
using STL with Alchemy

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-19 09:16:22
问题 While Alchemy supports compiling C++, it seems that using the using the STL is trouble, mostly due to a problem with std::string. What's strange is that Alchemy seems to be using GNU libstd++ v3.4.6. It's hard to believe that std::string is broken in GNU's STL. Has anyone figured out any workarounds for this problem? C++ without the STL is like a fish without water. 回答1: The problem isn't in the STL as such. The GNU implementation of std::string is reference-counted using the thread-safe

How to compile ffmpeg via Alchemy gcc?

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-02 22:03:17
问题 So I created ffmpeg configuration file that makes it pure C (platform independent, but only theoretically) So my config is simple (0.6.1,0.6.3 tested): ./configure --disable-doc --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobe --disable-ffserver --disable-avdevice --disable-avfilter --disable-pthreads --disable-everything --enable-muxer=flv --enable-encoder=flv --enable-encoder=h263 --disable-mmx --disable-shared --prefix=bin/ --disable-protocols --disable-network --disable-optimizations --disable-debug -

How to compile ffmpeg via Alchemy gcc?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-02 11:47:22
So I created ffmpeg configuration file that makes it pure C (platform independent, but only theoretically) So my config is simple (0.6.1,0.6.3 tested): ./configure --disable-doc --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobe --disable-ffserver --disable-avdevice --disable-avfilter --disable-pthreads --disable-everything --enable-muxer=flv --enable-encoder=flv --enable-encoder=h263 --disable-mmx --disable-shared --prefix=bin/ --disable-protocols --disable-network --disable-optimizations --disable-debug --disable-asm --disable-stripping Compiling this on Linux will resolve in 4 libs with totall size of 1 mb

Convert Little-endian ByteArray to Big-endian in AS3

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-02 10:05:36
How to convert Little-endian ByteArray to Big-endian in AS3? I convert bitmapData to Big-endian ByteArray and then push it into memory with Adobe Alchemy. And then when i read it from memory i get Little-endian ByteArray. How to get Big-endian. I use this example code (Memory allocation in C with direct access in Actionscript (FAST!!)) Code: var ba:ByteArray = currentBitmapData.getPixels( currentBitmapData.rect ); ba.position = 0; var ns:Namespace = new Namespace("cmodule.al_exam"); var data:ByteArray = (ns::gstate).ds;

Simple OpenGL implementatione [closed]

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-01 08:07:39
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 9 months ago . I work on port of some casual games to Flash. They are based on OpenGL. Used OpenGL version is 1.x mostly. Game engine relies is 2D. It bases on OpenGL textures and simplest glBegin/glTexCoord/glVertex/glEnd. Blending and tiling is used too. The question. I do not want to reinvent OpenGL again. Please tell -

How to pass ByteArray to C code in alchemy?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-11-28 14:05:37
I want to pass a byte array object from flex code to C code.How to do that? Passing a ByteArray from Flex to C++ Multiple approaches outlined here: You can use AMF to pass an ActionScript ByteArray. So you're set on the Actionscript side. On the server side, there are slim pickings for AMF server implementations in C++. I use BlazeDS for Java, but the only one I can seem to find for C++ is AMFPP . 来源:

How to pass ByteArray to C code in alchemy?

余生长醉 提交于 2019-11-27 08:03:31
问题 I want to pass a byte array object from flex code to C code.How to do that? 回答1: Passing a ByteArray from Flex to C++ 回答2: Multiple approaches outlined here: 回答3: You can use AMF to pass an ActionScript ByteArray. So you're set on the Actionscript side. On the server side, there are slim pickings for AMF server implementations in C+