Are there any .NET CLR/DLR implementations of ECMAScript?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:44:02


Does anyone know of real (i.. no vaporware) implementations of ECMAScript targeting the .NET CLR/DLR? Ideally something like what Rhino is for Java. A solid port of Rhino running on .NET Framework / Mono Framework would be perfect.

I've only seen a handful of projects mentioned but never seen any come to light or in reality anything that I've ever been able to run script on. Here's what I know about already:

  • MSScriptControl ActiveX Control: AFAIK, this was Microsoft's last real ECMAScript-compliant implementaiton (runs JScript 5.7). I've integrated with MSScriptControl but don't consider COM interop to be an answer to this question. x64 is a killer for this option.

  • JScript.NET: I don't count JScript.NET as it could never successfully parse any of my real scripts. It seems to have trouble with closures.

  • Managed JScript: Sounds like what I want but it appears to be dead in the water. It was a major example implementation for the DLR but then got entangled with SilverLight and seems to have faded as a priority since 2007. Creditable sources on the status of this would be helpful.

  • MyJScript: Built as a tutorial implementation for the DLR. Anyone know how complete of an implementation this is?

  • Jint: JavaScript interpreter for .NET. Doesn't as of yet support Currying or try-catch-finally.

  • RemObjects Script for .NET: An interesting contender still in the works. I'm confused by their marketing as to what it will actually be, but it sounds like it might eventually be a fit. If anyone knows more about it that would be helpful as well.

  • V8 for .NET: This would be great if someone ported V8 to .NET. As far as I know there isn't a large effort around this either. The link is to an idea for calling into it from a managed C++ wrapper.

For background, I want to be able to execute JavaScript from within .NET; i.e. load up a set of scripts into context and call into that context and retrieve the execution results. Currently I jump through hoops to use MSScriptControl via cumbersome COM Interop. The inconsistency of COM makes it really tough for deployment and ensuring consistent execution.

I'd like to be able to execute reasonably complex JavaScript test harnesses from within .NET. This isn't for creating user macros or simple tiny scripts; I need a real JavaScript environment like Rhino. If the implementation was running on top of the CLR (rather than COM) this would really help with some of the current issues.


Currently, I've modified a version of the EcmaScript.NET inside my YUICompressor.NET port (project).

If you grab the source code from here, I've included my modified code in the project, which you can reference. This is the only source of code i've found in .NET which can handle parsing javascript, server side.

Unfortunately, I can't remember how I finally found it. It was a tough process, I must admit. I think i found some references Mozilla dev pages somewhere about Rhino (the java code) which led me to finding that C# .NET implimentation.

I had to modify it slighty to sync up with some changes the YUI Compressor guys did to their code branch. So the modified branch I have might not be the best .. but it's the closest I've seen to the original Java branch.

The original c# code for EcmaScript.NET hasn't been touched since 2007 ... at least for the downloads page.

Maybe this might help??



Nobody has mentioned jurassic I do not know how good it is in general (performance, usability, etc) but at least it parses pretty complex scripts (other implementations do not) and it supports ECMAScript 5 spec. I just add the link here for reference.


Still Roughly alive:

  • Jurassic (Had a commit within the last year.)
  • Jint (currently taking pull requests.)

Other Projects, Mostly Dead:

Crazy Method:

  • Rhino over IKVM (Mentioned in comments, but here's a link to more information about doing it.)


Nobody's mentioned ClearScript, so ClearScript.

It's not an implementation; it's an interop wrapper that supports V8, JScript and VBScript, with a really nice API to call into them from .NET code.

Example code from the CodePlex page:

using System; using Microsoft.ClearScript; using Microsoft.ClearScript.V8;  // create a script engine using (var engine = new V8ScriptEngine()) {     // expose a host type     engine.AddHostType("Console", typeof(Console));     engine.Execute("Console.WriteLine('{0} is an interesting number.', Math.PI)");      // expose a host object     engine.AddHostObject("random", new Random());     engine.Execute("Console.WriteLine(random.NextDouble())");      // expose entire assemblies     engine.AddHostObject("lib", new HostTypeCollection("mscorlib", "System.Core"));     engine.Execute("Console.WriteLine(lib.System.DateTime.Now)");      // create a host object from script     engine.Execute(@"         birthday = new lib.System.DateTime(2007, 5, 22);         Console.WriteLine(birthday.ToLongDateString());     ");      // use a generic class from script     engine.Execute(@"         Dictionary = lib.System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary;         dict = new Dictionary(lib.System.String, lib.System.Int32);         dict.Add('foo', 123);     ");      // call a host method with an output parameter     engine.AddHostObject("host", new HostFunctions());     engine.Execute(@"         intVar = host.newVar(lib.System.Int32);         found = dict.TryGetValue('foo', intVar.out);         Console.WriteLine('{0} {1}', found, intVar);     ");      // create and populate a host array     engine.Execute(@"         numbers = host.newArr(lib.System.Int32, 20);         for (var i = 0; i 


You can take a look at Jint ( which is an open-source ECMAScript interpreter.


Newly rewritten version available on Github at


You should try Javascript .NET ( on Codeplex. They wrapped v8 with managed C++ and then you can use this library with a .NET application and it works like a charm. The open source offers some pretty good features if you ask me.



You can use and it will actually work with arbitrary javascript code; You just need to turn off "fast mode" by compiling with jsc /fast- bar.js

I have not tested this; I just noticed it while reading this post and figured it would be another reasonable solution. MSDN Has the docs for this option and what the limitations are if you don't use it.



This one is probably the best one I've come across yet.

Plus its been built from the beginning with a Mono port in mind. It gives you full control over the power of the V8 engine from managed code.


I prefer JINT rather than the others.

JINT may be slow, but it is easy to debug and to interact your own .NET classes. (It is hard to set [ComVisile] attributes every time for jscript.dll etc).

In terms of threading, JINT and Jurassic work as I expected. In order to work with JScript engine or Google V8, you have to pay attention to UI-threading issue.

However, JINT is out-dated in some aspect, because I have trouble to compile JQuery 1.5 or later.

I hope Jurassic can remove its limit to stick its own class to work with by creating 'AllowBob'sCLRClass=true'.

I have to re-write the entire class. It is hard...
