Unable to locate the model you have specified - CodeIgniter Issue

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:31:01


I'm getting an unable to locate model error.


My model file name is gift_model.php within /models/1/.

I declare the model the following way.

class Gift_model extends CI_Model { 

According to CodeIgniter's documentation I'm doing it the correct way. Any suggestions? I have 5 other models named exactly the same way and they're all loading fine.


  1. Make the model class name Uppercase My_model
  2. Make the model php file name Lowercase my_model
  3. Load the model using Lowercase (file name) $this->load->model('my_model');


$this->load->model('1/Gift_model'); should be $this->load->model('1/gift_model');. Lowercase on this load argument and the php filename, uppercase on the class name within the file (you had two of three correct).



Starting with CodeIgniter 3.0, all class filenames (libraries, drivers, controllers and models) must be named in a Ucfirst-like manner or in other words - they must start with a capital letter.

Used to be the model files started with lower case, but they changed it.


Ensure that the the model name is Gift_model and the class name is also Gift_model

class Gift_model extends CI_Model {  } 

but loading the class is '1/gift_model' NOT 'Gift_model'


hope this was helpful


The problem is that your file name is all lowercase (gift_model.php) while you are loading Gift_model within CodeIgniter. Either change the file name to Gift_model.php or update your code accordingly.


Are you calling the parent's constructor for the model?

class Gift_model extends CI_Model {     function __construct()     {         parent::__construct();     } 


-> Model Class name must be Uppercase -> Model PHP file name must be Lowercase -> Load Model using Lowercase(filename): $this->load->model('gift_model', TRUE); 


`if using codeignitor 3.1.3
every thing same otherwise showing error class name => My_model

file name => My_model.php

load model => $this->load->model('My_model');

call function => $this->My_model->function();`


Starting with CodeIgniter 3.0, all class filenames (libraries, drivers, controllers and models) must be named in a Ucfirst-like manner or in other words - they must start with a capital letter.

(Source: CI docs)
