
Asterisk-Java can't find

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-01-15 11:08:10
问题 I'm using Asterisk and I'd like to emit a call from my Java app and then use an AGI script to control what happens. So I've got a first class that contacts the Asterisk server and uses an OriginateAction to start the call (this works well) and an AGI server that runs and should serve AGI requests. Though, it doesn't work because it can't find the file. Here is my : alertcall.agi = AlertCallScript (It only has one case.) In the same folder,

Asterisk-Java can't find

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-01-15 11:07:15
问题 I'm using Asterisk and I'd like to emit a call from my Java app and then use an AGI script to control what happens. So I've got a first class that contacts the Asterisk server and uses an OriginateAction to start the call (this works well) and an AGI server that runs and should serve AGI requests. Though, it doesn't work because it can't find the file. Here is my : alertcall.agi = AlertCallScript (It only has one case.) In the same folder,