
Android setting label to spinner

喜你入骨 提交于 2021-02-20 16:03:29
问题 Hi how to set a label in spinner: ie the lable should initially visible when user clicke the spinner button options visible , when user select the option the label should replace with the new item,is it possible with spinner? 回答1: Spinners do not have "labels". Beyond that, though, what I think you are describing is exactly what a Spinner does: When closed, shows the last selection made by the user, or the initial selection if it has never been opened When opened, shows a selection list of

how to compile aidl file in android project?

我们两清 提交于 2021-02-20 13:58:30
问题 Hi can anyone tell me where to place aidl file in project tree and how to use it in project source. Will aidl file gets compiled, If i build apk ?? How to use it in eclipse ? 回答1: AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language) is similar to other IDLs you might have worked with. It allows you to define the programming interface that both the client and service agree upon in order to communicate with each other using interprocess communication (IPC) Where to place aidl file ? Save aidl file in

how to compile aidl file in android project?

早过忘川 提交于 2021-02-20 13:53:28
问题 Hi can anyone tell me where to place aidl file in project tree and how to use it in project source. Will aidl file gets compiled, If i build apk ?? How to use it in eclipse ? 回答1: AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language) is similar to other IDLs you might have worked with. It allows you to define the programming interface that both the client and service agree upon in order to communicate with each other using interprocess communication (IPC) Where to place aidl file ? Save aidl file in


我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-02-20 13:52:19
本文将重点介绍4个可以用来提高页面渲染速度的CSS技巧。 1. Content-visibility 一般来说,大多数Web应用都有复杂的UI元素,它的扩展范围超出了用户在浏览器视图中看到的内容。在这种情况下,我们可以使用内容可见性( content-visibility )来跳过屏幕外内容的渲染。如果你有大量的离屏内容,这将大大减少页面渲染时间。 这个功能是最新增加的功能之一,也是对提高渲染性能影响最大的功能之一。虽然 content-visibility 接受几个值,但我们可以在元素上使用 content-visibility: auto; 来获得直接的性能提升。 让我们考虑一下下面的页面,其中包含许多不同信息的卡片。虽然大约有12张卡适合屏幕,但列表中大约有375张卡。正如你所看到的,浏览器用了1037ms来渲染这个页面 。 下一步,您可以向所有卡添加 content-visibility 。 在这个例子中,在页面中加入 content-visibility 后,渲染时间下降到150ms,这是6倍以上的性能提升。 正如你所看到的,内容可见性是相当强大的,对提高页面渲染时间非常有用。根据我们目前所讨论的东西,你一定是把它当成了页面渲染的银弹。 content-visibility 的限制 然而,有几个领域的内容可视性不佳。我想强调两点,供大家参考。 此功能仍处于试验阶段。

Java & Android未捕获异常处理机制

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-20 12:56:23
一、背景 无论是Java还是Android项目,往往都会用到多线程。不管是主线程还是子线程,在运行过程中,都有可能出现未捕获异常。未捕获异常中含有详细的异常信息堆栈,可以很方便的去帮助我们排查问题。 默认情况下,异常信息堆栈都会在输出设备显示,同时,Java & Android为我们提供了未捕获异常的处理接口,使得我们可以去自定义异常的处理,甚至可以改变在异常处理流程上的具体走向,如常见的将异常信息写到本地日志文件,甚至上报服务端等。 在未捕获异常的处理机制上,总体上,Android基本沿用了Java的整套流程,同时,针对Android自身的特点,进行了一些特别的处理,使得在表现上与Java默认的流程会有一些差异。 二、未捕获异常处理流程 2.1 引子 我们先可以思考几个问题: 1,Java子线程中出现了未捕获的异常,是否会导致主进程退出? 2,Android子线程中出现了未捕获的异常,是否会导致App闪退? 3,Android项目中,当未作任何处理时,未捕获异常发生时,Logcat中的异常堆栈信息是如何输出的? 4,Android项目中,可能引入了多个质量监控的三方库,为何三方库之间,甚至与主工程之间都没有冲突? 5,Android中因未捕获异常导致闪退时,如何处理,从而可以将异常信息写到本地日志文件甚至上报服务端? 6,Java & Android对未捕获异常的处理流程有何异同


試著忘記壹切 提交于 2021-02-20 12:44:54
一位不愿透露姓名的嵌入式工程师说过,“我是一名嵌入式软件工程师,我现在慌得一笔!” 并非计算机科班出身的他,整个七年下来感觉自己学习的课程也不比电子信息科班出身的少,但是真正学到了什么东西,一下还说不出来。这几年的工作经历,一直感觉是在嵌入式程序开发方面入了门,但是还谈不上精通。 人总是应该有忧患意识的,尤其是程序员,中年危机还是很严重的!这使自己时常考虑未来应该怎么做来应对这种潜在的危机,前一段时间还一直犹豫到底是该从事什么,想过继续嵌入式深挖,考公务员,转战人工智能领域。 伤心中年人:猝不及防的裁员 老熟人老黄的公司裁员了,而且还是整个部门的裁,“早上大家还好好的对需求、敲代码。下午 Leader 开始通知组员,说我失业了”,丢工作是瞬间的事,没有任何征兆,没任何防备,突然就说“你被裁了!” 当我看到这条消息时,并未感到丝毫的诧异,因为我之前就对朋友老黄所处的直播行业有预见性,裁员是早晚的事,就看能撑多久。还好他平时做点其他副业,这种裁员对他来说并无致命的打击和危机感。 每个人从校门走出来到社会,就决定了你真的要努力了,大家背起行囊,大包小包地来到异乡,带着赚钱目的和拼一把的精神开始了自己的程序生涯,因此阶段规划对每个人都很重要。 老黄的这十年 老黄今年 30 岁,个头不高,平时不爱说话,挺老实一个人,出生在湖南一个县城,大学在省会城市长沙就读,毕业后通过校招以 9K


一世执手 提交于 2021-02-20 12:29:08
一般报错日志如下 android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException Unable to add window -- token android.os.BinderProxy@65000e for displayid = 0 is not valid; is your activity running? 还原失败(未找到符号表)(404_1_0_2_0_0_0_0_9_0) 1 android.view.ViewRootImpl.setView( 2 android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.addView( 3 android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView( 4 5 6

Flutter Cache JSON response using http response header

陌路散爱 提交于 2021-02-20 11:44:45
问题 I'm trying to create and use a cache for a server JSON response. something like volley response caching does. in Android I am using DIO for network operations. 回答1: You can you create your own cache with Interceptors on top of Dio requests. You can create in on your own: import 'package:dio/dio.dart'; class CacheInterceptor extends Interceptor { CacheInterceptor(); var _cache = new Map<Uri, Response>(); @override onRequest(RequestOptions options)

Android Espresso: Make assertion while button is kept pressed

一笑奈何 提交于 2021-02-20 11:26:12
问题 I'm quite new to Espresso on Android and I am running into the following problem: I want Espresso to perform a longclick(or something..) on a button, and while the button is kept pressed down, I want to check the state of a different View. In (more or less) pseudocode: onView(withId(button_id)).perform(pressButtonDown()); onView(withId(textBox_id)).check(matches(withText("Button is pressed"))); onView(withId(button_id)).perform(releaseButton()); I tried writing 2 custom Taps, PRESS and

Is there a way to know if Data Saver is enabled?

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2021-02-20 10:26:34
问题 Android 7.0 Nougat added Data Saver feature allowing users to restrict background data of certain apps (including push notifications). When Data Saver is ON, only the apps on the list found in Settings → Data Saver → Unrestricted data access are allowed to receive push notifications and execute background network calls. If Data Saver is OFF and your app is not on the unrestricted list, it's pretty much like setting push notifications disabled. There is a use case in my app where it's waiting