
How can I configure Microsoft ADAM to be similar to Active Directory?

你。 提交于 2019-12-03 07:50:19
I want to put users into an instance of ADAM so that ADAM looks similar to a typical, real, Active Directory server. I'm developing an application that integrates with LDAP. I've tested with OpenLDAP and its core.schema. Now I'd like to test with with Active Directory, but the closest I can get to that using my equipment is by testing with Microsoft ADAM. I don't know exactly how to begin with ADAM. Zero experience with it and Active Directory. I'm guessing I need to import the MS-AdamSchemaW2K3.LDF because I see "sAMAccountName" in there, and I think I want that to be like Active Directory?

Setting up SSL in Active Directory how-to

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-02 20:55:54
I need to set up SSL over Active Directory. I googled a lot but could not found a decent write up about how to do this. Please if you know some good resources about this let me know. Thanks! Sounds easy - but I ran into quite a few problems getting trusted connections with SSL working in our environment. The article was about ADAM but is just as applicable for AD. In our environment I couldn't install domain-related services like cert-server, nor act as domain-admin. I blogged about how I got this working a while back

Configure Spring security for Ldap connection

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-01 03:34:48
I have to configure Spring security to authenticate user through LDAP. This is the subtree where manager user is: ldaps://vldp.floal:636/CN=Administration,CN=fdam,DC=fg,DC=local and this is where users are: ldaps://vldp.floal:636/CN=ProxyUsers,CN=fdam,DC=fg,DC=local So I use this setting: @Autowired public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception{ auth.ldapAuthentication() .contextSource() .url("ldaps://vldp.floal:636/DC=fg,DC=local") .managerDn("CN=A0XXX32,CN=Administration,CN=fdam,DC=fg,DC=local") .managerPassword(password) .and() .userSearchBase("CN