Stargazer for ARDL package's output: 'Error: Unrecognized object type'
问题 So ARDL package in R implements dynlm which is an accepted input in stargazer as per this question and answer. However, I am unable to get stargazer table from ardl or auto_ardl . It throws the unrecognized object type error. Is there a way out of this? Here's a reproducible example: set.seed(10) library(ARDL) library(stargazer) x=rnorm(100,mean = 5,sd=2) y=rnorm(100,mean = 7,sd=3) df=cbind(x,y) model1=auto_ardl(y~x,data = df,max_order = 4) class(model1) [1] "list" stargazer(model1) % Error: