What does ADD al, '0' do, and why use it before printing an integer digit?
问题 I am a novice in assembly language programming I searched for binary search program and found this and I tried understand the program. It's working fine but I couldn't understand the success part of the code: what is ADD al,'0' and what is mov res,al ? .model small .stack 100h .data ARR DW 1000H,2000H,3000H,4000H,5000H,6000H LEN DW ($-ARR)/2 KEY EQU 2000H SUC DB "KEY IS FOUND AT$" FAILURE DB "KEY IS NOT FOUND$" RES DB "POSITION",13,10,"$" .CODE START: MOV AX,@data MOV DS,AX MOV BX,00 ;LOW MOV