Why doesnt paginator remember my custom parameters when I go to page 2?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:51:02


When using the paginator helper in cakephp views, it doesnt remember parts of the url that are custom for my useage.

For example:


here moderators is a parameter that helps me filter by that type. But pressing a paginator link will not include this link.


To add to Alexander Morland's answer above, it's worth remembering that the syntax has changed in CakePHP 1.3 and is now:

$this->Paginator->options(array('url' => $this->passedArgs)); 

This is described further in the pagination in views section of the CakePHP book.


The secret is adding this line to your view:


(I created this question and answer because it is a much asked question and I keep having to dig out the answer since i cant remember it.)


$this->passedArgs is the preferred way to do this from the view.


You saved me! This helped me a lot, Thanks.

I needed a way to pass the parameters I originally sent via post ($this->data) to the paging component, so my custom query would continue to use them.

Here is what I did:

on my view I put


before the $paginator->prev('<< Previous ' stuff.

Doing this made the next link on the paginator like " .../page:1/start_date:2000-01-01%2000:00:00/end_date:3000-01-01%2023:59:59/payments_recieved:1"

Then on my controller I just had to get the parameters and put them in the $this->data so my function would continue as usual:

foreach($this->params['named'] as $k=>$v) {     /*      * set data as is normally expected      */     $this->data['Transaction'][$k] = $v; } 

And that's it. Paging works with my custom query. :)


The options here are a good lead ... You can also check for more info on cakePHP pagination at cakephp.org/view/166/Pagination-in-Views


With that param 'url' you can only put your preferred string before the string pagination in url..

if I use this tecnique:

$urlpagin = '?my_get1=1&my_get2=2'; $paginator->options = array('url'=>$urlpagin); 

I only obtain:


and Cake lost my get params

Have you an alternative tecnique?
