

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-10 04:10:05
​学习思路 ACID解释 本地事务 分布式事务解决方案及优缺点 生产最常用的方案 一、ACID-本地事务 学习事务的前提就是要了解什么是ACID(事务的四大特性) Atomicity(原子性):一个事务的执行过程就是一个原子操作,要么全部成功,要么全部失败,不会出现其它情况 Consistency(一致性):数据执行前后,数据的完整性必须是一致的,比如转账A+1;B-1但总数还是不变的 Isolation(隔离性):多个用户并发执行事务,每个事务是相互隔离的,不会产生任何影响 Durability(持久性):事务一旦提交,数据便永久的存储在了数据库,不受外界条件影响 只用满足了以上4大特性才算一个完整的事务 二、本地事务 系统发展初期,单体应用对应一个数据库,本地操作数据我们很容易就实现了ACID,主要流程:开启事务-->操作数据 -->提交/回滚事务;实际使用中主要有:编程式事务、声明式事务 编程式事务:主要通过代码编写自己手动实现,开发一般不用 声明式事务:主要通过使用AOP拦截方法在方法执行前后分别开始事务,提交/回滚事务;实际使用主要通过配置文件配置或者@Transaction注解实现 三、分布式事务解决方案及优缺点 随着系统拆分到数据库拆分,我们的一个操作需要跨多个系统跨多个数据库才能完成,然而多个数据库协同操作也就保证不了ACID四大特性 为了解决问题XA协议来了 1

Transactionally writing files in Node.js

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-10 03:24:27
问题 I have a Node.js application that stores some configuration data in a file. If you change some settings, the configuration file is written to disk. At the moment, I am using a simple fs.writeFile . Now my question is: What happens when Node.js crashes while the file is being written? Is there the chance to have a corrupt file on disk? Or does Node.js guarantee that the file is written in an atomic way, so that either the old or the new version is valid? If not, how could I implement such a

How exactly do transactions with PHP PDO work with concurrency?

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-08 04:05:24
I'm making a webapp where they'll be multiple users interacting with each other and reading/making decisions on/modifying shared data. I've read that transactions are atomic, which is what I need. However, I'm not sure how it works with the PHP PDO::beginTransaction() I mean atomic as in if one transaction is editing some data, all other transactions also modifying/reading that data will need to wait until the first transaction finishes. Like I don't want two scripts reading a value, incrementing the old one, and effectively storing only one increment. The second script should have to wait for

HBase: atomic 'check row does not exist and create' operation

孤人 提交于 2019-12-07 11:53:55
问题 I suggest this should be one of common cases but probably I use wrong keywords when googling around. I just need to create new table record with completely random key. Assume I obtained key with good randomness (almost random). However I can't be 100% sure no row yet exists. So what I need to do atomically: Having row key check no row exists yet. Reject operation if row exists. Create row if it does not exit. Most useful piece of information I found on this topic is article about HBase row

Any write functions In python that have the same safety as ACID does in databases

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-07 10:06:53
问题 The title could have probably been put better, but anyway. I was wondering if there are any functions for writing to files that are like what the ACID properties are for databases. Reason is, I would like to make sure that the file writes I am doin won't mess up and corrupt the file if the power goes out. 回答1: Depending on what exactly you're doing with your files and the platform there are a couple options: If you're serializing a blob from memory to disk repeatedly to maintain state

ArangoDB Transactions - How prevent from throwing exceptions

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-07 07:46:03
问题 How to prevent ArangoDB from throwing an exception during the Transaction when looking for a specific document which perhaps does not exist at that moment? Nodejs sends the transaction in one block to ArangoDb where it gets processed. That's perfect. I want to unload all math to the server. During the Transaction, I want to look at a specific Collection and check if a document exists, if document can be found, then get field 'balance', but if the Document cant be found or their field, then I

Row level atomic MERGE REPLACE in BigQuery

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-06 09:30:21
问题 For my use case I'm working with data identifiable by unique key at the source exploded into n (non deterministic) number of target entries loaded into BigQuery tables for analytic purposes. Building this ETL to use Mongo recent Change Stream feature I would like to drop all entries in BigQuery and then load the new entries atomically. Exploring BigQuery DML I see a MERGE operation is supported, but only WHEN MATCHED THEN DELETE or WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE is possible. I'm interested in a

mysql 事务

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-05 20:30:58
事务 ACID 特性 原子性 ( A tomicity): 事务中的所有操作,要么全部成功,要么全部失败回滚到最初状态,不会结束在中间的某个环节 一致性 ( C onsistency): 事务开始之前和结束之后,数据库的完整性没有被破坏,写入的数据必须完全符合所有的预设约束,触发器,级联回滚等等 隔离性 ( I solation): 数据库并发事务同时对其数据进行读写和修改,隔离性可以防止并发事务交叉执行而导致数据不一致 持久性 ( D urability): 事务处理结束后,对数据的修改是永久的,即使系统故障也不会丢失 事务的并发问题 脏读 : 一个事务读取另一个事务未更新的数据 不可重复读 : 一个事务读取同一个行数据两次得到不同的结果 幻读 : 两次范围查询,第二次查询出现第一次更多或者更少的数据 丢失更新1 : 两个事务同时更新一行数据,其中一个事务撤销时覆盖另一个事务 丢失更新2 : 两个事务同时更新一行数据,其中一个事务提交时覆盖另一个事务 事务的隔离级别 读未提交 (Read uncommitted): 允许脏读/不可重复读/幻读/丢失更新2;修改数据时加行级共享锁至事务结束 读已提交 (Read committed): 允许不可重复读/幻读/丢失更新2,一个事务只能读取另一个事务已提交的数据;修改数据时加行级排它锁至事务结束 可重复读 (Repeatable

Any write functions In python that have the same safety as ACID does in databases

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-05 16:51:07
The title could have probably been put better, but anyway. I was wondering if there are any functions for writing to files that are like what the ACID properties are for databases. Reason is, I would like to make sure that the file writes I am doin won't mess up and corrupt the file if the power goes out. Depending on what exactly you're doing with your files and the platform there are a couple options: If you're serializing a blob from memory to disk repeatedly to maintain state (example: dhcp leases file), if you're on a Posix system you can write your data to a temporary file and 'rename'

ArangoDB Transactions - How prevent from throwing exceptions

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-05 14:30:52
How to prevent ArangoDB from throwing an exception during the Transaction when looking for a specific document which perhaps does not exist at that moment? Nodejs sends the transaction in one block to ArangoDb where it gets processed. That's perfect. I want to unload all math to the server. During the Transaction, I want to look at a specific Collection and check if a document exists, if document can be found, then get field 'balance', but if the Document cant be found or their field, then I dont want to throw an exception and dont want to stop the ongoing transaction. On the contrary, I much