
using ControllerAs in an angular 1.5 component

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-22 10:03:09
问题 I am attempting to use the controllerAs Syntax in an angularjs 1.5 component. here is a plunker without the controllerAs everything works fine. (function() { angular.module("myApp", []) .component("helloWorld", { template: "Hello {{$}}, I'm {{$ctrl.myName}}!", bindings: { name: '@' }, controller: helloWorldController }) function helloWorldController() { /* jshint validthis: true */ var vm = this; vm.myName = 'Alain' } })(); however

How to handle $ctrl. in AngularJS?

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-22 08:30:15
问题 I have a Methode from an API. It returns a promise which resolves to an $ctrl(?) object. This objects should contain a measurement and will be updated whenever it receive a new data. getMeasurements.latest(filter) //only a object to filter through all measurements .then(function (latestMeasurement) { $ctrl.latestMeasurement = latestMeasurement; }); My problem is that I don't know how to work with this data or display it in my html file. How does $ctrl work? Here the documentation of the API

How to handle $ctrl. in AngularJS?

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-22 08:29:26
问题 I have a Methode from an API. It returns a promise which resolves to an $ctrl(?) object. This objects should contain a measurement and will be updated whenever it receive a new data. getMeasurements.latest(filter) //only a object to filter through all measurements .then(function (latestMeasurement) { $ctrl.latestMeasurement = latestMeasurement; }); My problem is that I don't know how to work with this data or display it in my html file. How does $ctrl work? Here the documentation of the API

More than one template in same component in AngularJS 1.5

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-17 18:55:21
问题 Can I use more than one template in AngularJS 1.5 components ? I have one component having one attribute, so I want to load different template based on that attribute name. How can I achieve loading of templates based on attribute name of element? jsConfigApp.component('show', { templateUrl: 'component/show.html', //How to change it based on attribute value? bindings:{ view:"@" }, controller: function () { console.log(this.view) if (this.view = "user") { console.log("user") } else if (this

How to add ng-model functionality to a component

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-17 16:54:38
问题 Angular ng-change on ng-model passed into child directive Basically, I want to be able to pass in ng-model from a parent directive to a child directive. I could just in a 2-way binded value, but then I wouldn't be able to use a ng-change in the parent directive on the child element. I could also use ng-click, but this wouldn't work with a non-clicking change (such as a text area instead of a checkbox). So I'm wondering if there's a way to allow a custom directives to have a ng-model/ng-change

When to use the AngularJS `$onInit` Life-Cycle Hook

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-17 09:54:43
问题 With the release of AngularJS V1.7, the option to pre-assign bindings to has deprecated and removed: Due to 38f8c9, directive bindings are no longer available in the constructor . To migrate your code: If you specified $compileProvider.preAssignBindingsEnabled(true) you need to first migrate your code so that the flag can be flipped to false . The instructions on how to do that are available in the "Migrating from 1.5 to 1.6" guide. Afterwards, remove the $compileProvider

AngularJS 1.5+ Components do not support Watchers, what is the work around?

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-16 20:16:55
问题 I've been upgrading my custom directives to the new component architecture. I've read that components do not support watchers. Is this correct? If so how do you detect changes on an object? For a basic example I have custom component myBox which has a child component game with a binding on the game . If there is a change game within the game component how do I show an alert message within the myBox? I understand there is rxJS method is it possible to do this purely in angular? My JSFiddle

AngularJS 1.5+ Components do not support Watchers, what is the work around?

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-16 20:16:32
问题 I've been upgrading my custom directives to the new component architecture. I've read that components do not support watchers. Is this correct? If so how do you detect changes on an object? For a basic example I have custom component myBox which has a child component game with a binding on the game . If there is a change game within the game component how do I show an alert message within the myBox? I understand there is rxJS method is it possible to do this purely in angular? My JSFiddle

AngularJS 1.5+ Components do not support Watchers, what is the work around?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-16 20:16:03
问题 I've been upgrading my custom directives to the new component architecture. I've read that components do not support watchers. Is this correct? If so how do you detect changes on an object? For a basic example I have custom component myBox which has a child component game with a binding on the game . If there is a change game within the game component how do I show an alert message within the myBox? I understand there is rxJS method is it possible to do this purely in angular? My JSFiddle

angularjs pass grandparent to grandson with components

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-12 17:02:38
问题 let me give an example if I could with 3 components: <grandparent> <parent> <grandson> If grandparent has an object, let us say a person const person = { name: 'William', age: 102 } How would the grandson be able to inherit that value from grandparent? <title={{ $ }}> won't work because the $ctrl would be the parent. hoping that my lighthearted example is taken as such. 回答1: Check this plunkr Here is the updated code: <grand-parent> <cbs-cus-comp com-bind='grandParentCntAs