
how to eliminate latency and echo from the direct-monitoring using AsioOut (NAudio)

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-02-05 04:43:04
问题 Based on this question made ​​by me: How to record and playback with NAudio using AsioOut With this code: [DllImport("Kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "RtlMoveMemory", SetLastError = false)] private static unsafe extern void MoveMemory(IntPtr dest, IntPtr src, int size); private void OnAudioAvailable(object sender, AsioAudioAvailableEventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < e.InputBuffers.Length; i++) { MoveMemory(e.OutputBuffers[i], e.InputBuffers[i], e.SamplesPerBuffer * e.InputBuffers.Length); } e

AEC in Flash, getEnhancedMicrophone

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-19 04:58:14
问题 Have next problem: var mic:Microphone = Microphone.getEnhancedMicrophone(); mic.setLoopBack(true); And I don`t hear any sound... What is it? When I write Microphone.getMicrophone() all work right and I hear sounds. 回答1: To work around it, try the following steps: 1) install debug player 10.3 or higher It's very likely that you run it with NOT debug version of flash player, that is why you miss important warnings and exceptions. 2) allow users to accept access to the microphone: Security

WebRTC Acoustic Echo cancelation

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-04 04:40:21
问题 I'm currently working on webrtc project, and having a problem with audio echo when not using an earphone, or external mic, is there any work around or fix for this 回答1: Echo cancellation is supposed to be on by default in WebRTC. You can turn it off to hear the difference: navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: { echoCancellation: false } }) .then(stream => audio.srcObject = stream) .catch(e => log(e)); var log = msg => div.innerHTML += msg + "<br>"; <audio id="audio" controls autoplay>

WebRTC Acoustic Echo cancelation

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-01 21:09:11
I'm currently working on webrtc project, and having a problem with audio echo when not using an earphone, or external mic, is there any work around or fix for this Echo cancellation is supposed to be on by default in WebRTC. You can turn it off to hear the difference: navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: { echoCancellation: false } }) .then(stream => audio.srcObject = stream) .catch(e => log(e)); var log = msg => div.innerHTML += msg + "<br>"; <audio id="audio" controls autoplay></audio><br> <div id="div"></div> <script src=""></script>

AEC in Flash, getEnhancedMicrophone

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-01 01:42:14
Have next problem: var mic:Microphone = Microphone.getEnhancedMicrophone(); mic.setLoopBack(true); And I don`t hear any sound... What is it? When I write Microphone.getMicrophone() all work right and I hear sounds. To work around it, try the following steps: 1) install debug player 10.3 or higher It's very likely that you run it with NOT debug version of flash player, that is why you miss important warnings and exceptions. 2) allow users to accept access to the microphone: Security.showSettings("2"); 3) compile a SWF with following option: -swf-version=12 To use new features in 10.3, you have

Speex echo cancellation configuration

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-11-30 13:31:25
问题 I am making an Android-to-Android VoIP (loudspeaker) app using its AudioRecord and AudioTrack class, along with Speex via NDK to do echo cancellation. I was able to successfully pass into and retrieve data from Speex's speex_echo_cancellation() function, but the echo remains. Here is the relevant android thread code that is recording/sending and receiving/playing audio: //constructor public MyThread(DatagramSocket socket, int frameSize, int filterLength){ this.socket = socket; nativeMethod