R ggplot2 heatmap fixed scale color between graphs

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:39:01


I need to draw 3 different plots setting the same scale range color. I have 3 matrices with different range of values.

For example:

range(matrixA)  # 0.60 0.85   range(matrixB)  # 0.65 0.95   range(matrixA)  # 0.5 1.0

I would like to have the same color fill for the plots. For example, for all 0.8 value in the difference plots, if in the first plot 0.8 orange, I want all 0.8 value in different graphs to be the same orange.

My problem in this moment is:

In the first plot, the color of the max value is red, then the value 0.85 is red.

In the second plot, the max value is red but in this case the max value is 0.95 and the problem arises.

My code:

mat.melted <- melt(matrixA) colnames(mat.melted) <- c("p","c","v") p <- ggplot(mat.melted, aes(x=c,y=p,fill=v) +           geom-tile() +           scale_fill_gradintn(limits = c(min(as.vector(matrixA)), max(as.vector(matrixA))),                               colors = c("yellow","orange","red"))


You need to set the range (limits of color bar) same for all of them and also specify the colors for it.

rng = range(matrixA, matrixB, matrixC)

And add this to your ggplot code:

g + scale_fill_gradient2(low="green", mid="lightblue", high="red", #colors in the scale                midpoint=mean(rng),    #same midpoint for plots (mean of the range)                breaks=seq(0,1,0.25), #breaks in the scale bar                limits=c(floor(rng[1]), ceiling(rng[2])))


Below is an example that helps you to get what you want:

x <- matrix(60:85, 5)/100 y <- matrix(65:95, 5)/100 z <- matrix(50:100, 5)/100   rng = range(c((x), (y), (z)))  library(reshape) library(ggplot2)  ggplot(data = melt(x)) + geom_tile(aes(x=X1,y=X2,fill = value)) +   scale_fill_gradient2(low="green", mid="lightblue", high="red", #colors in the scale                    midpoint=mean(rng),    #same midpoint for plots (mean of the range)                    breaks=seq(0,1,0.25), #breaks in the scale bar                    limits=c(floor(rng[1]), ceiling(rng[2]))) + #same limits for plots                    ggtitle("X")  ggplot(data = melt(y)) + geom_tile(aes(x=X1,y=X2,fill = value)) +   scale_fill_gradient2(low="green", mid="lightblue", high="red",                     midpoint=mean(rng),                       breaks=seq(0,1,0.25),                     limits=c(floor(rng[1]), ceiling(rng[2]))) +                     ggtitle("Y")                    ggplot(data = melt(z)) + geom_tile(aes(x=X1,y=X2,fill = value)) +  scale_fill_gradient2(low="green", mid="lightblue", high="red",                     midpoint=mean(rng),                        breaks=seq(0,1,0.25),                     limits=c(floor(rng[1]), ceiling(rng[2]))) +                     ggtitle("Z")   

This will give you:


Put the limits between 0.5 and 1

mat.melted <- melt(matrixA) colnames(mat.melted) <- c("p","c","v") p <- ggplot(mat.melted, aes(x=c,y=p,fill=v) +           geom-tile() +           scale_fill_gradintn(colors = c("yellow","orange","red")),limits=c(0.5,1))
