

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-01-22 17:02:59
Linux云服务器安装SqlServer2017/2019,虽然微软官网说2GB就可以,但是在2GB内存的云服务器测试后无法正常安装,报错如下 经过在国内多家不同云服务器商家测试,要在云服务器上安装SqlServer2019,需要选购至少1核4G内存的机型,因为没有3G内存的机型,所以推荐选择至少能选1核4G内存的机型。 不过腾讯云一般有提供1核4G内存和2核4G内存的服务器 配置参考 官方文档 来源: CSDN 作者: 云使者 链接: https://blog.csdn.net/u014148630/article/details/104070213

[Android7.1][RK3399] 移远EC20添加4G通话功能-ql-ril.conf

不问归期 提交于 2020-01-02 21:30:27
Platform: RK3399 OS: Android 7.1 Kernel: v4.4.126 文章目录 需求 调试步骤 调试接口 需求 热插拔 默认打开 UVC 功能 调试步骤 在移远提供的 ql-ril.conf 中添加 添加 Sim_Hot_Plugging=2 添加 At_Cmds_For_Customer_Initialize=AT+QCFG="usbcfg",0x2C7C,0x0125,1,1,1,1,1,0,1;AT+QPCMV=1,2 如果不需要打开 At_Cmds_For_Customer_Initialize=AT+QCFG="usbcfg",0x2C7C,0x0125,1,1,1,1,1,0,0;AT+QPCMV=0 ql-ril.conf 中的内容会在开机的时候由移远提供的 ril 库调用.写入到 EC20 的 NV 中. 即,如果没有其他的 AT 指令将其覆盖,掉电后也不会丢失. 调试接口 ql-ril.conf #This file is in a state of unavailability. #In most cases, there is no need to open any option. #In special cases, please use it under the guidance of FAE. #LTE

当4G only遇上Voice not available?

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-01-01 13:33:19
最近,我司又返回中国市场了,并且在终端不支持CDMA的情况下要求支持中国电信的LTE/VoLTE,然后场测team就报出了各种各样类似的Bug, 如下: 单插CT卡: 问题1. MUT can’t camp on China telecom Chang Sha network 问题2. UE OOS after turn off VoLTE in Settings. L+L组合,Non-DDS非数据卡上关掉VoLTE开关或者在4G优先和4G only间更改网络模式: 问题3. Disable the “Enhanced 4G LTE Mode” button, the card will lose the network 问题4. OoS occurs while changing non-data SIM’s preferred network type from 4G preferred to 4G only. 其实,之前讲过《 4G强场下开机,为什么我的4G图标晃了一下就消失了? 》,所以上面的四个问题都可以归结于此,因此舌战群儒,跟测试团队的各种解释,手机Work as design,结果意外地发现了Q司的一个改善用户体验的后门(被这个后门打了脸,Q司并没有按照协议去做) --- 当设置成4G only模式后,如果是单卡或者是DDS Sub,即使当前Voice not

Get device signal strength

亡梦爱人 提交于 2020-01-01 07:07:10
问题 I am trying to get the signal strength in dBm for the carrier, wifi, 3g, and 4g. I am currently using this code to get the carrier's and wifi from the status bar and I would like to know if there is another way or a better way? Also how could I get it for 3g and 4g? UIApplication *app = [UIApplication sharedApplication]; NSArray *subviews = [[[app valueForKey:@"statusBar"] valueForKey:@"foregroundView"] subviews]; NSString *dataNetworkItemView = nil; NSString *wifiNetworkItemView = nil; for

How to check whether a particular device supports 4G networks in Android?

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-31 17:25:24
问题 I want to check if a particular device has hardware support for 4G networks . I will elaborate the issue... In the application we have a settings page where user can make selection and allow application to run only in selected networks. Eg. User can select that app will run only in WiFi network or only in 3G network etc. There are CheckBox preferences for all networks WiFi, 2G, 3G 4G etc. Now if the device doesn't have the support for 4G network, I want to hide the 4G selection checkbox. All

How to check whether a particular device supports 4G networks in Android?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-31 17:24:27
问题 I want to check if a particular device has hardware support for 4G networks . I will elaborate the issue... In the application we have a settings page where user can make selection and allow application to run only in selected networks. Eg. User can select that app will run only in WiFi network or only in 3G network etc. There are CheckBox preferences for all networks WiFi, 2G, 3G 4G etc. Now if the device doesn't have the support for 4G network, I want to hide the 4G selection checkbox. All

Does IOS support simultaneous wifi and 3g/4g connections?

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-30 09:54:50
问题 I have a customer who has a device that has its own builtin wifi hot spot and he would like to connect it to an iPad 4G vie wifi and forward data at the same time through the cellular connection. Is this supported in IOS and if so can you point me to the appropriate documentation. Any suggestions are appreciated. Jim 回答1: Comparing to Android, iOS supports simultaneous work of multiple network adapters. It's necessary to write C code working with BSD sockets, doing enum, bind, and handling

Android HttpClient OOM on 4G/LTE (HTC Thunderbolt)

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-28 08:08:11
问题 I have gotten some reports from users of crashes when try use my application on Verizon's 4G/LTE. Looking at the stack trace, it looks like Android's HttpClient.execute() implementation is throwing an OOM. This happens only on 4G/LTE devices, specifically HTC Thunderbolt, and only when on 4G/LTE. WiFi, 3G, UMTS are OK. Also works fine on Sprint's WiMax 4G stuff works fine. Two questions: What's the best way to get the attention of Android devs about this? Any better options than reporting on

How to determine if network type is 2G, 3G or 4G

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-17 02:42:59
问题 I have an indicator on my application to display the network type (2G or 3G or 4G) but after getting the network type, how do I know what speed category it should be in? I know how to detect the network type: private TelephonyManager telephonyManager; telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); CurrentNetworkType = telephonyManager.getNetworkType(); Given the possible return values: // public static final int NETWORK_TYPE_1xRTT // Since: API Level 4 //

4G LTE/EPC 中的各种唯一标识

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-12 10:32:48
目录 文章目录 目录 移动电话运营商的唯一标识:PLMN、MCC 与 MNC 移动用户的唯一标识:IMSI、MSIN 与 MSISDN/MDN 移动用户的唯一临时标识:TMSI、GUTI 与 GUMMEI 移动用户定位唯一标识:TAC、TAI 和 TAU 移动电话运营商的唯一标识:PLMN、MCC 与 MNC PLMN(Public Land Mobile Network,公共陆地移动网)是一个无线通讯系统 。由政府批准的经营者,为公众提供陆地移动通信业务而建立和经营的网络。该网路通常与公众交换电话网(PSTN)互连,形成整个地区或国家规模的通信网络。 PLMN 与 PSTN 同为通信网络,它与 PSTN 网络的最大差别在于有线与无线的区别 。PSTN 用户由一根用户线与网络中的交换机相连,电话终端位置固定不便移动,所以称之为固定电话,简称固话;PLMN 用户使用移动终端与基站之间通过无线信号相连,最终通过网络中的交换机实现移动过程中的便捷通信,所以称之为移动电话。 PLMN 的唯一标示由 MCC 和 MNC 组合而成 。 MCC(Mobile Country Code,移动信号国家码)是由国际电联(ITU)统一分配和管理,唯一识别移动用户所属的国家,共 3 位 来源: CSDN 作者: 范桂飓 链接: https://blog.csdn.net/Jmilk/article