
Versioning of Models in Ruby on Rails

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-18 11:08:17
问题 I'm looking for a plugin/act to allow versioning of my models. It's kind of difficult to find a list of the available solutions. So far I gathered: acts_as_versioned simply_versioned vestal_versions The last two solutions only require a single version table - this sounds nice, but I've got a bad feeling about how the ease of migrations will be affacted by this (because they serialize states as a string). On the other hand, acts_as_versioned is a little bit dusty (last commit in January). Are

Versioning of Models in Ruby on Rails

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-11-30 02:27:18
I'm looking for a plugin/act to allow versioning of my models. It's kind of difficult to find a list of the available solutions. So far I gathered: acts_as_versioned simply_versioned vestal_versions The last two solutions only require a single version table - this sounds nice, but I've got a bad feeling about how the ease of migrations will be affacted by this (because they serialize states as a string). On the other hand, acts_as_versioned is a little bit dusty (last commit in January). Are there any recent experiences with any of these? Or other solutions (or forks) I might have overlooked?