How to pass a typed collection from clojure to java?

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-11-30 03:28:35

The others are right that Clojure doesn't ensure the types of elements in returned collections, etc. (Actually, the JVM doesn't ensure the types of elements in collections, either – that's handled entirely by javac.)

However, I can see the value of providing an API to other Java programmers that specifies an interface that declares that return values (or parameters) parameterized in various ways; this is especially attractive if one is looking to use Clojure in an existing Java environment without making waves.

This currently requires a two step process:

  • define a separate interface (in Java!) that specifies the parameterized types as you like
  • define your gen-class namespace (or proxy or reify instance) such that it implements that interface

(Clojure does provide a definterface form that would allow you to avoid the separate Java interface definition, but definterface, just like the rest of Clojure, does not provide for specifying parameterized types. Maybe someday... :-))


public interface IFoo {
    List<TypedObject> createListOfTypedObjects ();

and then your gen-class namespace:

(ns your.ns.FooImpl
    :implements [IFoo]))
(defn -createListOfTypedObjects
  [typedObj1, typedObj2, typedObj3])

When your users create instances of FooImpl, they'll e.g. get code completion indicating that the method returns List<TypedObject> rather than Object or the unparameterized List type.

If you're using sane build tools (e.g. maven, gradle, or properly-configured ant), then you can put the Java interface in your Clojure project, and the cross-language dependency will be taken care of.

If you're trying to pass something like List<String> to a java method, then you don't need to worry about it. The type parameter (e.g., String) is only used to by the javac compiler, so any List will work just fine at runtime.

On the other hand if you're trying to pass an array of a particular object type (e.g., String[]), then you can use the various -array functions:

user=> (make-array String 10)            ; an empty String array
#<String[] [Ljava.lang.String;@78878c4c>
user=> (into-array ["foo" "bar"])        ; array type inferred from first element
#<String[] [Ljava.lang.String;@743fbbfc>
user=> (into-array Number [1.2 5 7N])    ; explicit type array
#<Number[] [Ljava.lang.Number;@7433b121>

You don't need to worry about generics (typed collections) in Clojure. Generics are really just type hints to the Java compiler. In a running Java program, List<String> is effectively the same as List<Object>.

So, for example, a Clojure vector containing Strings is already a List<String> with no conversion needed.
