Is there an API to retrieve Facebook recent activity?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:20:02


I know there's a Graph api url for getting the recent wall feeds: 

But how do I get the Recent Activity? Is there any way? FQL (not Graph API) can work too. I don't really care which way I get it.

I'm trying to get the RECENT ACTIVITY, which appears as part of the wall. It has same IDs like the standard wall entries have, but they aren't returned in the /me/feed request, because they are treated differently on facebook, and I'm trying to find out a simple way to get them just like /me/feed


There isn't a single social plugin or a single API endpoint that provides exactly what you are describing, but what you can do is subscribe to Real-time Updates, check out the docs on it here:

Using this interface you could subscribe to updates for when a user's friends change for example by sending a POST request to:[app-id]/subscriptions?access_token=...&object=user&fields=user$callback_url=...

As the documentations notes, not everything is available via Real-time Updates, but hopefully this gets you pretty close to the functionality that you are looking for.


Yes. Read Facebook's post: Recent Activity stories now exposed via FQL and Graph API.


Are you looking for something like what Facebook itself displays in the "notifications" This FQL query should do the trick.

FB.api( {             method : 'fql.query',     query : 'SELECT notification_id, sender_id, title_html, body_html, href FROM notification WHERE recipient_id=me()'         }, function(response){console.log(response);}); 

A list of available fields is here.

I like to use the Chrome console to explore the data structures that Facebook returns, thus the "console.log" call. Obviously you will need to provide your own callback...

Note that this will require a special permission ("manage_notifications") starting in October as outlined here.


You can use the user/home edge.

This endpoint returns posts a person sees in their News Feed. The posts returned by this API may not be identical to the posts a person would see on or in Facebook's mobile apps.


What about the Activity Feed social plugin:
