- 数据格式:
- 1
- 返回结果
{"status":"是否成功","result":"返回结果","msg":"异常原因"} enum status:["success","failed"]
server { listen 80; server_name localhost; # 配置保存的文件夹 set $prefix "/data"; location /uploadimage { # 配置是否每次lua更改都生效,适合调试时使用 # lua_code_cache off; # 配置lua脚本 content_by_lua_file /openresty-web/luascript/luascript; } # 用来配合理解传入到nginx的报文结构 location /uploadtest{ # lua_code_cache off; content_by_lua_file /openresty-web/luascript/luauploadtest; } error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { root html; } }
package.path = '/openresty-web/lualib/resty/?.lua;' local upload = require "upload" local cjson = require("cjson") Result={status="success",result="",msg=""} Result.__index=Result function Result.conSuccess(ret) ret["status"]="success" ret["result"]="upload success" return ret end function Result.conFailed(ret,err) ret["status"]="failed" ret["msg"]=err ret["result"]="upload failed" return ret end function Result:new() local ret={} setmetatable({},Result) return ret end -- lua-resty-upload local chunk_size = 4096 local form = upload:new(chunk_size) if not form then ngx.say(cjson.encode(Result.conFailed(Result:new(),"plase upload right info"))) return end local file local filelen=0 form:set_timeout(0) -- 1 sec local filename local prefix=ngx.var.prefix -- 匹配文件名,当前案例用于判断是否是文件模块 function get_filename(res) local filename = ngx.re.match(res,'(.+)filename="(.+)"(.*)') if filename then return filename[2] end end -- 用来开启输入流,当文件夹不存在时自动创建 function openstream(fileinfo,opt) local file,err=io.open(prefix..fileinfo["fileDir"],"r") if not file then local start=string.find(err,"No such file or directory") if start then local exeret=os.execute("mkdir -p "..prefix..fileinfo["fileDir"]) if exeret ~= 0 then return nil,"Make directory failed" end else return nil,err end end file,err=io.open(prefix..fileinfo["fileDir"]..fileinfo["fileName"],opt) return file,err end local osfilepath local tmpfiletbl local hasFile=false local loopfile=false local fileinfostr local fileinfo local result=Result:new() -- 循环读取文件和文件信息 while true do local typ, res, err = form:read() if not typ then break end if typ == "header" then if res[1] ~= "Content-Type" then filename = get_filename(res[2]) if filename then loopfile=true hasFile=true -- 判断是否有文件信息 -- 如果没有记录内存 if fileinfo then file,err=openstream(fileinfo,"w") if not file then break end else tmpfiletbl={} end else loopfile = false fileinfostr = "" end end end if loopfile then if typ == "body" then if file then filelen= filelen + tonumber(string.len(res)) file:write(res) else table.insert(tmpfiletbl,res) end elseif typ == "part_end" then if file then file:close() file = nil end end else if typ == "body" then fileinfostr=fileinfostr .. res elseif typ == "part_end" then fileinfo = cjson.decode(fileinfostr) end end if typ == "eof" then break end end if not hasFile then err="plase upload file" elseif not fileinfo or not fileinfo["fileDir"] or not fileinfo["fileName"] then err="plase offer file info" end if err then ngx.log(ngx.ERR,err) Result.conFailed(result,err) ngx.say(cjson.encode(result)) return end -- 因为有文件信息在文件之后传送的 -- 所以需要将输入到内存中的文件信息打印到磁盘 if tmpfiletbl and table.getn(tmpfiletbl) > 0 then file,err=openstream(fileinfo,"w") if not file then ngx.log(ngx.ERR,err) Result.conFailed(result,err) ngx.say(cjson.encode(result)) return else for index,value in ipairs(tmpfiletbl) do filelen= filelen + tonumber(string.len(value)) file:write(value) end file:close() file=nil end end Result.conSuccess(result) ngx.say(cjson.encode(result))
local upload = require "resty.upload" local cjson = require "cjson" local chunk_size = 5 -- should be set to 4096 or 8192 -- for real-world settings local form, err = upload:new(chunk_size) if not form then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to new upload: ", err) ngx.exit(500) end form:set_timeout(1000) -- 1 sec while true do local typ, res, err = form:read() if not typ then ngx.say("failed to read: ", err) return end ngx.say("read: ", cjson.encode({typ, res})) if typ == "eof" then break end end local typ, res, err = form:read() ngx.say("read: ", cjson.encode({typ, res}))
package cn.com.cgbchina.image; import cn.com.cgbchina.image.exception.ImageDeleteException; import cn.com.cgbchina.image.exception.ImageUploadException; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; /** * Created by 11140721050130 on 16-3-22. */ public interface ImageServer { /** * 删除文件 * * @param fileName 文件名 * @return 是否删除成功 */ boolean delete(String fileName) throws ImageDeleteException; /** * * @param originalName 原始文件名 * @param file 文件 * @return 文件上传后的相对路径 */ String upload(String originalName, MultipartFile file) throws ImageUploadException; }
package cn.com.cgbchina.image.nginx; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; /** * Comment: 用来保存返回结果, * 原本想放入到LuaImageServiceImpl的内部类中, * 但是Jackson不支持,没法反序列化 * Created by ldaokun2006 on 2017/10/24. */ @Setter @Getter public class LuaResult{ private LuaResultStatus status; private String result; private String msg; private String httpUrl; public LuaResult(){} public void setStatus(String result){ status=LuaResultStatus.valueOf(result.toUpperCase()); } public enum LuaResultStatus{ SUCCESS,FAILED; } }
package cn.com.cgbchina.image.nginx; import cn.com.cgbchina.common.utils.DateHelper; import cn.com.cgbchina.image.ImageServer; import cn.com.cgbchina.image.exception.ImageDeleteException; import cn.com.cgbchina.image.exception.ImageUploadException; import com.github.kevinsawicki.http.HttpRequest; import com.google.common.base.Splitter; import com.spirit.util.JsonMapper; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import java.io.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * Comment: 实现文件上传功能 * Created by ldaokun2006 on 2017/10/16. */ @Service @Slf4j public class LuaImageServiceImpl implements ImageServer{ // 存放nginx服务器url的,某些架构会有多个放置图片的地方 private List<String> httpUrls; private ExecutorService fixedThreadPool ; private Integer timeout; private int threadSize=50; public LuaImageServiceImpl(String httpUrls){ this(httpUrls,30000); } /** * * @param httpUrls 存放nginx服务器url * @param timeout http超时时间 */ public LuaImageServiceImpl(String httpUrls,int timeout){ this.httpUrls=Splitter.on(";").splitToList(httpUrls); // 没啥看得,就是想让线程池的名字易懂些 this.fixedThreadPool= new ThreadPoolExecutor(threadSize, threadSize, 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(),new ThreadFactory(){ private final AtomicInteger poolNumber = new AtomicInteger(1); private final ThreadGroup group; private final AtomicInteger threadNumber = new AtomicInteger(1); private final String namePrefix; { SecurityManager s = System.getSecurityManager(); group = (s != null) ? s.getThreadGroup() : Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(); namePrefix = "LuaUploadPool-" + poolNumber.getAndIncrement() + "-thread-"; } public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { Thread t = new Thread(group, r, namePrefix + threadNumber.getAndIncrement(), 0); if (t.isDaemon()) t.setDaemon(false); if (t.getPriority() != Thread.NORM_PRIORITY) t.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY); return t; } }); this.timeout=timeout; } /** * Comment: 没必要开发删除功能 * @param fileName 文件名 * @return * @throws ImageDeleteException */ @Override public boolean delete(String fileName) throws ImageDeleteException { return true; } /** * Commont: 用来给SpringMVC用 * @param originalName 原始文件名 * @param file 文件 * @return * @throws ImageUploadException */ @Override public String upload(String originalName, MultipartFile file) throws ImageUploadException { try { return this.upload(originalName,file.getInputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("upload fail : " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new ImageUploadException("upload fail : "+e.getMessage(),e); } } /** * Commont: 上传图片核心代码 * @param originalName 原始文件名 * @param inputStream 要上传文件的文件流 * @return * @throws ImageUploadException */ private String upload(String originalName,InputStream inputStream) throws ImageUploadException { ByteArrayOutputStream byteOutStream = null; try { //准备数据 byte[] tmpData=new byte[1024]; byte[] inputData; byteOutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int len=0; while((len=inputStream.read(tmpData,0,tmpData.length))!=-1){ byteOutStream.write(tmpData,0,len); } inputData=byteOutStream.toByteArray(); LuaSend sendInfo = new LuaSend(generateFileDir(),generateFileName(originalName)); List<Future<LuaResult>> resultList=new ArrayList<>(httpUrls.size()); //发送图片 for(String httpUrl:httpUrls) { SendImg sendImg = new SendImg(httpUrl,sendInfo, inputData,this.timeout); resultList.add(fixedThreadPool.submit(sendImg)); } for(Future<LuaResult> future:resultList) { // 线程池异常在这里抛出 LuaResult resultLuaResult = future.get(); if (LuaResult.LuaResultStatus.SUCCESS != resultLuaResult.getStatus()) { throw new ImageUploadException("lua result url:"+resultLuaResult.getHttpUrl()+" msg : " + resultLuaResult.getMsg()); } } return sendInfo.toString(); }catch (Exception e){ log.error("upload fail : "+e.getMessage(),e); throw new ImageUploadException("upload fail : "+e.getMessage(),e); }finally { try { if(byteOutStream!=null) { byteOutStream.close(); } if(inputStream!=null) { inputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ImageUploadException("upload fail : "+e.getMessage(),e); } } } String separator=File.separator; String dateFormat=separator+"yyyy"+separator+"MM"+separator+"dd"+ separator; /** * Comment:根据时间做路径,防止某一个文件夹东西太多 * @return 返回要保存的路径 */ private String generateFileDir(){ return DateHelper.date2string(new Date(),dateFormat); } /** * Comment: 用UUID防止文件名重复 * @param originalName 源文件名字 * @return 要保存的文件名 */ private String generateFileName(String originalName){ return UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } /** * Comment: 用来发送图片的 */ @AllArgsConstructor class SendImg implements Callable<LuaResult>{ private String httpUrl; private LuaSend sendInfo; private byte[] inputStream; private Integer timeout; @Override public LuaResult call() throws Exception { try { String resultStr = HttpRequest .post(httpUrl, false) .part("fileInfo", JsonMapper.JSON_NON_EMPTY_MAPPER.toJson(sendInfo)) // 这个地方有个坑,part上传图片必须要用这个方式, // 不能用没有Content-Type和fileName的 .part("file", sendInfo.getFileName(), "multipart/form-data; boundary=00content0boundary00", new ByteArrayInputStream(inputStream)) .connectTimeout(timeout).body(); log.info("result:"+resultStr); LuaResult result = JsonMapper.JSON_NON_DEFAULT_MAPPER.fromJson(resultStr, LuaResult.class); result.setHttpUrl(httpUrl); return result; }catch(Exception e){ throw new ImageUploadException("upload failed url:"+httpUrl+" info:"+sendInfo.toString(),e); } } } /** * Comment:文件数据 */ @Setter @Getter @AllArgsConstructor class LuaSend { // 文件目录 private String fileDir; // 文件名 private String fileName; @Override public String toString(){ return fileDir+fileName; } } /** * Comment:测试用 * @param args * @throws ImageUploadException * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws ImageUploadException, FileNotFoundException { LuaImageServiceImpl service=new LuaImageServiceImpl(""); try { System.out.println(service.upload("qqqqq", new FileInputStream("D:\\shsh.txt"))); }finally { service.fixedThreadPool.shutdown(); } } }
- 上传两个图片或图片信息时系统只保留最后一个信息
- 图片和图片信息可以随意放置,但是这两个必须成对发送,建议先发送图片信息后发送图片,这样图片不用在lua处保存到内存中
- 上传大图片时会出现文件太大的提示,需要在nginx配置文件中添加
client_max_body_size 100M;
- Http Header的Content-Type必须使用
- 传送图片HttpRequest.part上传图片必须写明Content-type和fileName,不然不好用但是Content-type不用非的用例子上的方式
- 图片信息必须拷贝成byte型,因为多线程使用时需要各自发送
- 传送图片HttpRequest.part上传图片必须写明Content-type,不然不好用
- Jackson和fastjson对于需要反序列化的类,必须有无参构造函数,并且不能是内部类
- lua的string.find如果没有找到,返回结果为
- CSDN的编辑器,无需功能不好用
- HttpRequest.part用来上传
- lua的使用:http://www.runoob.com/lua/lua-tutorial.html
- openresty的api:http://openresty.org/cn/components.html
文章来源: openresty实现图片(文件)服务器