CometD publish a message back to a client

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 07:50:05


I am having a problem in sending back a message to a client. Below is my code


dojox.cometd.publish('/service/getservice', {                         userid : _USERID,                      }); dojox.cometd.subscribe('/service/getservice', function(             message) {         alert("abc");         alert(;     });  Configuration Servlet  bayeux.createIfAbsent("/service/getservice", new ConfigurableServerChannel.Initializer() {          @Override         public void configureChannel(ConfigurableServerChannel channel) {             channel.setPersistent(true);             GetListener channelListner = new GetListener();             channel.addListener(channelListner);         }     }); 

GetListener class

public class GetListener implements MessageListener {  public boolean onMessage(ServerSession ss, ServerChannel sc) {       SomeClassFunction fun = new SomeClassFunction; } } 


class SomeClassFunction(){  } 

here i am creating a boolean variable boolean success; if it is true send a message to client which is in javascript. how to send a message back to client. i have tried this line also.

      remote.deliver(getServerSession(), "/service/getservice",                     message, null); 

but it is giving me an error on remote object and getServerSession method.


In order to reach your goal, you don't need to implement listeners nor to configure channels. You may need to add some configuration at a later stage, for example in order to add authorizers.

This is the code for the ConfigurationServlet, taken from this link:

public class ConfigurationServlet extends GenericServlet {     public void init() throws ServletException     {         // Grab the Bayeux object         BayeuxServer bayeux = (BayeuxServer)getServletContext().getAttribute(BayeuxServer.ATTRIBUTE);         new EchoService(bayeux);         // Create other services here          // This is also the place where you can configure the Bayeux object         // by adding extensions or specifying a SecurityPolicy     }      public void service(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException     {         throw new ServletException();     } } 

This is the code for EchoService class, taken fro this link:

public class EchoService extends AbstractService {     public EchoService(BayeuxServer bayeuxServer)     {         super(bayeuxServer, "echo");         addService("/echo", "processEcho");     }      public void processEcho(ServerSession remote, Map<String, Object> data)     {         // if you want to echo the message to the client that sent the message         remote.deliver(getServerSession(), "/echo", data, null);          // if you want to send the message to all the subscribers of the "/myChannel" channel         getBayeux().createIfAbsent("/myChannel");         getBayeux().getChannel("/myChannel").publish(getServerSession(), data, null);     } } 
