// This file ispart of the OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSEfile found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at // //[1] David S. Bolme et al. "Visual Object Trackingusing Adaptive Correlation Filters" // // // // credits: // Kun-Hsin Chen: for initial c++ code // Cracki: for the idea of only converting the usedpatch to gray // #include "opencv2/tracking.hpp" namespace cv { namespace tracking { struct DummyModel :TrackerModel { virtual void modelUpdateImpl(){} virtual void modelEstimationImpl( const std::vector<Mat>& ){} }; const double eps=0.00001; // fornormalization const double rate=0.2; //learning rate const double psrThreshold=5.7; //no detection, if PSR is smaller than this struct MosseImpl :TrackerMOSSE { protected: Point2d center;//center of the bounding box Size size; //size ofthe bounding box Mat hanWin; Mat G; //goal Mat H, A,B; //state // Element-wisedivision of complex numbers in src1 and src2 Mat divDFTs( const Mat &src1, const Mat &src2 ) const { Mat c1[2],c2[2],a1,a2,s1,s2,denom,re,im; // split into re and im per src cv::split(src1, c1); cv::split(src2, c2); // (Re2*Re2 + Im2*Im2) = denom // denom is same forboth channels cv::multiply(c2[0], c2[0], s1); cv::multiply(c2[1], c2[1], s2); cv::add(s1,s2, denom); // (Re1*Re2 + Im1*Im1)/(Re2*Re2 + Im2*Im2) = Re cv::multiply(c1[0], c2[0], a1); cv::multiply(c1[1], c2[1], a2); cv::divide(a1+a2, denom, re, 1.0 ); // (Im1*Re2 - Re1*Im2)/(Re2*Re2 + Im2*Im2) = Im cv::multiply(c1[1], c2[0], a1); cv::multiply(c1[0], c2[1], a2); cv::divide(a1+a2, denom, im, -1.0); // Merge Re and Im back into a complex matrix Mat dst,chn[] = {re,im}; cv::merge(chn, 2, dst); return dst; } void preProcess( Mat &window) const { window.convertTo(window, CV_32F); log(window+ 1.0f, window); //normalize Scalarmean,StdDev; meanStdDev(window, mean, StdDev); window =(window-mean[0]) /(StdDev[0]+eps); //Gaussain weighting window =window.mul(hanWin); } double correlate( const Mat &image_sub, Point&delta_xy ) const//计算相对位移 { MatIMAGE_SUB, RESPONSE, response; // filter in dft space dft(image_sub, IMAGE_SUB, DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT); mulSpectrums(IMAGE_SUB, H, RESPONSE, 0, true ); idft(RESPONSE, response, DFT_SCALE|DFT_REAL_OUTPUT); // update center position double maxVal; Point maxLoc; minMaxLoc(response, 0, &maxVal, 0, &maxLoc); delta_xy.x= maxLoc.x - int(response.size().width/2); delta_xy.y= maxLoc.y - int(response.size().height/2); // normalize response Scalarmean,std; meanStdDev(response, mean, std); return (maxVal-mean[0]) / (std[0]+eps); // PSR } Mat randWarp( const Mat& a ) const { cv::RNGrng(8031965); // random rotation double C=0.1; double ang = rng.uniform(-C,C); double c=cos(ang), s=sin(ang); // affine warp matrix Mat_<float> W(2,3); W <<c + rng.uniform(-C,C), -s + rng.uniform(-C,C), 0, s +rng.uniform(-C,C), c +rng.uniform(-C,C), 0; // random translation Mat_<float> center_warp(2, 1); center_warp << a.cols/2, a.rows/2; W.col(2) = center_warp - (W.colRange(0, 2))*center_warp; Mat warped; warpAffine(a, warped, W, a.size(), BORDER_REFLECT); return warped; } virtual bool initImpl( const Mat& image, const Rect2d& boundingBox ) { model =makePtr<DummyModel>(); Mat img; if (image.channels() == 1) img =image; else cvtColor(image, img, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); int w = getOptimalDFTSize(int(boundingBox.width)); int h = getOptimalDFTSize(int(boundingBox.height)); //Get the center position int x1 = int(floor((2*boundingBox.x+boundingBox.width-w)/2)); int y1 = int(floor((2*boundingBox.y+boundingBox.height-h)/2)); center.x =x1 + (w)/2; center.y =y1 + (h)/2; size.width= w; size.height= h; Mat window; getRectSubPix(img, size, center, window); createHanningWindow(hanWin, size, CV_32F); // goal Matg=Mat::zeros(size,CV_32F);<float>(h/2, w/2) = 1; GaussianBlur(g, g, Size(-1,-1),2.0); double maxVal; minMaxLoc(g, 0,&maxVal); g = g /maxVal; dft(g, G,DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT); // initial A,B and H A =Mat::zeros(G.size(), G.type()); B =Mat::zeros(G.size(), G.type()); for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { Matwindow_warp = randWarp(window); preProcess(window_warp); MatWINDOW_WARP, A_i, B_i; dft(window_warp, WINDOW_WARP, DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT); mulSpectrums(G ,WINDOW_WARP, A_i, 0, true); mulSpectrums(WINDOW_WARP, WINDOW_WARP, B_i, 0, true); A+=A_i; B+=B_i; } H =divDFTs(A,B); return true; } virtual bool updateImpl( const Mat& image,Rect2d& boundingBox ) { if (H.empty()) // not initialized return false; Matimage_sub; getRectSubPix(image, size, center, image_sub); if (image_sub.channels() != 1) cvtColor(image_sub, image_sub, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); preProcess(image_sub); Pointdelta_xy; double PSR =correlate(image_sub, delta_xy); if (PSR < psrThreshold) return false; //update location center.x +=delta_xy.x; center.y +=delta_xy.y; Matimg_sub_new; getRectSubPix(image, size, center, img_sub_new); if (img_sub_new.channels() !=1) cvtColor(img_sub_new, img_sub_new, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); preProcess(img_sub_new); // new state for A and B Mat F, A_new,B_new; dft(img_sub_new, F, DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT); mulSpectrums(G, F, A_new, 0, true ); mulSpectrums(F, F, B_new, 0, true ); // update A ,B, and H A = A*(1-rate) + A_new*rate; B = B*(1-rate) + B_new*rate; H =divDFTs(A, B); // return tracked rect double x=center.x, y=center.y; int w = size.width,h=size.height; boundingBox= Rect2d(Point2d(x-0.5*w,y-0.5*h), Point2d(x+0.5*w, y+0.5*h)); return true; } public: MosseImpl() {isInit = 0; } // dummy implementation. virtual void read( const FileNode& ){} virtual void write( FileStorage& ) const{} }; // MosseImpl } // tracking Ptr<TrackerMOSSE> TrackerMOSSE::create() { returnmakePtr<tracking::MosseImpl>(); } } // cv
是对图像预处理,MOSSE原文讲到: One issue with the FFTconvolution algorithm is that the image and the filter are mapped to thetopological structure of a torus. In other words, it connects the left edge ofthe image to the right edge, and the top to the bottom. During convolution, theimages rotate through the toroidal space instead of translating as they wouldin the spatial domain. Artificially connecting the boundaries of the imageintroducesan artifact which effects the correlation output.
This effect is reduced by following thepreprocessing steps outlined in [3]. First, the pixel values are transformedusing a log function which helps with low contrast lighting situations. Thepixel values are normalized to have a mean value of 0:0 and a norm of 1:0.Finally, the image is multiplied by a cosine window which gradually reduces thepixel values near the edge to zero. This also has the benefit that it puts moreemphasis near the center of the target.