
Convert from millis to hex String

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-12 05:39:36
问题 I want to set the current time as the major and minor values of a beacon. Lets suppose this is the current time 1465398279009 . I want 9827 to be the value of the major and 9009 the value of the minor. I use a java code to call the shell script. this is my java code Long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); String time=Long.toString(millis); // String major1=time.substring(...); String major1="99"; String major2="99"; String minor1="99"; String minor2="99"; ProcessBuilder pb2=new

Android robolectric tests manifest merge issue (android beacon library)

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-12 05:38:50
问题 I have the simple Test Case @Config(constants = BuildConfig.class) @RunWith(RobolectricGradleTestRunner.class) public class BaseTest { @Test public void startEverTestSugarAppAsFirst() { BeaconManager.setsManifestCheckingDisabled(true); } } Unfortunately the runner hits manifestmerger issue java.lang.RuntimeException: org.altbeacon.beacon.BeaconManager$ServiceNotDeclaredException: The BeaconService is not properly declared in AndroidManifest.xml. If using Eclipse, please verify that your

How to increase the delay in the data of the region notifier?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-11 14:40:14
问题 I have using Android Beacon Library for one of my beacon solution .Is there a way put a delay in data produced by the range notifier because it is giving data very frequently . Below is the code which I am referring to. To see complete code you can go to this thread "Android iBeacon App not working in the background" @Override public void didRangeBeaconsInRegion(Collection<Beacon> beacons, Region region) { if(beacons.size() > 0) { for (Beacon beacon : beacons) { if (beacon.getDistance() < 1.0

How can I “refresh” my RegionBootstrap (Android Beacon Library)?

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-11 12:44:00
问题 I am developing an Android app that works with Beacons (thanks to the usage of Android Beacon Library). I have an Application that extends BootstrapNotifier that calls a Controller (my class) method which creates a new RegionBootstrap. Everything works fine when the app starts and the Beacons related to the corresponding Regions triggers notifications when they enter or leave that specific Region. public class BackgroundApplication extends Application implements BootstrapNotifier,

How to Build the sample project for Android library for Beacon?

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-11 10:31:31
问题 I am trying to build the following sample project provided by the Radius Networks for integrating beacon in Android. The link for the project follows: sample project But the problem is that I am not able to build the project. Please explain the steps to do so. Thanks in advance. Note - I am using Eclipse IDE with ADT plugin for building the app. The error says - "Android Beacon Library is missing". 回答1: When using Eclipse, you need to have the Android iBeacon Library imported as a separate

Bluetooth Crash on Samsung S4

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-11 01:54:40
问题 I am running an application with BLE scan. on Samsung S4 after a while or if more tha 10 beacons are around I see this error: 07-18 11:51:57.169: W/bt_userial(7819): userial_read_thread() failed to gain buffers 07-18 11:51:57.169: E/GKI_LINUX(7819): ##### ERROR : GKI_exception: GKI_exception(): Task State Table 07-18 11:51:57.169: E/GKI_LINUX(7819): ##### 07-18 11:51:57.169: E/GKI_LINUX(7819): ##### ERROR : GKI_exception: TASK ID [0] task name [BTU] state [1] 07-18 11:51:57.169: E/GKI_LINUX

How to start ranging without UUID using estimote beacon android?

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-10 17:19:18
问题 I am making an android application on beacon in this app I want to find estimote beacon. So I want to know that how to start ranging beacon without uuid and how to search estimote beacon. I want to find uuid of Estimote. If anybody knows please help me out with this. 回答1: All Estimote beacons share the same proximity UUID unless changed. If you use Estimote Android SDK, then default proximity UUID is declared in com.estimote.sdk.utils.EstimoteBeacons.ESTIMOTE_PROXIMITY_UUID ( B9407F30-F5F8

How to add more than one beacon in a single region?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-10 16:39:00
问题 According to Estimote: There is almost no limit to how many beacons can be included in a single region (technically, it’s over 4 billion). How do we add more than one beacon in one single region for monitoring? We create a region like this: UUID ESTIMOTE_PROXIMITY_UUID = UUID.fromString("B9407F30-F5F8-4568-AFF9-25556B57FE6D"); Region ALL_ESTIMOTE_BEACONS = new Region("regionId", ESTIMOTE_PROXIMITY_UUID, null, null); 回答1: From an Estimote community manager: If a region is defined by UUID or

How to increase the scan period for BLE devices in Android?

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-09 06:37:53
问题 I was trying to implement beacon scanning program, and i want the android BLE services to behave similar to iOS "didRangeBeacons" method,i.e, it should get called every one second. But in android there is no such method. But in android there is "leScanCallback" method that gets called very frequently with a scan period of less than a second. So is there any way that i can implement my functionality in leScanCallback method and increase its scan period interval to 1 second, so that it behaves

Android BTLE -> Cannot find callback wrapper

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-08 15:27:12
问题 I am using Android Beacon Library in my app and I copied, word for word, their example for ranging but I keep getting the error you see below the code. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am just now getting into BTLE/beacons package com.example.josh.beacons; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.RemoteException; import; import android.util.Log; import org.altbeacon.beacon.Beacon; import org.altbeacon.beacon.BeaconConsumer; import org