
【今日CV 计算机视觉论文速览】 11 Mar 2019

久未见 提交于 2020-04-30 21:10:29
今日CS.CV计算机视觉论文速览 Mon, 11 Mar 2019 Totally 35 papers Interesting: 📚 Three-Player GAN ,在通常GAN的基础上增加了生成器和分类器间的竞争。利用C来合成更为困难的样本,随后这些样本将提高分类器的能力。(from ESAT-PSI) 当分类器加入时,生成的数据分布改变了不再是real/fake,而是更难分辨的中间数据: 📚 , 基于分级的方法来实现弱监督语义分割,加快语义分割的速度。(from Eindhoven University of Technology) 基础分类器先分类,而后将相关车辆行人的像素交给子分类器,右图是相关数据集和模型表现。 📚 3DN ,三维的可变形网络,实现了三维模型的风格迁移。(from USC) 其损失包含了以下部分: mesh的两项为形状损失,包含了CD(chamfer )和EMD(earth mover)两项,来确定变型后的模型与目标模型的外形。point的两项用于保持对称性,所以要通过点云来比较。为了避免自交叉引入了局域变异不变性损失,保持源形状的局域几何特性拉普拉斯损失。 code 📚 FastDepth ,用于嵌入式设备的快速单目深度估计,利用了depthwise


核能气质少年 提交于 2020-04-30 11:35:38
有个天坑,我带领大家避开 Mac上折腾了一星期,不成功,放弃了 过了几个星期不死心,又去官方看了下发现更新了SDK版本,在试一下 鬼使神差的用了台式机来测试集成,下载了官方DEMO,编译不成功 新建一个empty项目,把官方demo移植过来,修改命名空间也就是package,.net搞多了就这么叫了 编译-成功, 运行-内核加载成功 好嘛,看来大功告成了, 换mac来 WTF.... 不能成功加载内核 仔细对比了所有文件,没问题 不死心,SDK对比 没问题 SDK Tools对比, 嗯.......... 天坑来了 Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator HAXM 卸载了试试 就是这个J8玩意儿造成的 编译,运行,内核成功加载了 最后吐槽下X5,文档不全,demo不详细,联系人联系不上,想尽办法弄到技术的qq了,加qq还要发短信验证,申请好友,然后就没有然后了 又想办法弄到了官方的讨论群,然并卵,依然不会加你 来源: oschina 链接:

阿里云智能基础产品技术月刊 2020年3月

偶尔善良 提交于 2020-04-29 16:58:17
阿里云智能基础产品技术月刊 2020年3月 永不停机的计算服务 **一、商用产品技术 TOP1 Alibaba Cloud Linux 2 LTS 版本发布** 基础软件:阿里巴巴研发的云上Linux操作系统,旨在为业务应用提供更加安全、稳定、高性能的运行环境,同时为用户提供优质服务,打造阿里云上最佳操作系统实践。2019.09云栖大会正式发布Alibaba Cloud Linux 2;2020.03发布Alibaba Cloud Linux 2 LTS版本;线上存量同比增长200%;积极参与开源社区建设,向多个社区提交补丁数量200+。 TOP2 全球加速Global Accelerator产品发布 3月23号,网络产品团队重磅发布全球加速GA产品,瞄准全球化市场,提供跨地域应用服务加速能力。当前GA已成功服务航旅纵横、恒大汽车、默契破冰等诸多国内外知名企业。为互联网App,企业办公提供了优质网络体验。 TOP3 专有云敏捷标准版v3.2版本正式发布,该版本将作为推荐商用售卖版本正式上市售卖 专有云敏捷标准版是阿里云专有云小型化的标准版本,面向中小型业务规模客户的IaaS一体化、中间件、大数据等输出。满足客户简易、快速、经济的在自有数据中心部署专有云的需求,以计算、存储、网络、数据库、大数据、中间件等输出为主。敏捷标准版产品功能模块化提供,具备高可用和开放性,轻量化安装部署。 *

阿里云智能基础产品技术月刊 2020年3月

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2020-04-29 15:26:21
阿里云智能基础产品技术月刊 2020年3月 永不停机的计算服务 一、商用产品技术 TOP1 Alibaba Cloud Linux 2 LTS 版本发布 基础软件:阿里巴巴研发的云上Linux操作系统,旨在为业务应用提供更加安全、稳定、高性能的运行环境,同时为用户提供优质服务,打造阿里云上最佳操作系统实践。2019.09云栖大会正式发布Alibaba Cloud Linux 2;2020.03发布Alibaba Cloud Linux 2 LTS版本;线上存量同比增长200%;积极参与开源社区建设,向多个社区提交补丁数量200+。 TOP2 全球加速Global Accelerator产品发布 3月23号,网络产品团队重磅发布全球加速GA产品,瞄准全球化市场,提供跨地域应用服务加速能力。当前GA已成功服务航旅纵横、恒大汽车、默契破冰等诸多国内外知名企业。为互联网App,企业办公提供了优质网络体验。 TOP3 专有云敏捷标准版v3.2版本正式发布,该版本将作为推荐商用售卖版本正式上市售卖 专有云敏捷标准版是阿里云专有云小型化的标准版本,面向中小型业务规模客户的IaaS一体化、中间件、大数据等输出。满足客户简易、快速、经济的在自有数据中心部署专有云的需求,以计算、存储、网络、数据库、大数据、中间件等输出为主。敏捷标准版产品功能模块化提供,具备高可用和开放性,轻量化安装部署。

JavaFX - Accelerator not working when textfield has focus

旧巷老猫 提交于 2020-01-14 13:14:14
问题 In my application I have a screen where I use Accelerators. I'm using the function key F3 to execute an operation in my application. It works fine everytime, but when I click in any TextField on this screen the function key doesn't execute. Here is the code where I set the Accelerator: scene.getAccelerators().put( new KeyCodeCombination(KeyCode.F3), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // do sth here } } ); When I click my textfield and then hit the F3 function key it doesn't work.

Why is CMFCMenuBar not utilizing the accelerator table?

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-01-11 03:34:07
问题 In a doc/view project using VS2008, a MFCMenuBar seems to load the correct MENU resource (IDR_MAINFRAME) from the project, since adding and removing menu items is reflected in the menu's UI. It even appends the accelerators to the default menu items (e.g. Ctrl+O to the Open... item). However, the accelerator table (IDR_MAINFRAME) doesn't seem to be connected to the menu. Changing the default Ctrl+O for Open... to something like Ctrl+7 doesn't work. The Ctrl+O is still appended to the Open...

F#/“Accelerator v2” DFT algorithm implementation probably incorrect

十年热恋 提交于 2020-01-02 12:46:09
问题 I'm trying to experiment with software defined radio concepts. From this article I've tried to implement a GPU-parallelism Discrete Fourier Transform. I'm pretty sure I could pre-calculate 90 degrees of the sin(i) cos(i) and then just flip and repeat rather than what I'm doing in this code and that that would speed it up. But so far, I don't even think I'm getting correct answers. An all-zeros input gives a 0 result as I'd expect, but all 0.5 as inputs gives 78.9985886f (I'd expect a 0 result

MFC Feature Pack - How to add accelerators without deleting user's customization

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-31 03:09:04
问题 I want to add new accelerators to my MFC Feature Pack application. The problem is the app loads the accelerators already stored in the registry, thus disabling the new ones I've added. I know I could delete the Keyboard-# key in the registry, but that would delete any customization made to the accelerators by the user. Is there any way to add the new accelerators to the ones posibly defined by the users? 来源:

How can I remove accelerator characters from a string?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-21 20:56:14
问题 I have a caption for a GUI control, and I want to convert it to a simple text string. Specifically, I want to remove the accelerator metacharacters. For example (examples assume WinForms): Strip off single occurrences of the metacharacter: &Yes becomes Yes Convert double occurrences to single: Income && Expense becomes Income & Expense My code will know whether it's dealing with the Windows Forms syntax (where the accelerator metacharacter is & ) or WPF (where it's _ ). However, this is in

Java - Add accelerator to a JMenuItem

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-12 23:00:26
问题 I want to set an accelerator to a JMenuItem. Right now I am setting it like this openFile.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_O, ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK)); and it's working but I don't want ctrl+o as accelerator. I want 'space' as accelerator but I didn't find any method by which I can generate a KeyStroke corresponding to 'space'. KeyStroke.getStroke() either takes a char or (int, int). I didn't find any char corresponding to space also. 回答1: ..didn't find any char corresponding