I use successfully a script for web automation from this site: heise web automation
I know it is in german, but perhaps someone can help.
The important part of the e-plus website:
Benutzername: Passwort:
the part of the Powershell script:
$script:ie = New-Object -comobject InternetExplorer.Application $ie.visible = $false $ie.silent = $true # $ie.Navigate("https://www.eplus.de/login/login.asp") LadenWarten(1) # $ie.Document.getElementById("IDToken1OL").value = $user $ie.Document.getElementById("IDToken2OL").value = $passwort $ie.Document.getElementsByTagName("a") | foreach { if ($_.href -eq "javascript:SSO_Submit()") { $_.Click() } }
the getElementById worked for ie8 but now I have updated to ie9 and it is not working anymore.
the errormessage:
+ $ie.Document.getElementById
the count of the arguments is wrong.
all I was able to find was a hint, that in ie9 getElementById changed.
can anybody help?
Thanks, David