I have a bunch of modules defined in an Ember CLI app and each starts with the same path. I would like to import the modules into a module in the app. For example, I could write:
import post1 from 'posts/1'; import post2 from 'posts/2'; import post3 from 'posts/3'; export default Em.ObjectController.extend({ posts: Em.A(post1, post2, post3), });
However, I do not know the module names because they are created/named on the fly by a precompiler. All I know is that the path always begins with the same string. In this case, posts
Is there a way to import all modules that begin with a particular path? For example, how can I do something like the following:
import posts from 'posts/*'; // or registry['posts'].forEach(postId, i) { var path = 'posts/' + postId; import i from path; }
Each of the modules I want to find and import has exported an object.
I have been through the ES6 module transpiler docs but can't find much.