ggplot time series plotting: group by dates

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-01 22:31:27

Since the data file has different days for each group's time, one way to get all the groups onto the same plot is to just create a new variable, giving all groups the same "dummy" date but using the actual times collected.

experiment <- data.frame(Time, Value, Group)  #creates a data frame
experiment$hms <- as.POSIXct(paste("2015-01-01", substr(experiment$Time, 12, 19)))  # pastes dummy date 2015-01-01 onto the HMS of Time

Now that you have the times with all the same date, you then can plot them easily.

experiment$Grouping <- as.factor(experiment$Group)  # gglot needed Group to be a factor, to give the lines color according to Group
ggplot(experiment, aes(x=hms, y=Value, color=Grouping)) + geom_line(size=2)

Below is the resulting image (you can change/modify the basic plot as you see fit):
