
how to use notifyDataSetChanged()

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-04-30 06:12:43
问题 Hi i have problem with my adapter, i don't know how to refresh my data in ListView when i use adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() after data changing nothing happen. I wonder if i have to override notifyDataSetChanged() in this class. I hope you will help me. Here is my adapter class: public class ListViewAdapter extends BaseAdapter{ public ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> list; Activity activity; TextView txtFirst; TextView txtSecond; TextView txtThird; TextView txtFourth; public static final

convertView is being passed as null even if the view exists

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-04-10 18:50:28
问题 I have developed an android application where image and text are displayed in a grid view and when the user scrolls down next ten items(image and text) are displayed. The problem arises when the getView method of adapter is called after adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() call. The adapter recycles the data but positions are rearranged and repeated in grid view. I hadn't faced this problem till I added the condition to check if convertView is null. Activity class : public class

convertView is being passed as null even if the view exists

旧巷老猫 提交于 2020-04-10 18:50:26
问题 I have developed an android application where image and text are displayed in a grid view and when the user scrolls down next ten items(image and text) are displayed. The problem arises when the getView method of adapter is called after adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() call. The adapter recycles the data but positions are rearranged and repeated in grid view. I hadn't faced this problem till I added the condition to check if convertView is null. Activity class : public class

listView adapter 的java.lang.IllegalStateException

空扰寡人 提交于 2020-04-07 07:44:32
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification. Make sure the content of your adapter is not modified from a background thread, but only from the UI thread. Make sure your adapter calls notifyDataSetChanged() when its content changes. [in ListView(16908298, class qiso.czc.customview.czc_version10.PullToRefreshListView$InternalListViewSDK9) with Adapter(class android.widget.HeaderViewListAdapter)] 因为我在getCount里面定义了 goodeses.clear 搞到listView一下子访问的getCount出现了数目不一致出错. 百度上查了也说 Adapter数据更新后,没有及时使用notifyDataSetChanged()方法通知UI,


随声附和 提交于 2020-04-07 04:56:19
单类型列表的实现 先看下MainActivity的java代码 public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { //要展示的数据源 public final ObservableArrayList<Student> showDatas = new ObservableArrayList<>(); { //初始化数据源 for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { students.add(new Student("学生:" + i)); } showDatas.addAll(students); } @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); //完成数据和布局的绑定 ActivityMainBinding binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.activity_main); binding.setActivity(this); } public void onBindItem(ViewDataBinding binding, Object data, int position) {


烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-04-06 06:46:10
序 本文主要研究一下canal的CanalAdapterService CanalAdapterService canal-1.1.4/client-adapter/launcher/src/main/java/com/alibaba/otter/canal/adapter/launcher/loader/ @Component @RefreshScope public class CanalAdapterService { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CanalAdapterService.class); private CanalAdapterLoader adapterLoader; @Resource private ContextRefresher contextRefresher; @Resource private AdapterCanalConfig adapterCanalConfig; @Resource private Environment env; // 注入bean保证优先注册 @Resource private SpringContext springContext; @Resource private

How to create onclick event in adapter using interface android?

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-04-06 03:47:54
问题 How can I create on click event using interface? In my application I've created view click interface to detect clicking on adapter items into parent activity. After creating interface and method into adapter how I can use this interface to call the view listener ? 回答1: Please check this code, It's working fine for me. First Create Adapter class. class ChapterAdapter(private val activity: Activity, val mWords: ArrayList<Chapter>, val btnlistener: BtnClickListener) : RecyclerView.Adapter


纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-04-05 18:52:46
适配器模式 生活中,充电插头有两脚的、三脚的,还有圆形的,如果想使这些插头都能工作,就需要一个多功能适配器 基本介绍 适配器模式(Adapter Pattern)属于 结构性模式 ,它可以将某个类的接口转换为客户端期望的另一个接口表示,主要目的是 兼容性 ,让原本因接口不匹配不能一起工作的两个类可以协同工作,其别名为 包装器 (Wrapper)。适配器模式主要分为三类: 类适配器模式 、 对象适配器模式 、 接口适配器模式 。 工作原理 让原本接口不兼容的类可以兼容 从用户的角度看不到被适配者,是解耦的 用户调用适配器转化出来的目标接口方法,适配器去再调用被适配者的相关接口方法 类适配器模式 实现原理 Adapter 类继承 src 类,实现 dst 接口,完成 src 对 dst 的适配。 案例 插座(Voltage220V)的输出电压是220V,充电插头(Voltage5V)输出电压是5V,这时候就需要一个适配器(VoltageAdapter)转换电压,才能给手机(Phone)充电 代码实现 电源输出电压为220V public class Voltage220V { public int output220V() { int src = 220; System.out.println("电源输出" + src + "V"); return src; } }

Add same fragment second time (add more then one time fragment) then RecyclerView scroll lagging

房东的猫 提交于 2020-04-05 06:48:13
问题 Add same fragment second time (add more then one time fragment) then RecyclerView scroll lagging I am using fragment reusability .but add second time fragment then start this problem. I am remove image load library but not any improvement i am face same problem. I am also check this link click add fragment then facing this problem. but replace fragment then not facing this problem more add fragment then RecyclerView lagging. i think fragment memory issue Every time user click see all related

Java 适配器(Adapter)模式

好久不见. 提交于 2020-03-30 13:59:04
一、什么是适配器模式:   把一个接口变成另外一个接口,使得原本因接口不匹配无法一起工作的两个类一起工作。 二、适配器模式的 分类和 结构:   适配器模式有类的适配器模式和对象的适配器模式两种。   1、类的适配器模式:   有时候为了使用现有的类,但是此类接口不符合需求时,需要将一个类的接口与其他类的接口进行组合,达到我们的使用需求。类的的适配器模式就是把被适配的类的API转换成目标类的API,静态结构图如下图所示:   Target希望即使用sampieOperation1()又使用sampieOperation2(),但是很显然Adaptee并不满足要求,现在只能通过一个中间环节Adapter,继承Adaptee类,提供一个sampieOperation2()方法,满足客户端的需求,达到Target的效果。   (1)Target(目标抽象类):所期待的接口。注意,类的适配器模式中,目标不可以是类,而是接口。   (2)Adapter(适配器类):模式的核心类,将原接口转换成目标接口,必须是具体类。   (3)Adaptee(适配者类):需要适配的接口。   (4)Client(客户类):针对目标抽象类编程,调用其定义的方法。 1 /** 2 * 达到客户端要求的目标角色 3 * 4 * @author:Zhou_DX 5 * @sine: 2019年3月25日 下午7