What is your favorite Bash prompt? [closed]

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:58:03


What are some elements in your favorite Bash prompt?

I like to have an indicator of the success of the most recent command, like so (in .bashrc):

function exitstatus {      EXITSTATUS="$?"     BOLD="\[\033[1m\]"     RED="\[\033[1;31m\]"     GREEN="\[\e[32;1m\]"     BLUE="\[\e[34;1m\]"     OFF="\[\033[m\]"      PROMPT="[\u@\h ${BLUE}\W${OFF}"      if [ "${EXITSTATUS}" -eq 0 ]     then        PS1="${PROMPT} ${BOLD}${GREEN}:)${OFF} ]\$ "     else        PS1="${PROMPT} ${BOLD}${RED}:(${OFF} ]\$ "     fi      PS2="${BOLD}>${OFF} " }  PROMPT_COMMAND=exitstatus 


Take a gander at "Bash users: What do you have for your $PS1?" for a large number of examples.


in .bashrc:

PS1='\$ ' 

(H/T @bitmask for the edit)


Since I hop between a number of different machines all day, my dev workstation, dev servers and staging environments, I've taken coloring the machine name in my prompts with the following snippet to give a visual indicator when I look at the sea of terms on my monitors what machines they are connected to:

# Color the hostname if [ $HOSTNAME = 'claudius' ]; then     export HOST_COLOR="\[\033[1;36m\]" fi if [ $HOSTNAME = 'drooble' ]; then     export HOST_COLOR="\[\033[1;34m\]" fi if [ $HOSTNAME = 'davinci' ]; then     export HOST_COLOR="\[\033[1;31m\]" fi  # Color the colon red if root COLON_COLOR='0m' if [ ${UID} -eq 0 ]; then     COLON_COLOR='1;31m' fi 

Then, the full PS1 variable with the colored hostname, colon (red if root, i.e. sudo -s) and full path:

PS1=`echo -ne "$HOST_COLOR\h\[\033[00m\]\[\e[$COLON_COLOR\]:\[\033[01;32m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\\[\033[01;33m\]\$\[\033[00m\] "` 


Here's mine.

# this prompt will show the hostname in green if the last command returned 0, # otherwise it will be red. PS1="\[\`if [[ \$? = "0" ]]; then echo '\e[32m\h\e[0m'; else echo '\e[31m\h\e[0m' ; fi\`:\w\n\$  

Looks like this 'laptop' is green and the rest is default terminal foreground, of course.

laptop:~/bin $  


I like the prompt to tell roughly how long previous command took to execute. Like this:

0:007 /home/jcl 0$ sleep 1
1:012 /home/jcl 0$

It can be implemented like this:

bold='\[\e[1m\]' plain='\[\e[0m\]'  set_begin() {   if [ -z "$begin" ]   then     begin="$(date +"%s %N")"   fi }  calc_elapsed() {   read begin_s begin_ns 


My prompt:

[Fri Sep 19 10:33 AM]
[nat@Forge ~]$

#################################3 ## File used for defining $PS1  bash_prompt_command() { # How many characters of the $PWD should be kept local pwdmaxlen=25 # Indicate that there has been dir truncation local trunc_symbol=".." local dir=${PWD##*/} pwdmaxlen=$(( ( pwdmaxlen 


I've had this as my bash prompt for a long time:

 PS1="(\d \t) (\u@\h:\w)\nbash> " export PS1 


I use a custom version of Glandium.org's "Adding some VCS information in bash prompt" prompt. The biggest thing I've done pulled out the VCS collection bits into a separate script.

This prompt is great because it gives me a lot of information I need to know about the current project I'm working on, based in VCS information. I've also customized mine to show command return results, Screen window number, user and machine names, and the current time. It's pretty long (42 characters or more) but I use wide terminals, so it's not a big deal.

For instance, my current prompt (after a bit of editing) looks like:


Which means last command had a result of 0, in screen window 1, as michael logged into hal. Current directory is a Git working directory for proj1, inside branch topic/fix-123 in directory app at 10:50 am. Logged in as a regular user.

BTW, if anyone would like my customized script, please let me know... I'll be happy to put it either here or somewhere else easily accessible.


I modified the original poster's example a bit:

function exitstatus {      EXITSTATUS="$?"     BOLD="\[\033[1m\]"     RED="\[\033[0;31m\]"     GREEN="\[\e[0;32m\]"     BLUE="\[\e[34m\]"     OFF="\[\033[m\]"      HOST="\h"     USER="\u"     DIR="\w"     NEWLINE="\n"     DATE="\d"     TIME="\t"      PROMPT="\[\033]0;${USER}@${HOST}: \w\007\n${RED}${TIME} ${DATE} [${USER}@${HOST}:[${BLUE}\w${RED}]"      if [ "${EXITSTATUS}" -eq 0 ]     then         PS1="${PROMPT} [${GREEN}${EXITSTATUS}${RED}]${OFF}\n$ "     else         PS1="${PROMPT} [${BOLD}${EXITSTATUS}${RED}]${OFF}\n$ "     fi      PS2="${BOLD}>${OFF} " }  PROMPT_COMMAND=exitstatus 


I like to keep it (relatively) simple:


PS1='\u@\h:\w> ' export PS1 



function prompt_err {    if test "$?" -eq 0; then PS1=': \W$; '; else PS1=': \W [ERROR#$?]$; '; fi } PROMPT_COMMAND=prompt_err PS2='    ' 


  • show the directory name
  • allow to copy/paste the whole line into another shell to re-execute the same command, ignoring the prompt
  • if the previous command exit status was not 0, print a visible ERROR with status code
  • secondary prompt are spaces to allow copy/paste


I like this:

\[\033[33m\][\u@\[\033[1;31m\]\h]\]\033[0m {\W}\n\033[1;34m\]\w\]\033[0m > 

it puts

[name]@[hostname] [pwd] > 

with [name] in yellow, [hostname] in red and [pwd] in blue


PS1="\n\e[30;1mUSER ( \e[0m\e[33;1m\w\e[0m\e[30;1m )\e[0m\e[33;33m\n$ \e[0m" 


Mine, at home, is pretty simple:


At work, we have a concept of 'environments' for the production and test users, and the prompt is

(env;sub-env) [user@machinename:/full/CWD]$ 
