Is there a secure browser cache?

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-01 22:25:28

You'll have HTML5.0 with local database-like features. However what do you mean by secure? HTML5.0 will be secure against cross-site issues, but the user will still have full access to the data, I don't think encryption is required.

Google gears does fit, but its not a standard while HTML5.0 is, Safari supports 5.0, and I guess Opera and Firefox will too by mid 2009, if they don't already. Explorer, probably will have some buggy implementation so they can force developers to use Silverlight.

Edit: Stephen, I see you need to destroy the cache after they leave, of course unless their machine has a proximity sensor this won't be possible :) But you could have your Javascript delete everything when they Logoff for example.

Link to HTML5.0 specs,

Link to HTML5.0 Cache specs

Link to HTML5.0 session storage specs (By popular request :)
