Optimize my performance
I'm working on a project with Zend Framework 1.11, Doctrine 2, some Symfony 2 componenents and others tools & libraries. I'm trying to optimize performance using Xdebug & Webgrind. I've already found some bottlenecks like parsing Ini config, etc.. and cached that. Now, I just realize that the autoloading is the most costly part of my application: Opl\Autoloader\ApcLoader->loadClass 274 31.36 43.86 Zend_Loader_PluginLoader->load 150 4.80 12.29 Zend_Loader_Autoloader->getClassAutoloaders 278 1.42 1.91 Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex->_getMappedValues 291 1.29 1.35 Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork-