
Is there any proguard rules should use while using EncryptedSharedPreferences?

三世轮回 提交于 2020-05-16 22:02:16
问题 before using EncryptedSharedPreferences my app works fine in release mode with (minifyEnabled = true), After adding the security library to my application the app crash while opening and if i use (minifyEnabled = false) the app works fine, i think i missing something to add it in but i have searched a lot did not found anything. 回答1: Looks like something wrong with Tink obfuscation. My current workaround is add this rule to proguard: -keep class** {

Is there any proguard rules should use while using EncryptedSharedPreferences?

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-05-16 22:01:03
问题 before using EncryptedSharedPreferences my app works fine in release mode with (minifyEnabled = true), After adding the security library to my application the app crash while opening and if i use (minifyEnabled = false) the app works fine, i think i missing something to add it in but i have searched a lot did not found anything. 回答1: Looks like something wrong with Tink obfuscation. My current workaround is add this rule to proguard: -keep class** {