
Xamarin - Bind ActivityIndicator visibility to async Task finished

大憨熊 提交于 2020-03-25 16:08:33
问题 I'm loading images async into my Listview according to this answer: Xamarin - Asynchronous data binding I'd like to display a ActivityIndicator while the page is loading the data from the web, but cannot figure out how to bind the visibility it to the task, so that it disappears when the task is done loading.. I've created a isLoading bool variable in my ViewModel. I tried it this way in my ViewModel, but It's not working: isLoading = true; GetImagesCommand = new Command(async () => await

ActivityIndicator running after press the BackButton

落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-01-07 06:59:13
问题 I have a page with a list of items and when some is selected, the ActivityIndicator turns on and goes to another page, turning off. When i am in this new page and i click the BackButton on NavigationPage, i return to the page with the List of items, but the problem is that the ActivityIndicator is on (persists). How can i fix it ? [List Page] public partial class ResultadosBuscados : ContentPage { public ResultadosBuscados(IEnumerable dadosPesquisados) { IsBusy = false; InitializeComponent();

ActivityIndicator running after press the BackButton

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-01-07 06:59:10
问题 I have a page with a list of items and when some is selected, the ActivityIndicator turns on and goes to another page, turning off. When i am in this new page and i click the BackButton on NavigationPage, i return to the page with the List of items, but the problem is that the ActivityIndicator is on (persists). How can i fix it ? [List Page] public partial class ResultadosBuscados : ContentPage { public ResultadosBuscados(IEnumerable dadosPesquisados) { IsBusy = false; InitializeComponent();

Android Activity Indicator

十年热恋 提交于 2020-01-06 05:46:28
问题 I am programming for an Android application. while clicking a button, it calls a service to display the necessary contents. For calling the service and to parse the XML data present in that service it takes nearly 5 to 10 seconds. In these 5 seconds time period I need to display an activity Indicator with a text stating that "Loading. Please wait...". This part works fine for iPhone. But not in Android. Any help would be appreciated.. Thanks 回答1: Check this. Look at "Creating a ProgressDialog

XCode Custom Activity Indicator - Hide after UIWebView Loads (webViewDidFinishLoad)

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-25 07:32:02
问题 I'm using the code found here to create a custom activityIndicator in the current version of xCode. This code uses a series of .png images in an array and then displays them at the set interval to create an animated loading image that you can then place on the screen (and assuming you can somehow remove it) whenever you want. In my main ViewController.m file I have the following code in my viewDidLoad section : /* --- START CUSTOM ACTIVITY INDICATOR */ /

Activity Indicator not appearing

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-22 05:19:07
问题 I have some heavy code that runs for around 0.2 seconds. I set up the activity indicator like this; however, it doesn't show up, but rather the whole screen freezes for around 0.2seconds until the code finishes. func heavyWork() { self.actvityIndicator.startAnimating() ... // heavy loop codes here ... self.activityIndicator.stopAnimating() } Is this the correct way of using the activity indicator? When I comment out // self.activityIndicator.stopAnimating() the activity indicator shows up and

jQuery global events and performance?

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-21 20:15:53
问题 I was in search of a way to show a status indicator using jQuery and I found a solution in the jQuery Cookbook, it showed this solution (function($) { $(document).ready(function() { $('#ajaxStatus') .ajaxStart(function() { $(this).show(); }) .ajaxStop(function() { $(this).hide(); }); ..... })(jQuery); then it cautioned, If you experience performance issues in your application, it may be because of the cost of event propagation if there is a significantly large number of elements. In this case

Is it possible to change the color of Wicket's activity indicator?

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-20 03:19:32
问题 Situation: I'm working with Wicket's IndicatingAjaxButton . I have the button set up on a page with black background. When the user pushes the button, the button's activity indicator goes off and spins until the system is ready to move on. Problem: Because of the black background, the indicator looks bad. Since part of the indicator is animated in black, some of the details are lost using the indicator on a black background. Question: Is it possible in Wicket to change the color of the

Disable Xamarin Form and Show Activity Indicator

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-12 19:22:06
问题 I have a Xamarin Form which is using Scroll View. I am trying to show a Activity Indicator at the top as I have a ListView in the middle. But when the user scrolls down the loading is not shown. So, I need help in disabling the page and showing loading at some z-index as in a popup. 回答1: If you want to have an overlay while the screen is loading you can do this. <Grid> <ScrollView> <!-- Insert your page content in here --> </ScrollView> <ContentView IsVisible="false" HorizontalOptions=

How to put ActivityIndicator inside UIImage inside UITableView using Swift?

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-10 23:40:49
问题 I have UITableView where each cell has one UIImage and the image is being downloaded from an API using JSON. I handled the initial images and data via Background Threading. However, as user scrolls down inside table view, images to other cells begins to download, so those cells requires some refreshing. I thought about adding an ActivityIndicator inside UIImageView, so user will notice image is being downloaded. Additional info, UIImageView is inside an UIStackView. I thought about isHidden