For my Symfony2 project, i'm using the session storage in a database.
So, i configure my config.yml like that :
framework: session: handler_id: session.handler.pdo parameters: pdo.db_options: db_table: session db_id_col: session_id db_data_col: session_value db_time_col: session_time services: pdo: class: PDO arguments: - "pgsql:host=%database_host%;dbname=%database_name%" - "%database_user%" - "%database_password%" calls: - [setAttribute, [3, 2]] session.handler.pdo: class: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler\PdoSessionHandler arguments: ["@pdo", "%pdo.db_options%"]
All it's ok, when i login, an entry is created in my database and the sessions works fine.
But, how can i define the lifetime of my session when its in the database ? Why do I have a lot of lines (+50) in my session table, if I only have 4 members on my application ?
How can i configure that ? I just need one session when a member login.