

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-01 19:51:00
目录 前端编译器:源代码到字节码 JIT编译器:从字节码到机器码 AOT编译器:源代码到机器码 总结 转载 无论什么语言写的代码,其到最后都是通过机器码运行的,无一例外。那么对于 Java 语言来说,其从源代码到机器码,这中间到底发生了什么呢?这就是今天我们要聊的。 如下图所示,编译器可以分为:前端编译器、JIT 编译器和AOT编译器。下面我们逐个讲解。 前端编译器:源代码到字节码 对于 Java 虚拟机来说,其实际输入的是字节码文件,而不是 Java 文件。那么对于 Java 语言而言,其实怎么将 Java 代码转化成字节码文件的呢?我们知道在 JDK 的安装目录里有一个 javac 工具,就是它将 Java 代码翻译成字节码,这个工具我们叫做编译器。相对于后面要讲的其他编译器,其因为处于编译的前期,因此又被称为前端编译器。 我们运行 javac 命令的过程,其实就是 javac 编译器解析 Java 源代码,并生成字节码文件的过程。说白了,其实就是使用 javac 编译器把 Java 语言规范转化为字节码语言规范。javac 编译器的处理过程可以分为下面四个阶段: 第一个阶段:词法、语法分析。在这个阶段,JVM 会对源代码的字符进行一次扫描,最终生成一个抽象的语法树。简单地说,在这个阶段 JVM 会搞懂我们的代码到底想要干嘛。就像我们分析一个句子一样,我们会对句子划分主谓宾

JIT compile error with protobuf-net on MonoTouch/iOS device (iPhone/iPad)

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-01 08:28:35
I am using protobuf-net v2 beta r450 (binary distribution) and building a serialization assembly ahead of time using the technique described here: I create my serialization assembly on Windows and use it in my MonoTouch project. It works under the simulator. But when run on the device, where AOT compilation only is enforced, I get this error: attempting to JIT compile method 'ProtoBuf.BufferPool.GetBuffer()' while running with --aot-only The exception occurs when Serialize() is called:

JIT compile error with protobuf-net on MonoTouch/iOS device (iPhone/iPad)

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-01 06:56:07
问题 I am using protobuf-net v2 beta r450 (binary distribution) and building a serialization assembly ahead of time using the technique described here: I create my serialization assembly on Windows and use it in my MonoTouch project. It works under the simulator. But when run on the device, where AOT compilation only is enforced, I get this error: attempting to JIT compile method 'ProtoBuf

How to pass a typed collection from clojure to java?

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-11-30 12:53:18
问题 I know the basics of clojure/java interop: calling java from clojure and vice versa. However, I was not able to return a typed collection from clojure to java. I am trying to see something of that nature List<TypedObject> from the java code which is calling into clojure. Java Object: public class TypedObject { private OtherType1 _prop1; public OtherType1 getProp1() { return _prop1; } public void setProp1(OtherType1 prop1) { _prop1 = prop1; } } CLojure method: (defn -createListOfTypedObjects

How to pass a typed collection from clojure to java?

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-11-30 03:28:35
I know the basics of clojure/java interop: calling java from clojure and vice versa. However, I was not able to return a typed collection from clojure to java. I am trying to see something of that nature List<TypedObject> from the java code which is calling into clojure. Java Object: public class TypedObject { private OtherType1 _prop1; public OtherType1 getProp1() { return _prop1; } public void setProp1(OtherType1 prop1) { _prop1 = prop1; } } CLojure method: (defn -createListOfTypedObjects "Creates and returns a list of TypedObjects" [input] ;Do work here to create and return list of

angular AOT and JIT on same project

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-11-30 03:02:51
问题 On angular5, i try to have on same project AOT compilation for most of my module/component... but i have one part who need to be JIT compiled. For this second part, HTML come from Ajax request and contain some component tag who must be compiled by angular. To Manage this part i use directive who looks like : export class ArticleLiveDirective implements OnInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy { // [...] constructor( private container: ViewContainerRef, private compiler: Compiler ) { } // [...] private


非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-11-29 19:36:21
原文地址: ART、JIT、AOT、Dalvik之间有什么关系? JIT与Dalvik JIT是”Just In Time Compiler”的缩写,就是”即时编译技术”,与Dalvik虚拟机相关。 怎么理解这句话呢?这要从Android的一些特性说起。 JIT是在2.2版本提出的,目的是为了提高Android的运行速度,一直存活到4.4版本,因为在4.4之后的ROM中,就不存在Dalvik虚拟机了。 我们使用Java开发android,在编译打包APK文件时,会经过以下流程 Java编译器将应用中所有Java文件编译为class文件 dx工具将应用编译输出的类文件转换为Dalvik字节码,即dex文件 之后经过签名、对齐等操作变为APK文件。 Dalvik虚拟机可以看做是一个Java VM,他负责解释dex文件为机器码,如果我们不做处理的话,每次执行代码,都需要Dalvik将dex代码翻译为微处理器指令

FeatureModule fails during an AOT build when static forRoot has arguments

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-11-29 04:32:28
I am encountering an AOT build issue using Angular@5.1.0. The error is: ERROR in Error during template compile of 'AppModule' Function calls are not supported in decorators but 'FeatureModule' was called. feature.module.ts @NgModule({ imports: [ BrowserModule, RouterModule.forRoot([]) ], declarations: [ ... ], exports: [ ... ] }) export class FeatureModule{ static forRoot(items:any[]): ModuleWithProviders { const routes:Routes => { return { path:, component: t.component }; }); return { ngModule: FeatureModule, providers: [ provideRoutes(routes) ] } } } This compiles

Free AOT Java compiler [closed]

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-11-29 03:45:53
Does anyone know some free AOT Java compiler? I have found just one - . m. m. As of now, it fully supports Java SE 8 and the Standard Edition is free (but only supports 32-bit Windows and Linux.) GCJ , as you've already noted, is probably your best option. If you're looking for something that runs on Windows you'll need to setup a Cygwin or MinGW environment that runs the GCC. JNC is an old one that may still work, it was built for Java 1.5 and is based on the GCC. Not sure how finished it is, but this project uses LLVM and can AOT compile


久未见 提交于 2019-11-28 00:34:52
原 TensorFlow技术内幕(七):模型优化之XLA(上) 2018年06月13日 14:53:49 jony0917 阅读数 5513 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 by-sa 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明。 本文链接: 本章中我们分析一下TensorFlow的XLA(Accelerated Linear Algebra 加速线性代数)的内核实现。代码位置在tensorflow/compiler. XLA 在XLA技术之前,TensorFlow中计算图的执行是由runtime(运行时)代码驱动的:runtime负责加载计算图定义、创建计算图、计算图分区、计算图优化、分配设备、管理节点间的依赖并调度节点kernel的执行;计算图是数据部分,runtime是代码部分。在第五章session类的实现分析中,我们已经比较详细的分析了这个过程。在XLA出现之后,我们有了另一个选择,计算图现在可以直接被编译成目标平台的可执行代码,可以直接执行,不需要runtime代码的参与了。 本章我就来分析一下XLA是如何将tensorflow.GraphDef编译成可执行代码的。 目前XLA提供了AOT(提前编译)和JIT(即时编译)两种方式