Docker Compose - Share named volume between multiple containers

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:27:01


I'm using docker-compose and v3. I'm trying to mount a volume in docker:


I'd like to have this as a volume and then reference that volume from multiple containers. The volume configuration reference only shows data-volume: as a named volume, with no value, so it doesn't look like the above.

services:      nginx:         build: ./nginx/         ports:             - 80:80         links:             - php         volumes:             - app-volume      php:         build: ./php/         expose:             - 9000         volumes:             - app-volume  volumes:      app-volume: ./appdata:/appdata

This gives me:

ERROR: In file './docker-compose.yml', volume 'app-volume' must be a mapping not a string.

Obviously I know I need to change the volumes key/value pair, but I'm not sure how to change this so I can share a volume between services.

I've also checked out volumes_from but this effectively just allows inheritance from other containers. I've seen someone use volumes_from on another container that contains the mapping they want, but with command: true set so that the container is never actually run, which to me just seems like a hack.

How can I do this?

Note, I do have the following working:

nginx:     volumes:         - ./appdata:/appdata php:     volumes:         - ./appdata:/appdata

But that's just duplication and is something I'm hoping a named volume could help me avoid :-)


The named volumes can be shared across containers in the following way

services:      nginx:         build: ./nginx/         ports:             - 80:80         links:             - php         volumes:             - app-volume: location_in_the_container      php:         build: ./php/         expose:             - 9000         volumes:             - app-volume: location_in_the_container  volumes:      app-volume: 

heres an example config that i use for better understanding. I'm exposing the static files generated from my web container to a named volume called static-content which is then read and served by the nginx container

services:   nginx:     container_name: nginx     build: ./nginx/      volumes:       - static-content:/usr/src/app    web:     container_name: web     env_file: .env     volumes:       - static-content:/usr/src/app/public     environment:       - NODE_ENV=production      command: npm run package  volumes:   static-content:


This solves it without using named volumes:

      volumes:           - ./appdata:/appdata

So, it looks like:

services:    nginx:       build: ./nginx/       ports:           - 80:80       links:           - php       volumes:           - ./appdata:/appdata    php:       build: ./php/       expose:           - 9000       volumes:           - ./appdata:/appdata
