

梦想与她 提交于 2020-03-11 11:00:33
Releases https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases List of releases Ubuntu Website release cycle page Current Version Code name Docs Release End of Standard Support End of Life Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine Release Notes October 17, 2019 July, 2020 July, 2020 Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS Bionic Beaver Changes February 12, 2020 April 2023 April 2028 Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS Bionic Beaver Changes August 8, 2019 April 2023 April 2028 Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS Bionic Beaver Changes February 15, 2019 April 2023 April 2028 Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS Bionic Beaver Changes July 26, 2018 April 2023 April 2028 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Bionic Beaver


纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-05 04:29:44
实现一个简单的功能,有一个Human基类,包含一个变量名字(_name)以及一个打印名字的方法(PrintName)。然后有一个Student子类,多一个变量分数(_grade),有一个获取分数的公共方法,每次获取分数后再调用一个重置分数的私有方法,并且重写了父类打印名字的方法。 class Human: _name = "" def __init__(self, _name): self._name = _name def PrintName(self): print("PrintName") class Student(Human): _grade = 0 def __init__(self, _grade, _name): self._grade = _grade self._name = _name def PrintName(self): super().PrintName() #继承父类方法,如果不需要可以不写 print("学生名:" + self._name) def PrintGrade(self): print("成绩:" + str(self._grade)) self.__ResetGrade() def __ResetGrade(self): self._grade = 0 print("重置后成绩:" + str(self._grade)) april


梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-04 18:40:50
软件测试实习面试都问啥? 面试问的问题 Day1(April 8th): Day2(April 9th): Day3(April 10th): 面试前的准备 ♡ \color{red}{\heartsuit} ♡ 实习面试结束~happy 这周我总共面试了三个软件测试的实习岗位,好累(累并快乐着)。不过总算没白费这个月的努力和准备,三个都过了(并不是我很牛哈,因为是实习岗位,要求没那么高。)对自己的表现还算满意吧(5.8分(满分10分)别问为什么是5.8,哈哈哈)起码问题基本上能回答出来,虽然回答并没有全对,但总能答对几点。过后回想,自己对于知识的掌握,回答问题的技巧相比一个多月前的我,是有很大的进步,但还是很逊色,还需要加油鸭~ 很多人面试前都很关心,面试官会问啥?我也一样,所以也看了很多面试问题,可以看我的两篇博文 软件测试经典面试题集锦 软件测试笔试题 不过这里面的问题在我此次的三次面试都没有被问到。。。 看来面试官也知道套路~~ 所问的问题在我这一个多月的学习都有学习到,因为面试官(技术面)都是针对我简历上写的来问我问题,所以基本上我都能回答出来。 HR面一般不会问你很技术的问题,因为他们也不懂哈哈哈哈,HR问的问题无非就这几个:你的性格、优势、你上一家的实习经验(如果简历上有实习经历的话),而且如果你上一家的实习岗位和软件测试不同,HR会问为什么选择软件测试


大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-04 13:43:29
我们假设一个游戏,舞台上有三个演员(A,B,C),每个演员有一个自己面对的演员且成一个环(A面对B,B面对C,C面对A)。我们可以扇一个演员的耳光,这个演员不管谁扇的他,他都会去扇他面对的演员(所以我们只要任意扇一个人,他们就会一直成环的扇下去)。 首先写好演员的类: public class Actor { private string m_sName; //名字 private bool m_bIsSlapped; //是否被扇 private Actor m_facedActor; //面对的演员 public string Name { set { m_sName = value; } get { return m_sName; } } public Actor(string name) { m_sName = name; Reset(); //构造时设为未被扇 } public void Face(Actor actor) //设置面对演员 { m_facedActor = actor; } public void Reset() //重置状态 { m_bIsSlapped = false; } public void Slap() //被扇 { m_bIsSlapped = true; } public bool WasSlapped() //是否被扇 { return

net core WebApi——公用库April.Util公开及发布

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-03 23:58:21
前言 在之前鼓捣过一次基础工程 April.WebApi 后,就考虑把常用的类库打包做成一个公共类库,这样既方便维护也方便后续做快速开发使用,仓库地址: April.Util_github , April.Util_gitee ,后续会继续推出基于Util的基础工程(包含权限相关)以及如果代码生成器觉得可以了也会推出,先mark不错过。 April.Util 首先,我们创建一个类库工程,当然新建之后就是删掉默认的类,我这里的版本是netstandard 2.0。 然后我们先缕下之前我做基础工程时候需要用到的通用型类库(当然后续会一直跟进补充)。 通用配置 AprilConfig,AprilEnums 缓存相关 CacheUtil,CookieUtil,SessionUtil,RedisUtil 日志相关 LogUtil 路径请求相关 UriUtil 回调相关 ResponseUtil 时间处理相关 DateUtil 验证码相关 CodeUtil 管理员相关 TokenUtil 加密相关 EncrypUtil Aop相关 AprilLogAttribute 其他扩展类 未完待续 我们所需要引入的NuGet包,尽可能的节省新工程需要引入的类库,这样统一类库环境,方便多工程简单部署问题,当然也可以只引入dll文件,自己在工程中引入需要的环境类库,引入类库列表。 log4net

How do you markup a date range with the HTML5 time tag?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:45:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: When marking-up dates in HTML5, I know for a single date you should use the <time> tag as follows <time datetime="2011-04-02">2nd April 2011</time> But how would you (or should you) markup a date range like "2nd - 4th April 2011"? Thanks. 回答1: It would be nice if <time> had a nice way of representing ranges, but you have to do something like this instead: <time datetime="2011-04-02">2nd</time> - <time datetime="2011-04-04">4th April 2011</time> 回答2: Marking up date ranges has yet to be settled at this point. (You can see the evolving

Capitalize or change case of an NSString in Objective-C

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:29:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 由 翻译 强力驱动 问题: I was wondering how to capitalize a string found in an object in an NSMutableArray . An NSArray contains the string 'April' at index 2. I want this to be changed to 'APRIL' . Is there something simple like this? viewNoteDateMonth . text = [[ displayDate objectAtIndex : 2 ] capitalized ]; 回答1: Here ya go: viewNoteDateMonth . text = [[ displayDate objectAtIndex : 2 ] uppercaseString ]; Btw: "april" is lowercase [NSString lowercaseString] "APRIL" is UPPERCASE [NSString uppercaseString] "April May" is Capitalized/Word Caps [NSString

Is jQuery Mobile ready for production use?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:29:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I've been meaning to use jQuery Mobile for a client project that is to go live in about 2 months (in the end of April) but I can't seem to find any roadmap for jQuery Mobile. It is now in Alpha 3 stage. There were only one month between Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 but about two and a half months between Alpha 2 and Alpha 3 . According to the Bug Tracker , jQuery Mobile has 231 open issues where many of them are critical or high or even 2 with status Blocker. I really wan't to use this framework because of it's ambition to reach so many clients and

How to build Swift Perfect Server using Xcode for Ubuntu?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:02:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: So I understand how we can build it for OSX but how do we build perfect server http on Linux? Is there a way we can build the source code using Xcode but have it compile for Ubuntu? 回答1: You cannot build in Xcode for Linux, however you can just develop in xCode and then build sources on Ubuntu. In release-1.0 brunch both PerfectLib and PerfectServer contain makefiles. Take a look on description in these links. PerfectLib-1.0 , PerfectServer-1.0 However during the development you will need to modify the makefiles in order to properly build it