
Symfony NotBlank constraint allow blank string

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-12-13 03:22:10
问题 I'm working with Symfony5 and ApiPlatform with phpunit for the tests I'm running tests on field validation. My issue comes from the fact that I want to restrain the user's possiblity to enter a blank string in a property named name as follow : /** * @ApiResource( * attributes={ * "normalization_context"={"groups"={"cons:read", "cons:list"}}, * "denormalization_context"={"groups"={"cons:write"}} * }, * collectionOperations={ * "get"={ * "mehtod"="GET", * "normalization_context"={"groups"={

Symfony NotBlank constraint allow blank string

荒凉一梦 提交于 2020-12-13 03:20:29
问题 I'm working with Symfony5 and ApiPlatform with phpunit for the tests I'm running tests on field validation. My issue comes from the fact that I want to restrain the user's possiblity to enter a blank string in a property named name as follow : /** * @ApiResource( * attributes={ * "normalization_context"={"groups"={"cons:read", "cons:list"}}, * "denormalization_context"={"groups"={"cons:write"}} * }, * collectionOperations={ * "get"={ * "mehtod"="GET", * "normalization_context"={"groups"={

How do I annotate the type of an empty slice in Rust?

余生颓废 提交于 2020-08-07 07:54:06
问题 Suppose I want to compare a Vec<String> to a literal empty list in a test. (I'm aware that in practice I could check is_empty() , but I'd like to understand how Rust typing works here, and I think asserting equality will give a clearer message if it fails.) If I just say let a: Vec<String> = Vec::new(); assert_eq!(a, []); I get an error that error[E0282]: type annotations needed --> src/ | 3 | assert_eq!(a, []); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type | = note: this error originates

raise Assertionerror vs. assert python

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-07-03 06:19:51
问题 What are the big differences between raise Assertionerror and assert to build in a "fault". What are the effects on the code ? and is one or the other more pythonic in a way ? The reason for my question is because I am learning to program right now we have exercise where for example when x != "ok" (x be a certain number) we need to get an AssertionError "false". I looked this up online and then they say to set the following code: if x != 0: raise AssertionError ("false") but my teachers also

Selenium-Asserting the presence of multiple keywords of an array in a List

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-06-28 06:20:19
问题 Trying to check the presence of multiple keywords in a list. List<String> array=new ArrayList<String>(); array.add("Sam Mayers test"); array.add(""); array.add("value"); array.add(""); array.add(""); array.add(""); array.add("District 49"); array.add("Till the last test"); array.add("Dawn Strings"); array.add("Lists value"); array.add(""); array.add(""); array.add("Total Hits Lists"); array.add("Values"); Boolean found = false; List<String> keywords_tobe_checked = new ArrayList<>(); keywords

How does assert groupType != null contain 4 branches

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2020-06-28 03:16:09
问题 I need to test the following code. public List<PatientGroup> findGroups(final String groupType) throws HwBaseAppException { assert groupType != null;//4 branches here CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder=persistence.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<PatientGroup> query = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(PatientGroup.class); Root<PatientGroup> patientGroupRoot = query.from(PatientGroup.class); Predicate condition=criteriaBuilder.equal(patientGroupRoot.get(, Boolean.TRUE); Join

JUnit Assert with BigDecimal

人走茶凉 提交于 2020-06-09 09:19:13
问题 I want to use assert between 2 two decimal, I use this: BigDecimal bd1 = new BigDecimal (1000); BigDecimal bd2 = new BigDecimal (1000); org.junit.Assert.assertSame (bd1,bd2); but the JUnit log shows: expected <1000> was not: <1000> 回答1: assertSame tests that the two objects are the same objects, i.e. that they are == : Asserts that two objects refer to the same object. If they are not the same, an AssertionError without a message is thrown. In your case, since bd1 and bd2 are both new