
Firebase Crashlytics crash reports are not de-obfuscated after publishing app as a app bundle

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2021-02-19 08:43:05
问题 I recently publish my app to play store as a app bundle and everything is working fine except for above mentioned issue. I have added bellow pro-guard rules in my app and it was working fine with my old builds. #CrashLitics -keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable -keep public class * extends java.lang.Exception Is there any addition pro-guard rules to include when publishing as a app bundle? 回答1: I contacted the Firebase team. Their reply was to add :app:crashlyticsUploadDeobsRelease (or

Android Library: Release .aar getting classes.jar empty when using proguard

好久不见. 提交于 2021-02-07 02:36:01
问题 I'm trying to generate a library with minifyEnabled true but, inside the release .aar, classes.jar is getting empty. I have checked my and it seems to be all right. I've even created a new module with the default .gradle files and when i set minifyEnable true the release version still gets the classes.jar with no class inside. After all, is it possible to generate an android library obfuscating the code? EDIT 1: Adding module build.gradle apply plugin: ''

Android Library: Release .aar getting classes.jar empty when using proguard

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2021-02-07 02:33:17
问题 I'm trying to generate a library with minifyEnabled true but, inside the release .aar, classes.jar is getting empty. I have checked my and it seems to be all right. I've even created a new module with the default .gradle files and when i set minifyEnable true the release version still gets the classes.jar with no class inside. After all, is it possible to generate an android library obfuscating the code? EDIT 1: Adding module build.gradle apply plugin: ''

Android Library: Release .aar getting classes.jar empty when using proguard

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-02-07 02:33:16
问题 I'm trying to generate a library with minifyEnabled true but, inside the release .aar, classes.jar is getting empty. I have checked my and it seems to be all right. I've even created a new module with the default .gradle files and when i set minifyEnable true the release version still gets the classes.jar with no class inside. After all, is it possible to generate an android library obfuscating the code? EDIT 1: Adding module build.gradle apply plugin: ''

Android Library: Release .aar getting classes.jar empty when using proguard

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2021-02-07 02:32:48
问题 I'm trying to generate a library with minifyEnabled true but, inside the release .aar, classes.jar is getting empty. I have checked my and it seems to be all right. I've even created a new module with the default .gradle files and when i set minifyEnable true the release version still gets the classes.jar with no class inside. After all, is it possible to generate an android library obfuscating the code? EDIT 1: Adding module build.gradle apply plugin: ''

SimException on proguard build, Android Studio?

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-01-28 05:40:24
问题 I have enabled proguard for my project and I get this exception when I build signed APK can't find referenced method 'int zzaT(android.os.Parcel)' in program class can't find referenced method 'int zzaU(android.os.Parcel)' in program class can't

Proguard configuration for Firebase-UI library

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-08-17 06:57:27
问题 When creating a APK with proguard enabled, the following exception is thrown when using the FirebaseRecyclerAdapter from the Firebase-UI library ( com.firebaseui:firebase-ui:0.3.0 ): java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: <init> [class android.view.View] at com.firebase.ui.FirebaseRecyclerAdapter.onCreateViewHolder( The debug version (without proguard) works fine. Who has a working proguard config for Firebase-UI? My current proguard

Proguard configuration for Firebase-UI library

戏子无情 提交于 2020-08-17 06:57:21
问题 When creating a APK with proguard enabled, the following exception is thrown when using the FirebaseRecyclerAdapter from the Firebase-UI library ( com.firebaseui:firebase-ui:0.3.0 ): java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: <init> [class android.view.View] at com.firebase.ui.FirebaseRecyclerAdapter.onCreateViewHolder( The debug version (without proguard) works fine. Who has a working proguard config for Firebase-UI? My current proguard