Converting Youtube Data API V3 video duration format to standard time in PHP

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-01 22:16:33

In fact it is simple ISO8601 date. Split string with regexp like (\d+) to minutes and seconds. Then get integer part of division of minutes by 60 to get hours. Get remainder of that division to get minutes.

here is an example that should work though i didn't tested it


$hours = floor($parts[0][0]/60);
$minutes = $parts[0][0]%60;
$seconds = $parts[0][1];

acidjazz has a great solution, but there is a typo where it displays the minutes. It should be $di->i for minutes, not $di->m. You can also remove the "public static" portion if you're not using it in an object, and I took out the sprintf().

Otherwise the function works as is:

function duration($ytDuration) {

    $di = new DateInterval($ytDuration);
    $string = '';

    if ($di->h > 0) {
      $string .= $di->h.':';

    return $string.$di->i.':'.$di->s;

I would have added this as a comment to his answer, but there's the whole "You need 50 reputation to comment" BS that prevents me from sticking to the flow of this thread.

You can use php's DateInterval Class to parse it properly. For example a function in a youtube wrapper class to parse it to the format YouTube displays might look like:

  public static function duration($ytDuration) {

    $di = new DateInterval($ytDuration);
    $string = '';

    if ($di->h > 0) {
      $string .= $di->h.':';

    return $string.$di->m.':'.sprintf('%02s',$di->s);

I used @chris-z-s 's answer here , and converted it to php :

function getDurationSeconds($duration){
    foreach($matches as $match){
        //echo '<br> ========= <br>';       
        foreach($match as $portion){        
                case 'H':{  
                    $duration +=    substr($portion,0,strlen($portion)-1)*60*60;            
                case 'M':{                  
                    $duration +=substr($portion,0,strlen($portion)-1)*60;           
                case 'S':{                  
                    $duration +=    substr($portion,0,strlen($portion)-1);          
    //  echo '<br> duratrion : '.$duration;
    //echo '<br> ========= <br>';
     return $duration;


it worked with me :)

this is my solution:

preg_match('/(\d+)H/', $duration, $match);
$h = ($match[0])?filter_var($match[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT).":":'';
preg_match('/(\d+)M/', $duration, $match);
$m = filter_var($match[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT).":";
preg_match('/(\d+)S/', $youtube_date, $match);
$s = filter_var($match[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
echo: "Duration: " . $h.$m.$s;

##:##:## Time format on PHP

 function NormalizeDuration($duration){
    return '00:00';
    if(strlen($out[1])==1){ $out[1]= '0'.$out[1]; }
    if(strlen($out[2])==1){ $out[2]= '0'.$out[2]; }
    return $out[1].':'.$out[2];
    if(strlen($out[1])==1){ $out[1]= '0'.$out[1]; }
    if(strlen($out[2])==1){ $out[2]= '0'.$out[2]; }
    if(strlen($out[3])==1){ $out[3]= '0'.$out[3]; }
    return $out[1].':'.$out[2].':'.$out[3];

Use the following php function will return the YouTube video duration..For more exciting codes follow this link more code samples

    function getYoutubeDuration($vid) 
    $videoDetails =file_get_contents("".$vid."&part=contentDetails&key=AIzaSyDen99uTRRPl9VT_Ra9eAisvZSc4aZDEns");
    $videoDetails =json_decode($videoDetails, true);
    foreach ($videoDetails['items'] as $vidTime)
        $youtube_time = $vidTime['contentDetails']['duration'];
        $hours = (strlen(floor($parts[0][0]/60))<1)?floor($parts[0][0]/60):'0'.floor($parts[0][0]/60);
        $minutes = $parts[0][0]%60; (strlen($parts[0][0]%60)<1)?$parts[0][0]%60:'0'.$parts[0][0]%60;
        $seconds = $parts[0][1];(strlen($parts[0][1])<1)?$parts[0][1]:'0'.$parts[0][1];
        return $hours.":".$minutes.":".$seconds;

  echo getYoutubeDuration('J1lb3qJgfho');

May be it will be helpful for someone to get duration:

$interval = new \DateInterval($iso8601);

// in seconds:
$seconds = $interval->h * 360 + $interval->i * 60 + $interval->s;

// in "H:i:s" format:
echo $interval->format('%H:%i:%s');

As YouTube (Google) like to be difficult, they opt for non-standard formatting. So standard functions don't always work.

As such, I made this for my need's.

$length = $data['items'] ..... ['duration'];

$seconds = substr(stristr($length, 'S', true), -2, 2);
$seconds = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", '', $seconds);
$minutes =  substr(stristr($length, 'M', true), -2, 2);
$minutes = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", '', $minutes);
$hours =  substr(stristr($length, 'H', true), -2, 2);
$hours = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", '', $hours);

Solution with named groups


Examples can be found here

Python function:

def yt_time_to_seconds(time):
    regex_string = 'PT((?P<hours>\d+)H)?((?P<minutes>\d+)M)?((?P<seconds>\d+)S)?'
    regex = re.compile(regex_string)
    match = regex.match(time)
    if match:
        hours = int('hours'))
        minutes = int('minutes'))
        seconds = int('seconds'))
        return hours * 60 * 60 + minutes * 60 + seconds
    return 0
Igor Eremenko

it worked perfectly for me 100%, only you should have \ DateInterval as root

function NormalizeDuration($duration){ //pass your time
    $start = new \DateTime('@0');
    $start->add(new \DateInterval($duration));

    return $start->format('H:i:s'); //format