I have 6 HTTP micro-services. Currently they run in a crazy bash/custom deploy tools setup (dokku, mup).
I dockerized them and moved to kubernetes on AWS (setup with kop). The last piece is converting my nginx config.
I'd like
- All 6 to have SSL termination (not in the docker image)
- 4 need websockets and client IP session affinity (Meteor, Socket.io)
- 5 need http->https forwarding
- 1 serves the same content on http and https
I did 1. SSL termination setting the service type to LoadBalancer and using AWS specific annotations. This created AWS load balancers, but this seems like a dead end for the other requirements.
I looked at Ingress, but don't see how to do it on AWS. Will this Ingress Controller work on AWS?
Do I need an nginx controller in each pod? This looked interesting, but I'm not sure how recent/relevant it is.
I'm not sure what direction to start in. What will work?
You should be able to use the nginx ingress controller to accomplish this.
- SSL termination
- Websocket support
- http->https
- Turn off the http->https redirect, as described in the link above
The README walks you through how to set it up, and there are plenty of examples.
The basic pieces you need to make this work are:
- A default backend that will respond with 404 when there is no matching Ingress rule
- The nginx ingress controller which will monitor your ingress rules and rewrite/reload nginx.conf whenever they change.
- One or more ingress rules that describe how traffic should be routed to your services.
The end result is that you will have a single ELB that corresponds to your nginx ingress controller service, which in turn is responsible for routing to your individual services according to the ingress rules specified.
There may be a better way to do this. I wrote this answer because I asked the question. It's the best I could come up with Pixel Elephant's doc links above.
The default-http-backend is very useful for debugging. +1
- this creates an endpoint on the node's IP address, which can change depending on where the Ingress Container is running
- note the configmap at the bottom. Configured per environment.
(markdown placeholder because no ```)
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: annotations: kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx" name: all-ingress spec: tls: - hosts: - admin-stage.example.io secretName: tls-secret rules: - host: admin-stage.example.io http: paths: - backend: serviceName: admin servicePort: http-port path: / --- apiVersion: v1 data: enable-sticky-sessions: "true" proxy-read-timeout: "7200" proxy-send-imeout: "7200" kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: nginx-load-balancer-conf
App Service and Deployment
- the service port needs to be named, or you may get "upstream default-admin-80 does not have any active endpoints. Using default backend"
(markdown placeholder because no ```)
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: admin spec: ports: - name: http-port port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: http-port selector: app: admin sessionAffinity: ClientIP type: ClusterIP --- apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: admin spec: replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: admin name: admin spec: containers: - image: example/admin:latest name: admin ports: - containerPort: 80 name: http-port resources: requests: cpu: 500m memory: 1000Mi volumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/env-volume name: config readOnly: true imagePullSecrets: - name: cloud.docker.com-pull volumes: - name: config secret: defaultMode: 420 items: - key: admin.sh mode: 256 path: env.sh - key: settings.json mode: 256 path: settings.json secretName: env-secret
Ingress Nginx Docker Image
- note default-ssl-certificate at bottom
- logging is great
below - note the Service will create an ELB on AWS which can be used to configure DNS.
(markdown placeholder because no ```)
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: nginx-ingress-service spec: ports: - name: http-port port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: http-port - name: https-port port: 443 protocol: TCP targetPort: https-port selector: app: nginx-ingress-service sessionAffinity: None type: LoadBalancer --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ReplicationController metadata: name: nginx-ingress-controller labels: k8s-app: nginx-ingress-lb spec: replicas: 1 selector: k8s-app: nginx-ingress-lb template: metadata: labels: k8s-app: nginx-ingress-lb name: nginx-ingress-lb spec: terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60 containers: - image: gcr.io/google_containers/nginx-ingress-controller:0.8.3 name: nginx-ingress-lb imagePullPolicy: Always readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /healthz port: 10254 scheme: HTTP livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /healthz port: 10254 scheme: HTTP initialDelaySeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 1 # use downward API env: - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.name - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace ports: - name: http-port containerPort: 80 hostPort: 80 - name: https-port containerPort: 443 hostPort: 443 # we expose 18080 to access nginx stats in url /nginx-status # this is optional - containerPort: 18080 hostPort: 18080 args: - /nginx-ingress-controller - --default-backend-service=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/default-http-backend - --default-ssl-certificate=default/tls-secret - --nginx-configmap=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/nginx-load-balancer-conf - --v=2
Default Backend (this is copy/paste from .yaml file)
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: default-http-backend labels: k8s-app: default-http-backend spec: ports: - port: 80 targetPort: 8080 protocol: TCP name: http selector: k8s-app: default-http-backend --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ReplicationController metadata: name: default-http-backend spec: replicas: 1 selector: k8s-app: default-http-backend template: metadata: labels: k8s-app: default-http-backend spec: terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60 containers: - name: default-http-backend # Any image is permissable as long as: # 1. It serves a 404 page at / # 2. It serves 200 on a /healthz endpoint image: gcr.io/google_containers/defaultbackend:1.0 livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /healthz port: 8080 scheme: HTTP initialDelaySeconds: 30 timeoutSeconds: 5 ports: - containerPort: 8080 resources: limits: cpu: 10m memory: 20Mi requests: cpu: 10m memory: 20Mi
This config uses three secrets:
- tls-secret - 3 files: tls.key, tls.crt, dhparam.pem
- env-secret - 2 files: admin.sh and settings.json. Container has start script to setup environment.
- cloud.docker.com-pull