I'm trying to improve my Lotus Notes client code:
#import "...\IBM\Lotus\Notes\notes32.tlb" no_dual_interfaces raw_native_types CComPtr<IDispatch> session_dispatch; if(FAILED(session_dispatch.CoCreateInstance(_T("Notes.NotesSession")))) ... NOTESSESSION *session = static_cast<NOTESSESSION *>(*&session_dispatch);
This gives me a valid NOTESSESSION
object that is aware that it needs to go through IDispatch
to actually invoke methods.
I found some example code on the net, which looks a lot saner and assumes a later Notes version:
#import "...\IBM\Lotus\Notes\domobj.tlb" raw_interfaces_only raw_native_types CComPtr<Domino::ISession> notes; if(FAILED(notes.CoCreateInstance(_T("Notes.NotesSession")))) ...
However that returns E_NOINTERFACE
. As others claim to have similar code working, I wonder what may be going on here, and humbly ask whether anyone else has working code to instantiate a Session object and get a working interface pointer.