-02 04:18:11
问题 When I run my Lambda function in Codepipeline it ends properly and does what I want as I can see in logs , but it never succeeds in pipeline . It just shows In Progress when actually my Lambda function does its job in logs. What am I missing? Maybe I need to send 'putJobSuccessResult' as shown here to CodePipeline? But if so then why if it's not a custom action? And what are custom actions at all? What is the difference between them and non-custom actions? 回答1: Maybe I need to send

Lambda function never succeeds in codepipeline

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-02 00:53:09
When I run my Lambda function in Codepipeline it ends properly and does what I want as I can see in logs , but it never succeeds in pipeline . It just shows In Progress when actually my Lambda function does its job in logs. What am I missing? Maybe I need to send 'putJobSuccessResult' as shown here to CodePipeline? But if so then why if it's not a custom action? And what are custom actions at all? What is the difference between them and non-custom actions? Maybe I need to send 'putJobSuccessResult' as shown here to CodePipeline? Yes, you need to call putJobSuccessResult from your Lambda